Hunt of Leaves

The Hunt of Leaves is a deadly and thrilling event that invites all interested changelings to partake in a relentless pursuit of their enemies. Organized by the Courts, this lethal hunt primarily targets the True Fae, the formidable adversaries of the changelings. However, it doesn't stop there; the hunt also aims loyalist changelings, lingering dream-things, and sometimes even fetches.   The Autumn and Summer Courts are the main contributors to this exhilarating event, but changelings from all walks of life, including the Courtless, eagerly join in the pursuit. Participants can choose their mode of transportation, ranging from riding on fantastical creatures to running on foot or driving vehicles. The Courts cover the expenses and preparations, ensuring that the participants have the necessary weapons or concealments from human society to wage this otherworldly battle.   For the Autumn Court, the Hunt of Leaves holds a special significance as they have the first claim on the spoils and bounties collected during the hunt, especially anything magical in nature. The thrill of making their enemies fear and the opportunity to strike back against the powerful True Fae fuels the participants with an adrenaline rush that lingers for days.   While the Hunt of Leaves may be dangerous and intense, it brings a sense of unity among the changelings, transcending Court boundaries. It offers a chance for changelings to stand together, put aside their differences, and collectively face the overwhelming forces that threaten their existence. The anticipation of making enemies run scared, even if it's only for a short while, makes this event a highlight for the changelings, reinforcing their determination to fight for their freedom and reclaim their stolen lives.


The Tradition of the Hunt of Leaves originated from the shared traumatic experiences of the first changelings who escaped from the True Fae's clutches and returned to the mortal world. These brave souls formed freeholds for safety and understanding, but they soon realized that they couldn't live in hiding or isolation forever. With the constant threat of the True Fae and the possibility of loyalist changelings still serving their captors, they knew they needed to take a stand.   The concept of the Hunt of Leaves emerged as a collective act of defiance. By channeling their trauma and anger into a unified force, changelings could confront their enemies and protect themselves and the human world. Over time, this tradition transcended Court boundaries, with changelings from various Courts joining together for the greater good.   Through the ages, the Hunt of Leaves became deeply ingrained in changeling culture, passing down from generation to generation. It evolved and adapted to changing circumstances, but its essence remained the same—a potent symbol of resistance and unity. Today, the Hunt of Leaves serves as a reminder of changeling resilience and their ongoing struggle to reclaim their freedom from the Faerie realm's malevolence.


The preparations for the Hunt typically begin well in advance, with representatives from the Autumn and Summer Courts coordinating the event. They consult with changelings from other Courts and the Courtless, gathering warm bodies willing to participate in the perilous endeavor.   As the Hunt approaches, the participants gather in a designated location, often a place with strong connections to the Faerie realm. The ritual begins with solemn ceremonies and offerings to honor those lost to the True Fae and to seek protection from the powers of the Faerie realm. The participants don their chosen gear, be it enchanted weaponry, mystical artifacts, or other tools to aid them in their pursuit.   Once the ritual's preparations are complete, the Hunt commences under the leadership of skilled and experienced changeling hunters. The Hunt of Leaves usually takes place during specific celestial events or significant dates, believed to grant the participants an advantage in their quest.   The participants move as a united force, employing both strategy and bravery to confront their enemies. As they track down their targets, the Hunt can take the form of a chase through the otherworldly landscapes, a stealthy ambush in the hidden corners of the mortal world, or a daring raid directly into the heart of the Faerie realm.   Throughout the Hunt, the changelings rely on their collective strength and the power of their shared trauma to bolster their resolve. The spirit of unity and defiance against their oppressors sustains them, even in the face of daunting challenges. The Hunt concludes with a final confrontation with the targeted enemies, and its success is often measured not only by the number of adversaries defeated but also by the intelligence and information gathered about the True Fae and their plans.   After the Hunt, the participants return to their freeholds, where they celebrate their victory and honor those who fell during the endeavor. The Hunt of Leaves serves not only as a powerful act of resistance against their enemies but also as a profound unifying ritual that reinforces the changelings' determination to protect themselves and the human world from the Faerie realm's malevolence.

Components and tools

The successful execution of the Tradition of the Hunt of Leaves relies on a range of components and tools carefully selected and employed by the changelings. First and foremost are the warm, willing bodies of the participants, drawn from various Courts and the Courtless, each bringing their unique strengths and abilities to the endeavor. To protect themselves and bolster their chances of victory, participants don enchanted weaponry, mystical artifacts, and other tools specially crafted to counter the True Fae and their loyalist followers.   Preparations involve meticulous planning and coordination by representatives from the Autumn and Summer Courts, who ensure that all necessary resources are available. These may include enchanted disguises or concealments to move unnoticed through the human world, along with provisions for sustenance and endurance during the pursuit.   The ritual itself is steeped in symbolism and solemn ceremonies. Participants honor those who have been lost to the Faerie realm and seek protection from its powers. The location chosen for the Hunt often holds significance, whether it's a place with strong ties to the True Fae or one known for its convergence between the mortal and Faerie realms.   Leadership plays a crucial role, with skilled and experienced changeling hunters guiding the participants through the intricate web of the Hunt. They strategize and adapt as circumstances evolve, making split-second decisions that can mean the difference between success and failure.   Above all, the essential component of the Hunt of Leaves is the collective spirit of unity and defiance shared among the changelings. Their traumatic experiences in Faerie bond them together, infusing them with a determination to face their enemies as a united force. This unifying force becomes their most potent tool in confronting the threats posed by the True Fae, loyalist changelings, and other adversaries during the Hunt.


During the Hunt of Leaves, a wide array of participants from various Courts and backgrounds come together to form a formidable force against their enemies. The warm, willing bodies of changelings serve as the backbone of this endeavor, drawn from the Autumn and Summer Courts, as well as a healthy representation of Courtless changelings. Each participant brings unique skills, strengths, and perspectives, making their contributions invaluable to the Hunt's success.   Key roles within the Hunt of Leaves are crucial for coordinating and guiding the participants. Seasoned and skilled changeling hunters take up leadership positions, leading the pursuit and strategizing on how best to confront the True Fae, loyalist changelings, and other threats. Their experience in navigating the treacherous faerie realms and their knowledge of the adversaries' tactics make them vital figures in the Hunt.   Representatives from the Autumn and Summer Courts play a significant role in organizing the event. They ensure that the necessary resources and preparations are in place, from enchanted weaponry and mystical artifacts to essential provisions for the participants' safety and endurance.   Moreover, the ritual aspect of the Hunt relies on the participation of all changelings, who partake in solemn ceremonies to honor those lost to the True Fae and to seek protection from the Faerie realm's powers.   The success of the Hunt of Leaves hinges on the collective spirit of unity and defiance shared among the participants. Their traumatic experiences in Faerie bind them together, creating a bond that strengthens their resolve to face their enemies as a united front.   Throughout the Hunt, participants work collaboratively, setting aside Court rivalries and differences, as they understand that the true enemy lies in the Faerie realm. This willingness to cooperate and support one another ensures that the Hunt of Leaves remains a potent symbol of changeling unity, resilience, and their unyielding determination to protect themselves and the human world from the malevolence of the Faerie realm.


Decembre 1
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