Micah Lalh Zahir

Doctor Micah Lalh Zahir (a.k.a. Shade)

A brilliant clinician, it is widely known that the doctor is at the forefront of Neuropsychological developments. He specializes in Neurobiological pathologies as well as general clinician knowledge. When he isn't in his lab he offers assistance by way of counseling psychology. A man utterly fascinated with the way the mind works. Both physically and through perspective.   He is rather newly embraced after a most unfortunate lab accident left him on deaths door. Though he takes his new condition in stride. Using his new found life to aid others and pursue his passions.   He does have a partner (Alexios) and a daughter (Ophelia), two people that he values very highly.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is trim but not bulky.

Physical quirks

Micah is a surreally handsome and striking young man (Striking Looks 2)

Special abilities

Notably he does not seem to have a shadow, reflection, or echos to his voice or footsteps

Apparel & Accessories

He favoures Dark overcoats and slacks with the occasional pop of colour or print. When working he favours lab wear. He will occasionally wear whites to more formal occasions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Little is known about the good doctors history before his embrace. Though some know him as a doctor his life before this is a bit of a mystery.


He is Ace/Demi. Though he is usually not one to wantonly enter into any relationships or attractions, he does have a preference for men that fit his desired traits. This falls in line with his feeding habits as well.


Due to his education and history in medicine, he has a professional emotional detachment that permeates most of his life.

Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics

Incredibly Intelligent

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  • Individuals not owning up to their own mistakes and shortcomings
  • Needless cruelty
  • Stagnation
  • Intelligence and Cunning
  • Courtesy
  • Neatly arranged offices
  • Minimalism
  • Cleanliness

A brilliant clinician, He is rather newly embraced after a most unfortunate lab accident left him on deaths door. Though he takes his new condition in stride. Using his new found life to aid others and peruse his passions.

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
PC Played by Pengu
Silver Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lean Muscular


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Jun 10, 2023 16:39

"Super talented doctor, really keeps his head on his shoulders...not literally I mean yes literally but he's really logical and I appreciate that." -- Kit

Jun 10, 2023 16:45

"The best wingman a Dragon could ask for. Always a pleasure working with the good doctor but it would benefit him to be a little more assertive at times." -- Vasilios