Aisling Early

Aisling Early (a.k.a. Ash)


Growing up in the heart of the city, Aisling reveled in its natural beauty and the thriving industries that surrounded her. Her father, Eirik, a dedicated member of The Watch, played a significant role in her life, despite his frequent absences. He'd bring back treasures from his patrols—pressed flowers, shiny pebbles, or feathers—a connection to the untamed world beyond the city walls.   With an older brother, Kilian, close in age, Aisling's childhood was filled with playful adventures. The two often explored the outskirts of Rivershire together, much to their mother's chagrin, creating lasting memories of laughter and shared experiences. Aisling's mother, Kiera, ran a small bakery, where the scent of freshly baked goods lingered in the air. Aisling and Kilian would often lend a hand, especially as they grew older.   A turning point came when Aisling's grandmother, Orla, recognized the magical gift within her. A Fenian Thaumaturge, Orla took Aisling under her wing, initiating her into the mysteries of magic. Aisling embraced the teachings, finding joy in the connection between nature and her newfound abilities. She had a strong leaning towards the creation of potions and that of healing.   Tragedy struck when Aisling was just 10. Eirik fell in the line of duty during an attack, leaving a void in the family. Several years later, illness claimed Kiera, that despite their Skill, Aisling and Orla could not cure. The Bakery was sold and Orla continued to raise her grandchildren   Now, Aisling cares for her frail grandmother, a responsibility she bears with love and devotion. Kilian, following in their father's footsteps, joined The Watch, offering occasional visits that serve as a reminder of their shared past and the ongoing dangers beyond the city walls. Despite the losses, Aisling's spirit remains resilient, shaped by the warmth of family and the magic that courses through her veins.

Physical Description

Body Features

Aisling possesses a striking appearance with her waist-length, dark, curly hair framing a face adorned by dark, expressive eyes. Standing at a lithe and slender 5'4", she carries herself with a quiet grace

Facial Features

Aisling possesses a captivating visage with dark, expressive eyes that reveal depths of warmth and kindness. Her fair, sun-kissed skin adds a touch of natural radiance, enhancing the overall charm of her appearance. A frequent and genuine smile graces her face, reflecting the positive outlook and resilience that characterize her personality.

Identifying Characteristics

Aisling bears a distinctive crescent moon birthmark on her right shoulder. Additionally, a faint and barely noticeable scar traces along the edge of her right forearm, a subtle testament to a childhood mishap that occurred during one of her adventurous outings with her brother

Special abilities

  • Shape-changing:Aisling possesses the rare and remarkable ability to shape-change, a magical skill that allows her to assume different animal forms.
  • Potion Making: Aisling's proficiency in potion-making is a central aspect of her magical repertoire. Her keen knowledge of magical herbs and their properties allows her to craft potent potions for healing, enhancement, or even protective purposes. This skill forms the backbone of her apothecary business, where she creates remedies tailored to the specific needs of her clientele.
  • Healing:Drawing from both her natural affinity for magic and her studies with her grandmother, Aisling is a skilled healer. Her touch can soothe wounds, alleviate ailments, and mend injuries.

Apparel & Accessories

Aisling often adorns herself in flowing, earth-toned dresses, tunics and pants. She favors practical attire that allows for ease of movement, especially when tending to her apothecary or engaging in herbalist practices. A pendant with a small vial, containing dried flowers, hangs around her neck—a cherished keepsake from her father. Additionally, she wears a leather bracelet adorned with small charms, each holding sentimental value, a testament to her fondness for personal, meaningful accessories.

Specialized Equipment

Aisling's specialized equipment includes a well-crafted leather satchel containing various vials, mortar and pestle, and herb pouches, essential for her work as an herbalist and potion-maker.  

Mental characteristics


Aisling received her early education through homeschooling, where the magical teachings of her grandmother, a Fenian Thaumaturge, played a significant role. Later, she pursued formal education at Rivershire University, specializing in Herbalism, to further hone her skills and knowledge. Aisling's quest for mastery led her to a brief but impactful period of study with the Emerald Guild, adding depth to her understanding of magical herbs and plants.


