Ren Zhao

Ren Zhao

Ren appeared on the ARK a little over 1 year ago and she spent most of her time on the Changeling floor, acclimating to how the world had changed. Shortly after her arrival, she met Izarra and they became close friends. Afterwards, she eventually began to explore out into the ARK a little further.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ren is of average height (5'5") with a slim and slight figure.

Body Features

Ren is small (5'5") and slight of frame with dark, almond shaped eyes bordering on being completely black. This combined with her lightly tanned skin, graceful movements and blue-black hair give her a delicate but striking beauty. She is unfailingly polite and reserved in most instances. (Striking Looks x 4)

Physical quirks

Ren has a tendency to play or fidget with her hair when nervous.

Special abilities

The scent of spring warmed flowers, and cool petrichor after the rains clings to her and her touch is like the soft whisper of the down between bird feathers when they're puffed to warm themselves in the cold. (Mantle x3)

Specialized Equipment

Ren is an exceptional singer (Expressive Performance, Inspiring, Wyrd x3)

Mental characteristics


She has a basic college education with a focus on vocal arts - not that it is very relevant these days.

Mental Trauma


Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes: Cruelty, thoughtlessness   Likes: Kindness and compassion, genuine desires, keeping the peace and making others happy


Contacts & Relations

**Lost Status 2, Iron Gate Status 3, New Angeles status 1, Wolfhaven status 2, Bards Guild status 2, Spring Court status 2, Notoriety with Rivershire- public leaf murder

Family Ties

Izzy, Kali, Teddy, James, Scarlett, Kit, Jet, Winnie, Ellie, Stevie


Quiet and demure, Ren ever endeavors to be polite and considerate to those around her. She is shy and withdrawn around new people at times though she is more lively with those she considers friends. All predators set her on edge and aggressive actions tend to make her run or hide.

Ren is a Lost fairly new in the ARK (arrived ~1 year prior to Landfall). She is part of the first expeditionary group to Earth, previously employed as a singer in the Ozone on the ARK.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Appears to be in her early 20s, actually between 400-500 years of age
Current Residence
Haven House in Wolfhaven
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Mandarin Chinese, English


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