Spirits in the Lake

Gather 'round, my friends, for I have a tale to share. Long ago, before the waters claimed the land, a peaceful valley thrived with life—animals, birds, and critters of all kinds. But Man was ambitious and sought to tame nature, flooding the valley and creating the lake. The waters rose, swallowing the once-lush landscape and condemning the creatures to a watery grave. Unable to escape the deluge, their spirits became one with the depths of Lurkwood Lake.   Now, the Lurkers are said to be the souls of those poor animals, forever bound to the waters they could not escape. Legends tell of their anger and sorrow, a deep-seated resentment toward the living—the ones who watched as the valley disappeared beneath the waves, the ones who unknowingly condemned them to this underwater purgatory.   Some say the Lurkers are the echoes of howls that once pierced the night, the ghostly flutters of wings that once soared above the treetops. Their presence manifests the injustice they endured, a spectral reminder of the valley lost to the unforgiving flood.   Some who have visited the lake tell hushed tales of encounters with the Lurkers. Those who claim to have glimpsed the shadowy forms beneath the surface speak of an overwhelming sadness that lingers in the air, a sorrowful moan carried by the wind.   Yet, some believe that the Lurkers, despite their anger, still harbor a connection to the living. They are the keepers of the valley's memories, yearning to share the tales of a long-forgotten land. In the moonlit reflections on the lake's surface, some claim to have seen the shapes of animals dancing in the ripples, a spectral celebration of the life that once thrived in the now-submerged valley.   So, as you tread the shores of Lurkwood Lake, remember the souls that dwell beneath—those who once roamed free and now linger as the Lurkers in the Depths. Respect the waters, for they carry the weight of the valley's past and the spirits of the creatures lost to time.


Additional Reading

The Flood 
Lurkwood Lake   


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