Templeton Mox

In the enchanting tale of Templeton, the extraordinary dances with the mundane. A spirited adventurer hailing from the quaint settlement of Rivershire, Templeton's world was forever transformed when the Hedge claimed him for its own. A historian by heart and an explorer by nature, Templeton's journey unfolds at the intersection of captivating tales and fantastical realms, where resilience, creativity, and an unwavering spirit propel him into a unique narrative that bridges two worlds. Welcome to the extraordinary chronicles of Templeton, where every page reveals a blend of history, magic, and the indomitable human spirit.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Templeton maintains a commendable physical condition, embodying a balance of strength and agility. His posture reflects a resilient spirit, standing tall with a subtle grace that belies the hardships he has faced. While his physique is not overtly muscular, there is a noticeable strength in his form, a testament to the enduring nature of a traveler who has crossed realms and confronted both magical and mundane trials.


In his Mein, Templeton's physical form undergoes a striking transformation, reflecting the shadowy echoes of his time in the Hedge. His once vibrant flesh takes on a haunting sooty ash tone, creating an otherworldly pallor that hints at the mysteries he has encountered. Stark white hair frames features that have become intensely gaunt, imbuing him with an eerie, ethereal quality. When Templeton bares his teeth, a fearsome revelation occurs — each tooth is razor-sharp, a testament to the predatory essence that has touched him in the mystical realm. Perhaps the most eerie change,  is his once-sapphire blue eyes transform into a striking shade of yellow, gleaming with an otherworldly pallor, adding an unsettling intensity to his Darkling presence. In this haunting guise, Templeton's Darkling Mein becomes a visual testament to the profound and perilous journey he has navigated between the realms.

Body Features

He possesses a lean and athletic stature, hinting at the remnants of the adventurous spirit that once drove him through explorations in Rivershire. His physique, toned and agile, speaks to a combination of resilience acquired in the Hedge and the physical demands of navigating dual worlds.

Facial Features

His countenance is a captivating blend of youthful vigor and intellectual charm, reflecting the visage of a man in his early twenties. Framed by neartly cut and styled jet-black hair, his well-defined features are accentuated by a short, neatly groomed beard that adds a touch of maturity to his visage. Templeton's gaze, is deep and enchanting with his emerald green eyes, reflecting a keen intellect and a spirit marked by both the ordinary and the extraordinary. Completing his distinctive look are thick-framed black glasses, lending an air of sophistication to his overall appearance, as if every glance holds the secrets of the worlds he has traversed.

Identifying Characteristics

Jet-Black Hair: Templeton's hair is a cascade of jet-black strands, neatly styled with a controlled wildness.   Emerald Green Eyes: His eyes are a striking shade of sapphire blue, reflecting a mix of curiosity and wisdom.   Short, Well-Groomed Beard: Adorning his face is a short, well-maintained beard that adds a touch of maturity to his youthful appearance.   Thick-Framed Black Glasses: A pair of distinctive thick-framed black glasses perched atop his nose, contributing to an air of intellectual sophistication.   Coy "Know It All" Smirk: Templeton often wears a subtle yet distinctive smirk, carrying a hint of coy self-assuredness that adds to his enigmatic charm.

Physical quirks

He  has a distinctive habit of absentmindedly stroking it when deep in thought. This gesture, a subtle manifestation of his contemplative nature, often accompanies moments of intense focus as he navigates the complexities of both the mundane and mystical.   When engaged in conversation, particularly during moments of intense listening, Templeton adopts another physical quirk. His index finger lightly presses against his lips, a thoughtful and instinctive gesture that showcases his genuine interest in the words being spoken. This silent act serves as a testament to his empathetic nature, highlighting his commitment to absorbing the nuances of the stories shared with him.   These quirks offer glimpses into his introspective mind and genuine attentiveness to the narratives that weave through his life.

Special abilities

Templeton possesses a set of extraordinary abilities, shaped by his experiences in both the Hedge and the mortal world. One of his standout gifts is a perfect memory and recall, allowing him to vividly retain and retrieve intricate details from his extensive explorations and historical studies. This remarkable cognitive prowess not only serves him well as a historian and chronicler but also proves invaluable in navigating the complexities of dual realms.   His perfect memory is a double-edged sword, bearing witness to both the joys and hardships of his past. The vivid recollection of his adventures and the nuances of the mystical realm enable him to draw upon a wealth of knowledge, making him an astute problem-solver and strategist. However, it also means that the traumas of the Hedge are etched with unparalleled clarity, adding a layer of emotional complexity to his journey.   Templeton's ability to recall details with precision extends beyond mere facts; it encompasses the subtle nuances of emotions, atmospheres, and even the ephemeral beauty of the fae realm. This unique talent, honed through a life straddling two worlds, positions Templeton as a character with an extraordinary mental acuity, offering both advantages and challenges as he continues to navigate the intricate tapestry of his existence.