Aisling's professional journey began with practical experience gained from helping her mother run a small bakery in Rivershire during her younger years. Later, she pursued her passion for herbalism by attending Rivershire University, where she studied the intricate art of medicinal plants. Her education expanded when she briefly studied with the Emerald Guild, deepening her understanding of magical herbs.   After the loss of her parents, Aisling shifted her focus to caregiving and running her grandmother's small apothecary. The intimate knowledge gained from her grandmother's teachings and her formal education in herbalism allowed Aisling to create a unique and potent array of potions, powders and teas. Currently running the small apothecary, Aisling envisions expanding her business, using her expertise to create sought-after remedies and solidify her place as a trusted herbalist in Terra.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Early Potion Mishap: During her initial foray into potion-making as a young thaumaturge, Aisling accidentally created a potion that caused harmless but colorful sparks to emanate from her shoes every time she took a step. While amusing, it earned her a fair share of teasing from her brother and friends.
  • Overestimating Healing Abilities: In an attempt to cure a minor ailment in a haste, Aisling once overestimated her magical healing abilities, resulting in an unintended side effect that left her sneezing uncontrollably for hours. It served as a humbling lesson in the importance of precision in magical practices.
  • Inability to Cure Illness: Despite her magical abilities and training, Aisling faced the heartbreak of being unable to cure her mother, Kiera, who succumbed to illness. This failure remains a poignant memory and a reminder of the limits of even magical skills.

Morality & Philosophy

Aisling's morality is deeply rooted in empathy and compassion, shaped by the warmth of her family. She values the well-being of others and is committed to using her magical abilities for healing and positive purposes. Her experiences, especially the loss of loved ones, have instilled in her a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards those she cares for.   Aisling's philosophy revolves around the harmonious balance between nature, magic, and the well-being of the community. She sees magic as a tool for healing and connection rather than power for its own sake. Aisling believes in the importance of familial bonds and traditions, drawing strength from her grandmother's teachings. Her approach to herbalism reflects a respect for the natural world and a desire to provide remedies that promote both physical and spiritual well-being.


  • Disrespecting Nature: Aisling holds a deep reverence for nature and the magical energies that flow through it. Disrupting or disrespecting the natural balance, such as wanton destruction of flora or fauna, is a serious taboo for her.
  • Misuse of Magic: Aisling views magic as a force to be used responsibly and for the betterment of others. Using magical abilities for harm or personal gain is a taboo that goes against her ethical beliefs.
  • Betrayal of Family Bonds: Aisling places a high value on family and loyalty. Any actions that betray or harm her family, whether by blood or through shared experiences, are considered grave taboos in her moral code.
  • Unethical Herbal Practices: As an herbalist, Aisling adheres to ethical harvesting and usage of magical herbs. Exploitative or unsustainable practices, such as overharvesting or using rare magical plants without consideration for their preservation, are strong taboos in her work.
  • Keeping her Word: Aisling holds a strong personal taboo against breaking promises or going back on her word. This commitment to integrity is deeply ingrained in her character, a reflection of the importance she places on trust and reliability in personal and professional relationships.

