
Emerald is a gemstone known for its vivid green color, which ranges from pale to deep hues. It belongs to the beryl family of minerals and typically exhibits a transparent to translucent appearance. Emeralds often have inclusions, natural internal features that resemble "jardin" or garden-like patterns. This gemstone is prized for its rich color and is commonly cut into various shapes, including rectangular, oval, and round, to showcase its beauty. Emeralds have a vitreous luster when polished, and their vibrant green color makes them highly desirable for use in jewelry.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Emerald is a gemstone characterized by its rich green color, which is caused by trace amounts of chromium or vanadium within its chemical structure. It belongs to the beryl mineral family and shares its composition of beryllium aluminum cyclosilicate. Emeralds typically have a hexagonal crystal structure and exhibit a vitreous luster when polished. They are transparent to translucent, with some specimens containing natural inclusions known as "jardin," which are internal features resembling garden-like patterns. In terms of hardness, emeralds fall within a moderate range, making them suitable for use in jewelry but requiring care to prevent scratching or damage.

Geology & Geography

Emeralds are commonly found in the New Angeles Mines, nestled within the depths of the surrounding mountains. However, they are notably more abundant in the Crystal Grotto, a hidden underground chamber accessible through the intricate network of tunnels within the mines. This unique location provides the ideal conditions for the formation of emeralds alongside other precious gemstones. The Crystal Grotto is renowned for its breathtaking display of crystals, including a significant abundance of emerald specimens, making it a prime source for these highly sought-after gemstones.

History & Usage

Everyday use

In everyday life, emeralds are primarily used in jewelry due to their captivating green color and timeless appeal. They are often set into rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets to create elegant and luxurious pieces cherished for generations. Emerald jewelry is popular for formal occasions and everyday wear, adding a touch of sophistication and style to any outfit. Additionally, emeralds may be used in decorative objects or as collectibles, such as sculptures, carvings, or ornamental pieces, to enhance the beauty of living spaces. While less common than diamonds or other gemstones, emeralds are highly valued for their natural beauty and symbolic significance, making them a treasured addition to everyday life.   In magic, emeralds are prized for their association with nature, healing, and spiritual growth. They are often used in enchanted items and potions to enhance magical abilities, promote balance, and connect with the energies of the natural world. Emeralds are believed to possess a solid connection to the heart chakra, making them valuable tools for emotional healing, compassion, and love magic. In magic items, emeralds may be set into amulets, talismans, or wands to imbue them with their powerful energy and protective qualities. In potions, emeralds may be ground into a fine powder or infused into liquids to enhance their potency or to create potions with specific magical effects related to healing, prosperity, or spiritual awakening. Emeralds are highly regarded in magical practices for their vibrant energy and ability to facilitate transformation and growth.   Affinities
  • Clairvoyance
  • Cleansing
  • Clear vision
  • Earth
  • Growth
  • Healing
  • Joy
  • Love
  • Romance
  • Truth


Emeralds in their raw state typically require some refinement before they can be used in jewelry or magical items. Raw emeralds may appear rough, opaque, and irregular in shape in their natural form, lacking the clarity and brilliance associated with finished gemstones. Therefore, cutting and polishing raw emeralds is a common practice to enhance their transparency, color, and overall appearance. This process involves shaping the emerald into facets to maximize its sparkle and fire and removing any surface imperfections or inclusions that may detract from its beauty. Once refined, emeralds can be set into jewelry settings or incorporated into enchanted items, allowing their natural beauty and energetic properties to shine.


Trade & Market

Emeralds are sold by the Crystal Guild, which refines the raw stones obtained from the Miners Guild. After processing, the Crystal Guild offers emeralds for sale in their various shops throughout our realm's five cities. Emeralds are considered luxury gemstones due to their rarity, vibrant green color, and association with wealth and status. They are highly prized for use in fine jewelry and are often regarded as symbols of beauty, prosperity, and abundance.


Emeralds are stored with care to ensure their safety and preserve their beauty. Loose emeralds may be kept in individual compartments within a jewelry box or stored in small pouches to prevent scratching or damage. Larger emerald specimens or finished jewelry pieces are often stored in secure display cases or safes to protect them from theft or loss. It's essential to store emeralds away from other gemstones and metals to prevent scratching, and they should be kept away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures to avoid damage or discoloration. S


Related Organizations
The Crystal Guild
The Miners Guild
Related Species

Cut Emerald

Cut Emerald

Emerald Brooch

Emerald Brooch

Emerald Pendant

Emerald Pendant

Emerald Carving

Emerald Carving


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