Apparel & Accessories

Templeton's sense of style is a reflection of both practicality and a touch of the fantastical. His preference for linens and occasional leather combines comfort with a hint of rugged elegance, embodying the duality of his life in the Hedge and the mortal world. Neatness is a hallmark of his attire, with not a bare or loose thread in sight, a testament to his meticulous approach to personal presentation.   A fondness for waistcoats adds a touch of refinement to Templeton's wardrobe. These waistcoats, often chosen in earthy tones that harmonize with his surroundings, serve as a subtle nod to his adventurous spirit and commitment to modest, yet fashionable attire. Whether exploring forgotten realms or engaged in philanthropic endeavors, Templeton's clothing is always a harmonious blend of practicality and style.   In addition to his apparel, Templeton's accessories reflect a certain understated charm. Perhaps a well-worn leather journal, a testament to his chronicling habits, is a constant companion. The thick-framed black glasses, donned for both practical and aesthetic reasons, add a touch of intellectual sophistication to his overall ensemble. In every detail, Templeton's attire and accessories tell a story of a life lived at the intersection of history, adventure, and the enduring quest for balance.

Specialized Equipment

His specialized equipment is a testament to his multifaceted life, seamlessly blending practicality with necessity. His large and well-worn dark leather backpack, adorned with patches, serves as a reliable companion on his journeys. Within its spacious confines, a myriad of writing implements and journals find a purpose — each piece carefully chosen for chronicling, cataloging, and crafting captivating stories inspired by his adventures.   The backpack's compartments hold an array of vials, meticulously organized to contain samples of flora, fauna, and magical essence from the diverse realms he explores. His commitment to understanding the intricacies of the worlds he traverses is evident in the methodical way he collects and catalogs these specimens. Each vial, a small window into the mysteries of his travels, is a valuable resource for both his historical studies and potential future endeavors.   Among the writing implements, quills, inkwells, and parchment share space with more modern tools, reflecting the blending of ancient and contemporary in Templeton's approach to chronicling his experiences. The journals, leather-bound and weathered, are a tangible record of his journey — their pages bearing witness to both the wonders and challenges encountered along the way.   Beyond the written word, the backpack contains a large variety of handy adventure gear: compasses, maps, survival tools, and other compact items. Every item has a purpose, a story, and a connection to the intrepid explorer, historian, and storyteller.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Templeton, a spirited and imaginative young man, grew up in the close-knit settlement of Rivershire. The son of Henry, a hardworking cattle rancher, and Connie, a traveling member of the Bard's Guild, Templeton's childhood was shaped by the vast landscapes surrounding his home and the captivating stories his mother would share upon her return from her journeys.
  From a young age, Templeton exhibited a keen interest in history, embarking on countless explorations with his friends to uncover the mysteries of their surroundings. His passion for the past manifested in his love for studying historical places, people, conflicts, and battles. The adventures he and his friends undertook were not only etched into their memories but also meticulously chronicled by Templeton. As he entered his teenage years, he transformed these chronicles into a beloved children's book series titled the "Continued Adventures of Newt Newton."   Templeton's father was a quiet and big-hearted rancher, supported his son's pursuits, recognizing the importance of allowing Templeton the freedom to become his own person. Meanwhile, Templeton's mother, instilled in him a love for storytelling, fostering the creativity that would later define his life.   At the tender age of 18, Templeton's world took a dark turn when he was unexpectedly taken into the Hedge; disappearing amid his budding popularity from his penned tales of daring do. The once bright and adventurous young man found himself thrust into a mystical realm, enduring transformations that challenged not only his physical being but also his very essence. As Templeton emerged from the Hedge, forever altered, he carried the weight of his past and the fantastical experiences that now intertwined with the fabric of his existence. In the aftermath, Templeton harnessed the resilience acquired in the fae realm to navigate the mortal world, driven by a determination to blend his fantastical upbringing with the reality of the present. The Continued Adventures of Newt Newton became more than just a children's book series; it became a testament to Templeton's journey and the extraordinary path that now lay ahead.


