Éliseyabetta Conmori

Clan: Ventrue
Covenant: Circle of the Crone
Bloodline: ???
  A Curiosity of New Angeles, Élise is said to come from a time before the end; though many Kindred did. Having been appointed as representative for the Ventrue of New Angeles, she has lead her part of the council with her curiously eclectic leadership style and a Lessez-fair attitude. Though she is know to be fairly laid back, she has high expectations of her clanmates and the others within the city, holding them strictly to the letter of the law. One of the earliest adopters of the Merit based system, she is keen to find new kindred with promise and to help them rise to the positions they should be in.
  Despite her keen eye for talent and laid back attitude, those who have pushed too far have become well acquainted with the other side of the Spokeswoman's nature. With a sharp tongue and a brutal hand she has no qualms in reinforcing her station and putting down those who require the iron hand.
  Finally, she is said to be a rather adept occultist. As a member of the Circle of the Crone, she has a vast knowledge of ritual and other more rare magics.

Physical Description

Body Features

Height: 5' 6" Weight: 162 lbs.
  She has a moderate build with a tone of someone who has worked for a living. She has the curiosity of a rumour that she only has one eye, though no one knows for sure if this is true. While she carries herself with a confident gait, there is no air of arrogance, only a presence that has been honed over time.

Facial Features

Eyes: Dark Brown/Black Hair: Black
  She has an angled face, with a square jaw, and full lips. Her hair is often left loose and hangs just below the shoulder blades. Her eyes are well set, sharp and have a strange sense to peer into ones very soul. Her flesh does carry a bronze like complexion, having lightened slightly with time.

Special abilities

Other than the rumours that circulated regarding the peculiarities of her person, generally she seems rather unremarkable. To those who are able to see into the shadow, or spirits there is a VASTLY different story to be seen. As they say, when one door closes...

Apparel & Accessories

Usually she is found in her trademark clothing of linens and various styles of tatting lace. Much of her wardrobe seems to have been cultivated in times long past and prior to the end. Her clothing is well cared for and kept meticulously clean. Though her clothing seems to have a feminine touch, she is more often than not seen sporting slacks than skirts. Favouring linens and leathers. She is fond of a certain level of jewelry, Silver and platinum collar like necklaces are her usual, though she does on occasion wear more antique gold necklaces from a time long past. She often wears golden bangles around her wrist and platinum cuffs on her ears. Occasionally she is known to wear rings, though more so for special occasions. She does however wear two rings at all times, one marking her as a spokeswoman on the council, and another of older and unknown origin with a unique occult symbol from before the end.
  Her style changes with the seasons. While the tones mostly stay with earthy dyes, the materials will vary; such as wools in the winter and linens in the spring and summer. Favouring darker colours in the winter and lighter in the summer as well.

Specialized Equipment

Known for her ring of keys, a set of them is always at her belt. Various sizes and ages, the keys have a perculiar make to them and seem to be not exactly made how one would expect. Rumours exist that the keys themselves are not made in New Angeles, even greater rumours exist that the keys were not made on Terra at all! Though there was a case of the keys being stolen from her person, they are never long gone. They always seem to find their way back to her, one way or another. If she has a weapon, it is not often seen, and perhaps for the best.

Wealth & Financial state

Possessing the hard won luxuries of centuries of work and accumulation, it is hard to say she is anything other than wealthy. She, like a few of the other spokespeople, lives within the manor, her efforts key to keeping the city of New Angeles safe, it is unsure to the general populace how exactly she accomplishes this, those familiar with the occult side of things are very familiar with the rumours.

Current Status
NPC Played by Pengu


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