So you're a Mage, Now what!?

Newly Awakened Mages

The newly Awakened are sent to the Tower in Echo to learn for at least the first six months to a year.   Initial classes your character will have to enroll in to be allowed to traverse between the settlements.   Magic 101
this class helps the new mage understand the terminologies and the basics of being a mage.
  • An intro to what it is to be a mage
  • The different paths
  • Their watch towers
  • What they’re known for (from a non-biased perspective)
  • The different Arcanum
  • Basics of what they can do, and warnings of how they can be mis-used
  • Sights - and the casting of these sights. Each student will learn how to utilize their main arcanums’ sight.
  • The usage of Gnosis and what it does for the mage.
Path 101
specialized classwork in their given path.
  • What it is to be the path. From a biased point of view as the teacher is the same path.
  • What the views of other paths are.
  • Detailed information on their own path.
  • How to cast first level spells that are rudimentary.
These classes exist as a way to learn the fundamentals of your character's new life and to help provide them with the foundations needed to prosper as an Awakened Mage of Terra. They are as much for education as they are for the safety and security of the mage and those who will spend their lives around them. The power and possibility of arcanum is such that learning is a necessity here and beyond.  
Mage Mentor
The new mage will be assigned a mentor at this point. If a previous mentor is already working with the mage (e.g. their grandmother is a mage of the same path, and they were the ones who worked with them as a child… they may continue to be the mentor outside of the Tower if they choose. They will just have to be notated as the mentor on the PC sheet).
  • Mentor must be a master in atleast one main arcanum.
  • Mentor must be older/same age as the mage
  • No one younger is able to take on this role due to needing to understand the stage of life the mage is currently in.
NOTE: Their mentor may not always be available to them as they learn their craft; this is, of course, a case by case basis. Sometimes you just have to find another mentor (eg. Not all mentors are life long. It is about building a relationship with them and others to help with your mage’s journey.) However, see notes below for House Rules for learning Arcanum + Rotes.

Mage Life with the Tower of Echo
Classes take up the first half of the mage’s day. If they wish, they can pick up other classes to focus on specific things. Think college classes to help round out the mage. If they decide to do so, a total of 4 classes constitutes as a full days of “work” and the mage will not have to pay for room and board, nor find a job. Learning is hard work. Echo will provide room and board for students who take on a full course load.   If your mage only takes on the minimum 2 classes, the classes are free, but they must find a way to provide for themselves during the time outside of class. If your mage decides to only take the first two mandatory classes and no others, they are more than welcome to do so.  

Intermediate Mages and Beyond

  Mages who have finished their 101 and forward fall into this category.   Rules from above still stand. Your mage may take 2 classes free per “semester” or can become a permanent resident of the Tower by taking 4 classes a “semester” and room and board will be provided.   House Rules for Mentors
Mentors are needed! Don’t forget that they have a place in your mage’s life and you have to build a repertoire with them. If at some point you and your mentor part ways, you’ll need to find another before you can continue with specific arcanum and rotes. Mages are a community and very much rely on each other to grow and develope in their skills, the mentor system helps to establish this.  
  • In Path (2 major arcanum) no mentor needed for the major Path Arcanum. These arcanum are naturally aligning to the mage's connection with their tower. Though a player could choose to involve their mentor, it is not necessary.

    While a mentor is not necessary to gain Mastery, a test will be presented to your mage. This can come in many forms. Reach out the the Staff to have this run. During the scene you can use the 5th dot for rolls, since Mastery of the Arcanum has beeen obtained. However, there will be no recognition of this Status until your Mage has passed their evaluation with the Consilium. 
  • Inferior arcanum - MUST have a mentor, there are no exceptions. Inferior arcanum offer a particular challenge for thier mages and thus a mentor is needed to overcome the difficulties.
  • Common/legacy arcanum - Needs a mentor to gain the 3rd level and above.
  • Rotes - MUST have a Mentor in order to gain a deeper understanding of the depth of the spell they are learning. Rotes are spells that become second nature for the mage, therefore that deep understanding is necessary.


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