Templeton's formal education is a reflection of his early years in the settlement of Rivershire, where the foundations of his intellectual curiosity were laid. While Rivershire may not have boasted grand institutions of learning, Templeton's education was molded by a combination of local schooling and the nurturing environment of his familial home.   His formal education emphasized a holistic approach, with a curriculum that encouraged both academic pursuits and the development of practical skills befitting life in a rural community. Templeton's love for history found fertile ground during these formative years, as he eagerly delved into the tales of the past, developing the passion that would later shape his storytelling endeavors.   Beyond the confines of traditional schooling, Templeton's mother, Connie, played a significant role in fostering his appreciation for literature and the art of storytelling. Her influence, combined with Templeton's innate curiosity, laid the groundwork for his later achievements as the renowned author of "The Continued Adventures of Newt Newton." Additionally, Templeton's mother, as a member of the Bard's Guild, contributed significantly to his education. Immersed in the world of storytelling and performance, he absorbed the nuances of narrative crafting and the power of words. Connie's influence not only enriched his literary abilities but also instilled in him a deep appreciation for the impact of stories on the human experience.    His education extended beyond traditional schooling to include valuable experiences with the Cartographer's Guild. Under the tutelage of skilled cartographers, he honed his skills in mapmaking and navigation, mastering the art of translating the world's landscapes onto parchment with precision. This knowledge became an indispensable asset during his explorations, ensuring he could navigate both the mundane and magical realms adeptly.   Templeton's education with these guilds became the cornerstone of his intellectual prowess, merging practical cartographic skills with the artistry of storytelling, shaping him into the versatile and knowledgeable individual he is today.   While his formal education may not have followed the conventional path of prestigious institutions, Templeton's upbringing in Rivershire provided him with a rich tapestry of knowledge, blending the practical and the imaginative—a foundation that would serve him well in the unpredictable journey that lay ahead.


Templeton's employment history is a rich tapestry that reflects his diverse talents and commitment to both the creative and practical aspects of life. At the heart of his professional journey is his role as the esteemed author of the "Continued Adventures of Newt Newton," a children's book series that has not only brought joy to countless young readers but has also catapulted him to fame as a storyteller of unparalleled charm.   Templeton's connection to storytelling deepens as a Tale Weaver within the Bard's Guild, where he not only hones his narrative skills but also contributes to the preservation and proliferation of the oral and written traditions. His affiliation with the Cartographer's Guild highlights his proficiency in mapmaking and navigation, a skill set that proves invaluable in his explorations.   Beyond these guilds, Templeton's involvement with the Vintner's and Rainbow Guilds speaks to a broader spectrum of interests. As a vintner, he partakes in the art of winemaking, infusing creativity into even the more mundane aspects of life. His association with the Rainbow Guild, known for its diverse artistic endeavors, underscores his dedication to fostering creativity in various forms.   Templeton's charitable efforts for children extend beyond his literary contributions, with philanthropic initiatives aimed at enhancing the well-being of young minds. His impactful work includes the establishment of a college in both Rivershire and Iron Gate, an investment in education that reflects his commitment to the intellectual and cultural growth of the communities he holds dear.   In weaving together his roles as an author, guild member, philanthropist, and builder of educational institutions, Templeton emerges as a multifaceted individual whose professional pursuits are deeply intertwined with his passion for exploration, storytelling, and the betterment of the world around him.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Templeton stands as a luminary in his own right, his accomplishments intricately woven into the fabric of his extraordinary journey. His crowning achievement comes from the enchanting tales he penned in the "Continued Adventures of Newt Newton," a children's book series that has not only captured the hearts of young readers but has also achieved widespread acclaim. Templeton's gift for storytelling has elevated him to a position of fame, as the author behind tales that resonate with the whimsical and the profound.   The success of his book series has not only garnered Templeton financial prosperity but has also earned him recognition far and wide. His high level of fame is a reflection of the universal appeal of Newt Newton's adventures, transcending the boundaries between the mundane and the mystical. As an author, Templeton has become a storyteller who sparks imagination, imparts wisdom, and leaves an indelible mark on the literary landscape.   Beyond the realms of literature, Templeton's philanthropic endeavors and contributions to societal progress have further solidified his legacy. His commitment to positive change, innovation, and the well-being of those around him adds layers to his list of accomplishments, marking Templeton not only as a wordsmith but as a compassionate and influential figure in both mortal and mystical circles.