Personality Characteristics


Family Well-being: Aisling prioritizes the well-being of her grandmother and, by extension, her brother, Kilian. Caring for and supporting her family remains at the forefront of her decisions. Community Well-being: Aisling is committed to contributing positively to the community of Rivershire. Whether through her healing services, the provision of magical remedies, or fostering a sense of togetherness, she actively works towards the well-being of those around her. Build a Flourishing Apothecary: Aisling harbors a deep desire to expand and establish her apothecary, creating a haven for those seeking natural remedies and magical potions. The apothecary serves as a tribute to her family's legacy and a means to contribute positively to the community.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Music: Aisling finds solace and inspiration in the melodies of nature and enjoys both creating and listening to enchanting tunes.
  • Dance: The rhythmic and expressive movements of dance captivate Aisling, providing a joyful outlet for her emotions and a celebration of life.
  • Gardening: The act of tending to plants and cultivating green spaces resonates with Aisling's love for nature. Gardening serves as a meditative and grounding activity for her.
  • Sweets: Aisling has a sweet tooth and delights in the comforting and indulgent flavors of various confections. Whether baked goods or magical treats, sweets hold a special place in her heart.
  • Disrespect for Nature: Aisling strongly dislikes any actions that disrespect or harm the natural world unnecessarily, opposing practices that disrupt the delicate balance of magical and natural energies.
  • Broken Promises: Aisling has an aversion to broken promises, valuing integrity and honesty in personal and professional relationships.
  • Unnecessary Conflict: Aisling dislikes unnecessary conflict and strives to foster harmony within her community. She prefers resolution through understanding and cooperation.
  • Overly Commercialized Magic: Aisling is wary of the over-commercialization of magic, disapproving of practices that exploit magical resources without regard for their impact on the environment.
  • Abuse of Magical Powers: Aisling strongly dislikes the misuse or abuse of magical powers for selfish or harmful purposes, believing that magic should be a force for healing and positive change.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Empathy: Aisling possesses a deep understanding of others' emotions, allowing her to connect on a profound level and provide genuine support.
  • Creativity: Aisling's creativity shines through in her potion-making and herbalist practices, where she combines magical knowledge with inventive solutions.
  • Optimism: Despite facing hardships, Aisling maintains a positive outlook, fostering hope and encouragement in both herself and those around her.
  • Integrity: Aisling values honesty and keeps her word, earning the trust and respect of those who know her.
  • Curiosity: Aisling's inquisitive nature drives her to explore the magical secrets of the world, contributing to her continuous growth and learning.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Overly Self-Critical: Aisling tends to be overly self-critical, often placing high expectations on herself and feeling a sense of guilt or responsibility for events beyond her control.
  • Difficulty Expressing Needs: Aisling struggles at times to express her own needs or seek support, fearing she might burden others with her concerns.
  • Overly Trusting: Aisling's empathetic nature may make her overly trusting, potentially leaving her vulnerable to deception or manipulation.
  • Struggle to Say No: Aisling's inclination to please others may make it challenging for her to assert boundaries and say no, leading to potential overcommitment.
  • Reluctance to Confront: In an effort to maintain harmony, Aisling may avoid confrontation, even when necessary, to the point where unresolved issues could fester.

Personality Quirks

  • Humming: When engrossed in her magical work or deep in thought, Aisling tends to softly hum a tune
  • Sentimental Token Touch: Aisling frequently touches the pendant around her neck or the bracelet on her wrist, each holding sentimental value and serving as grounding points for her emotions.


Aisling maintains a meticulous approach to personal hygiene, reflecting her respect for both herself and those around her. Regular bathing, grooming, and attention to cleanliness are integral to her daily routine. She often utilizes natural and herbal-based skincare products, aligning with her affinity for herbalism. Aisling takes care to ensure her hands, essential for her potion-making and healing practices, are consistently clean and well-kept.


Family Ties

  • Grandmother, Orla: Aisling shares a close and profound bond with her grandmother, Orla, a Fenian Thaumaturge who recognized Aisling's magical gift. Orla played a crucial role in initiating Aisling into the mysteries of magic and continues to be a guiding presence in her life.
  • Father, Eirik (Deceased): Aisling's father, Eirik, was a dedicated member of The Watch. His loss in the line of duty left an indelible mark on Aisling, shaping her sense of duty, responsibility, and the importance of protecting loved ones.
  • Mother, Kiera (Deceased): Kiera ran a small bakery in Rivershire, and her warmth and culinary skills left a lasting impression on Aisling. Kiera's battle with illness and subsequent passing marked a significant emotional challenge for Aisling.
  • Brother, Kilian: Aisling's older brother, Kilian, followed in their father's footsteps and joined The Watch. Despite the occasional visits that serve as reminders of shared adventures, Kilian's role in The Watch adds an element of both pride and concern to Aisling's family ties.
  • Extended Family: While the immediate family holds a central place in Aisling's heart, her warmth extends to other relatives and community members, creating a network of familial connections that contribute to the rich tapestry of her life in Rivershire.

Social Aptitude

Her natural charisma stems from an empathetic nature and a positive outlook, drawing others in with the enchanting aura of her magical abilities. While she carries a quiet confidence in her skills as a herbalist and potion-maker, moments of self-doubt may surface, revealing a humility that adds to her charm. Aisling leans towards introversion, finding solace in quiet moments and introspection, but her genuine interest in others allows her to navigate social interactions with ease. Her etiquette is refined, shaped by both familial upbringing and a deep respect for the diverse community of Rivershire.

A resilient and nurturing individual with a deep connection to nature. As a skilled herbalist, she embraces the mysteries of magic, finding joy in creating potions and healing remedies that reflect her affinity for the natural world.

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Current Residence
Dark Drown
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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