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The Architects - Croupe, Ettinghausen, & Rayner

*An excerpt from the Erathian Tome of Creation*
In the beginning there was silence followed by noise. And through this noise, The Architects were spawned into being in this great emptiness. They existed for milennia but eventually grew bored with nothingness and used thought to create this world of Odysseia into being. First the great ocean that covered all followed by the lands pulled from the great ocean and finally the inhabitants that would play out on this great new world. In the beginning, the 3 had influence in Odysseia directly but soon realized that each time they had intervened the world it had changed drastically and too quickly... They knew a change was needed if they were to continue to observe their new playground. Thus the deities as we know them were birthed to play out as proxy pieces for the Architects to have their influence done but in a much more subtle sense.

Not much is known of the Architects other than the first legend of creation which seems to be universally agreed upon by most scholars and theologicals orders throughout Odysseia. They are thought to be the masters of this world and all within it are through design by one of their wills. Even the deities as mighty as they are answer directly to an Architect who is responsible for their creation and uses them in their proxy wars to shape the ages.
Croupe, The Voice of Order is believed to be the one who does his best to bring the idea of Lawful values and order to our world. It is said that he was the one who first gave rise to law and written word to Odysseia and in kind the first of the Paladins. The Order of Voices claim that their founders had even spoken directly with The Voice of Order.
Rayner, The Hand of Chaos is responsible for anything that has been put here to shake up the general order of things from most of the first monsters to anything that can knock down what has been built up. Of what is known of The Architects through research and study, the actions of Rayner are the least understood.
And finally Ettinghausen, The Mind of Balance reluctantly must be the one to keep the scales in line between both Croupe and Rayner. As one performs an action upon Odysseia, the other seems to respond trying to thwart the others purposes. If left to their devices, Odysseia may end up being quite a different place. Although one of the Trio and a great creator in his own right, many consider Ettinghausen to truly be a servant of the people.

-Deities in Service to The Architects-
[This is not a complete list. Just the ones known by scholars at the time of writing.] 

Croupe: (Lawful) Abadar, Iomedae, Geryon,
Ettinghausen: (Neutral) Sarenrae, Nethys, Urgathoa
Rayner: (Chaotic) Lamashtu, Calistria, Cayden Cailean,


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