Failures & Embarrassments

While Templeton's journey has been marked by successes and achievements, he, like any other, has encountered moments of failure and embarrassment. One notable setback stems from an ill-fated exploration into a particularly treacherous part of the Hedge. The venture, fueled by an insatiable curiosity, led to unexpected challenges, resulting in a temporary separation from his beloved patchwork dogs, Bingo and Patches. The experience served as a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of the mystical realms and the vulnerability inherent in exploration.   Templeton has also faced professional challenges, with certain literary endeavors falling short of the widespread acclaim garnered by "The Continued Adventures of Newt Newton." Despite his creative efforts, not every project has resonated with audiences in the same way, teaching him the valuable lesson that even the most imaginative tales may not always capture universal appeal.   Embracing these moments of failure and embarrassment, Templeton draws strength from the resilience required to navigate both the mortal and mystical aspects of his life. These experiences contribute to the depth of his character, fostering humility, adaptability, and a profound understanding of the delicate balance between success and the occasional misstep on the extraordinary path he treads.

Mental Trauma

Templeton carries the weight of mental trauma, a poignant legacy from his time spent in the Hedge. The harrowing experiences within the mystical realm have left indelible marks on his psyche, manifesting as haunting memories and occasional bouts of anxiety. The challenges he faced, the surreal landscapes he traversed, and the encounters with otherworldly entities have collectively woven a complex tapestry of emotional scars.   The separation from his patchwork dogs, Bingo and Patches, during a perilous exploration in the Hedge, remains a particularly vivid source of anguish. The echoes of that traumatic event linger in his mind, a constant reminder of the vulnerability inherent in the pursuit of the unknown. Despite his resilience, the mental trauma manifests during moments of solitude or when faced with unexpected triggers, revealing the depth of the emotional wounds he carries.   Templeton copes with his mental trauma through various means, including storytelling, journaling, and seeking solace in the company of his chosen family. The therapeutic nature of these activities serves as a lifeline, helping him navigate the delicate balance between the realms of resilience and vulnerability. Through his ongoing journey, Templeton strives to reconcile with the shadows of the Hedge, recognizing that healing is a nuanced process intricately tied to the exploration of both the external and internal landscapes that define his extraordinary existence.

Intellectual Characteristics

Templeton possesses a rich array of intellectual characteristics that distinguish him as a polymath with a keen mind and insatiable curiosity. His perfect memory and recall stand as a testament to his cognitive prowess, allowing him to vividly retain and retrieve intricate details from his extensive explorations and historical studies. Templeton's intellectual pursuits extend to a deep passion for history, where he delves into the annals of the past with an unwavering zeal, exploring the intricacies of historical places, people, conflicts, and battles.   As the author of "The Continued Adventures of Newt Newton," Templeton showcases not only his literary talent but also a profound understanding of storytelling and its impact on the human experience. His association with the Cartographer's Guild underlines his proficiency in mapmaking and navigation, demonstrating a practical application of his intellectual abilities.   Templeton's intellectual characteristics are further exemplified by his involvement in philanthropy and his commitment to positive change. His endeavors in building colleges in Rivershire and Iron Gate underscore a dedication to the intellectual growth of communities, reflecting a belief in the transformative power of education.   The synergy of Templeton's intellectual traits—perfect memory, historical acumen, storytelling prowess, and a commitment to education—creates a dynamic and versatile individual whose intellectual pursuits serve as the guiding force behind his explorations, writings, and contributions to the worlds he inhabits.

Morality & Philosophy

Templeton's morality is anchored in a profound sense of empathy, guided by principles of kindness, compassion, and a commitment to positive change. His experiences, both in the Hedge and the mortal world, have shaped a moral compass that navigates the complexities of dual realms. Templeton believes in the intrinsic value of every individual, mortal or fae, and strives to contribute to the betterment of the communities he encounters.   Philosophically, Templeton is a proponent of the idea that knowledge and understanding pave the way for harmony. His passion for history and exploration is not just a personal pursuit but a belief in the transformative power of knowledge to bridge gaps, foster understanding, and promote unity. This philosophy extends to his philanthropic endeavors, where he seeks to empower others through education and positive initiatives.   As a member of the Dusk Court however, everything is shaded with a deep sense of Fatalism. Acceptence that he and all others are doomed to their fates, and yet insistant to persevere; to fight back against the encroaching dark powers and Gods, regadless of the outcome. Mutually assured destruction is his intent in this case.


