BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


  • I. Odysseia (Age of Fangs)
    It is the year 404 in the First Age, The Age of Fangs as some in the future would call it. It would be 400 years before Zeekten would lead a band of adventurers to victory against the Demonic King and be crowned King of Eras. The world in this age is not a shining beacon of civilization as it would be in the present. Small settlements litter the various regions of Odysseia but there is no large central bastion. Eras is no more than a rundown castle and a halfbuilt temple among a small flock of shops and homes that lie near the basin of the river. The joint bridge that lead to the union of Eras and Landoras will not be built for another 200 years. With no regional alliance and a military to serve that alliance, protection falls to that of the local “noble” houses if they could even be called that and the villagers that make up each individual settlement. And so far things have not gone well for most. Monsters although still existing in distant and remote pockets of the world in the modern age, are more of a rarity. This is not so during the Age of Fangs. In this first age, what lies beyond the light of the fire is darkness and death. It is a daily occurrence that monsters plague most of the settlements around the world. And those that dare trek through the local forest, explore a nearby swamp, or even climb the nearby mountains seldom return. They are assumed to have been lost to the horrors of the dark. But… as dark as all currently seems there is a faint glimmer of hope for Odysseia. There are some who seek to do more than merely to defend against the forthcoming darkness. They plan to venture out, uproot these evils, and bring order to our world.