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Tower of Solace

At the top of the nearby ridge lies the well crafted Wooden Tower of Solace overlooking Erathia in all four directions. Scattered about the surrounding hill is a trio of wooden shacklike buildings that host the Order of Gorgon. A group of Hunters who have tasked themselves with the study and hunting of the various creatures that plague Erathia. Solace can be found temporarily for all who arrive at the tower and perhaps a traveler could learn a thing or two about protection from the Gorgon while here.   Region: Erathia
Founder: Thorald Rycroft
Leader: Arnhil Hith
City Type: Military Camp
Defenses: Outpost Tower and the Order of the Gorgon  
Population: 30 or less
Demographic: Mix of all ancestries found in Erathia
Common Languages: Common & Varisian
Primary Deity & Religion: Erastil (LG)
Key Location
  • Library of the Gorgon
  • The Gorgon's Gauntlet
General Locations
  • Ranger Hovels (Rest Area)
  • Meeting Hall (Dining/Meeting Area)
Military, Camp


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