Templeton, despite his adventurous spirit, holds a few personal taboos close to his heart. Foremost among them is the avoidance of unnecessary harm to innocent beings, whether mortal or fae. He refrains from exploiting or endangering those who are undeserving of suffering.   Additionally he is careful about delving too deeply into forgotten or forbidden knowledge. He understands the risks associated with certain secrets and artifacts, acknowledging that some mysteries are best left untouched for the sake of both personal and collective well-being. These taboos serve as guiding principles, shaping the boundaries of his actions.   Finally he has a deep seeded; some might say understandable, mistrust of the Awakened who refer to themselves as Acanthus. 

Personality Characteristics


Templeton's motivations are woven into the very fabric of his extraordinary existence, fueled by a blend of personal growth, a sense of duty, and the unique perspectives gained through his time in the Dusk Court. As a member of the Dusk Court, Templeton finds inspiration in the inevitability of the unknown and his ultimate fate. The fatalistic fervor within him, intensified by the Dusk Court's essence, drives Templeton's determination to confront and destroy the cruel enigmatic entities known as the Others.   His motivation to destroy the Others stems from a sense of responsibility, as he recognizes the threat they pose to the mortal realm. Templeton's experiences in the Hedge have instilled in him a pragmatic understanding of the dangers lurking in the shadows, and his fatalistic fervor becomes a driving force to erridicate Arcadia.   Beyond the immediate threat of the Others, Templeton's motivations extend to the broader pursuit of knowledge and the preservation of the intricate connections between the fae and mortal worlds. His role in the Dusk Court amplifies his resolve to navigate the uncertainties of life, embracing the inevitability of change while actively shaping the narrative of his own extraordinary journey.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Templeton, with his diverse set of experiences, possesses a range of savvies and ineptitudes that contribute to the complexity of his character. His keen intellect and perfect memory stand out as notable savvies, allowing him to navigate intricate details of history and mysticism with unparalleled precision. Templeton's storytelling prowess, honed through his role as the author of "The Continued Adventures of Newt Newton," showcases his adeptness at crafting enchanting narratives that captivate audiences, both young and old.   However, Templeton, like any individual, has his ineptitudes. Despite his bravery in the face of the unknown, he sometimes struggles with the emotional aftermath of traumatic experiences, particularly those encountered in the Hedge. The mental scars left by these encounters occasionally impede his ability to fully process and move beyond the associated anxieties.   Moreover, Templeton's fatalistic fervor, particularly in his pursuit of destroying the Others, can be both a strength and a weakness. While it fuels his determination, it also introduces an element of risk, potentially blinding him to alternative approaches or unforeseen consequences.   These savvies and ineptitudes create a multifaceted character in Templeton, one whose strengths and vulnerabilities intertwine to shape his journey through the realms of the mystical and mundane.

