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Temple of Abadar

The sounds of lovely hymns can be heard echoing within and out the stone walls of the Temple. And those that enter are greeted by a pair of wood-carved keys that seem to look down at you as you pass on by. The clergy themselves are a mixture of different ancestries from Humans to Halflings to even a few dwarfs and elves. And if knowledge on Abadar or removing some sort of supernatural curse is what you seek, well then you have come to the right place. Any general member should be able to handle a majority of what you need but some things may require the attention of the Head Priestess.

Temple Services
  • Abadar's Blessing - 1 Sp or a donation to Abadar (5 Minutes)
  • Vial of Holy Water - 25 gp (1 Hour)
  • Commune Ritual - 150 gp (24 Hours)
  • Curse Removal Ritual - 200 gp/Level of Curse (24 Hours)
Temple / Church
Areti - City of Virtue 
  Important People


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