
Alexandrite is a remarkable gemstone known for its color-changing properties. By daylight, it appears a vivid green reminiscent of lush forests. Yet, under artificial light, its hue transforms into a striking shade of red or purple. This chameleon-like quality makes it a prized gem among collectors and jewelers alike, offering a touch of enchantment to any piece of jewelry it adorns.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Alexandrite's remarkable physical and chemical properties make it a truly unique gemstone. Physically, it typically exhibits a transparent to translucent appearance with a vitreous luster, adding to its allure. Its hardness, though not as strong as diamond, is considerable, making it suitable for use in jewelry with proper care. Chemically, Alexandrite is a variety of chrysoberyl composed primarily of beryllium, aluminum, and oxygen. What sets Alexandrite apart is its ability to change color depending on the type of light it is exposed to, a phenomenon known as pleochroism. This color change is due to trace amounts of chromium within the crystal structure, which fascinatingly interact with light, resulting in its characteristic green-to-red transformation. These unique properties make Alexandrite a highly sought-after and prized gemstone in the jewelry world.

Geology & Geography

Alexandrite is occasionally found within the New Angeles Mines, though its discovery is relatively rare. However, it is in the Crystal Grotto where Alexandrite is more abundant. Within the depths of this underground wonderland, nestled amidst the dazzling crystals, Alexandrite reveals its captivating color-changing properties. Though not easily come by, the grotto is a natural treasure trove for those fortunate enough to stumble upon this extraordinary gemstone.

History & Usage

Everyday use

In everyday life, Alexandrite is primarily used in jewelry due to its striking color-changing properties and its rarity. Crafted into rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, Alexandrite adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any outfit or occasion. Its ability to change color under different lighting conditions makes it a conversation starter and a coveted gemstone among collectors and enthusiasts. Additionally, Alexandrite may also be used in decorative items or as a focal point in art pieces, though such uses are less common due to its scarcity and value.   In magic, Alexandrite is revered for its mystical properties and association with transformation and balance. Mages, Werewolves, and alchemists often incorporate Alexandrite into their enchanted items and potions to imbue them with the power of change and harmony. For example, Alexandrite may be used in amulets or talismans to aid personal growth, facilitating transitions and helping individuals adapt to new circumstances. In potions, it may be included as a catalyst for transformation or as an ingredient in elixirs designed to restore balance to the body and mind. Its color-changing nature is believed to enhance the potency of magical spells and rituals, making it a prized component in creating enchanted objects and mystical brews.   Affinities
  • Adapting
  • Change
  • Good Luck
  • Growth
  • Transformation


Like many gemstones, Alexandrite typically needs some form of refinement before it can be used in jewelry or magical items. In its found state, Alexandrite may be rough and unpolished, lacking the brilliance and clarity desired in finished pieces. Thus, skilled artisans must cut and facet it to enhance its beauty and maximize its color-changing properties. Refining Alexandrite may also involve cleaning, shaping, and treating to improve its appearance and durability. Once refined, Alexandrite can be set into jewelry settings or incorporated into magical items to showcase its enchanting qualities fully.


Trade & Market

Alexandrite is a luxury item prized for its rarity and captivating color-changing properties. In New Angeles, the Miners Guild is responsible for extracting the raw stones from the Crystal Grotto within the New Angeles Mines. These rough Alexandrite stones are then sold to the Crystal Guild, who specialize in refining them into polished gems. The Crystal Guild operates various shops throughout the five cities, offering loose Alexandrite gems and finished jewelry pieces crafted by skilled artisans. These shops cater to nobles, merchants, and individuals seeking exquisite treasures, making Alexandrite a sought-after luxury item in the region.


Alexandrites are stored with care to preserve their beauty and integrity. Once refined and cut into polished gems, they are often kept in secure containers such as velvet-lined boxes or jewel cases to protect them from scratches and damage. Some may also be stored individually in small pouches or wrapped in soft cloth to prevent them from coming into contact with other gemstones or hard surfaces. Additionally, Alexandrites are best kept away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures, which can affect their color and clarity over time. Proper storage helps maintain the allure and value of Alexandrite, ensuring that they remain radiant for generations to come.


Related Organizations
The Crystal Guild
The Miners Guild
Related Species


Cut Alexandrite



Alexandrite Earrrings


Alexandrite Choker


Alexandrite Pendant


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