Likes & Dislikes

Templeton's likes and dislikes paint a vivid picture of his preferences and aversions, adding layers to his character:   Likes   Exploration: Templeton has an insatiable curiosity for the unknown, relishing the thrill of exploration in both the mortal and mystical realms. The mysteries hidden within forgotten corners and uncharted territories captivate his adventurous spirit.   History and Storytelling: A true aficionado of history, Templeton finds joy in unraveling the tales of bygone eras. His love for storytelling, whether through his popular children's book series or recounting his own adventures, is a passion that resonates deeply.   Puzzles and Riddles: Templeton enjoys the mental challenge of puzzles and riddles, finding satisfaction in unraveling intricate enigmas. This pastime serves as both entertainment and a means to sharpen his wit.   Sweet Tooth: He harbors an unabashed love for all things sweet, indulging in a delectable array of cakes, pies, pastries, and treats of every kind. However, amidst this sugary symphony, his heart is especially drawn to the allure of chocolate. The rich, velvety sweetness of chocolate captivates his taste buds, making it his preferred flavor in the world of confections. Despite his appreciation for a wide variety of desserts, Templeton's ultimate culinary delight is the heavenly decadence of a well-crafted cheesecake, a treat that holds a special place in his heart and satisfies his sweet tooth with unparalleled bliss.   Coffee Addict: Templeton's fondness for the earthly pleasure of coffee is unmistakable. He delights in the rich aroma and robust flavor of a perfectly brewed cup, finding solace and inspiration in the ritual of savoring this caffeinated elixir. Whether contemplating the mysteries of history or embarking on a new literary endeavor, Templeton's favorite drink serves as both a companion and catalyst for the moments of introspection and creativity that define his extraordinary journey.   Wine Taster: He appreciates the nuanced elegance of a good glass of wine, finding delight in the symphony of flavors that unfold with each sip. His love for wine extends beyond the sensory experience, encompassing the social and cultural aspects of sharing moments with friends or fellow travelers over a well-chosen vintage. In the complexity of a well-crafted wine, Templeton discovers not just a beverage but a companion that enhances the richness of his conversations and the tapestry of his explorations.   Dislikes   Unnecessary Harm: Templeton harbors a strong aversion to causing harm to innocent beings, whether mortal or fae. He disapproves of actions that exploit or endanger those who do not deserve suffering.   The Utterly Dull: Templeton harbors a distinct dislike for unintelligent brutes, finding little patience for those who rely solely on physical strength without embracing the virtues of intellect and thoughtful consideration. The lack of nuance and strategic thinking in such individuals grates against Templeton's appreciation for the complexities of history, storytelling, and the intricate dance of wit that he values in both mortal and fae realms.   Forbidden Knowledge: Templeton treads cautiously when it comes to delving into forbidden or forgotten knowledge. He dislikes the risks associated with certain secrets and artifacts, acknowledging that some mysteries are best left untouched for the greater good.   These likes and dislikes shape Templeton's interactions, decisions, and the moral compass that guides him through the fantastical and sometimes perilous landscapes of his extraordinary life.

Virtues & Personality perks

Templeton embodies the virtue of Fortitude, a quality that manifests prominently in his character. Fortitude speaks to Templeton's resilience, both physical and mental, and his ability to endure challenges with unwavering strength. Whether facing the uncertainties of the Hedge or the intricacies of mortal life, Templeton's steadfast determination and resilience stand as pillars supporting his extraordinary journey.   Templeton's Fortitude grants him the perk of unyielding courage, allowing him to confront adversity with a calm demeanor and an indomitable will. This resilience not only shields him from the debilitating effects of fear and uncertainty but also empowers him to inspire courage in those around him. His unshakeable resolve becomes a beacon in moments of peril, providing a stabilizing force for his chosen family and fellow travelers.   Additionally, Templeton's Fortitude serves as a source of inspiration for his storytelling and literary pursuits. The challenges he has faced, the traumas he has endured, and the resilience he has displayed all become threads in the intricate tapestry of his narratives. In the face of the unknown, Templeton's Fortitude remains a guiding virtue, shaping not only his personal character but also influencing the tales he weaves within the realms of both mortal and mystical existence.

Vices & Personality flaws

Templeton's vice of Envy casts a subtle shadow on his otherwise resilient and adventurous spirit. While his envy is not overtly malicious, it manifests as a yearning for aspects of the lives and experiences of others, a sentiment that occasionally tugs at the edges of his contentment. In moments of introspection, Templeton may find himself grappling with a longing for the perceived advantages or fortunes that others possess.   This envy, however, is not without nuance. Rather than fueling bitterness or resentment, Templeton channels his moments of yearning into self-reflection and motivation. He uses these feelings as a driving force to push his own boundaries, aspire to new heights, and cultivate a life that reflects the richness he admires in others.   Despite this, Templeton recognizes the potential pitfalls of his envy and actively works to temper its influence. He acknowledges that everyone's journey is unique and that comparison can diminish the appreciation for the extraordinary aspects of his own existence. This acknowledgment becomes a crucial element in Templeton's ongoing quest for self-awareness and personal growth, transforming his vice into a catalyst for positive change rather than a source of discord.

Personality Quirks

Templeton's journey through both mortal and mystical realms has left its mark on his character, reflected in a few distinctive tics and quirks that add a touch of individuality to his demeanor:   Beard-Stroking Contemplation: When deep in thought or pondering a particularly challenging puzzle, Templeton has a habit of absentmindedly stroking his short, neat beard. It's a contemplative gesture that signals his intellectual engagement and often precedes a burst of creative inspiration or problem-solving insight.   Finger-to-Lips Listening: During moments of intense concentration or when listening intently to others, Templeton adopts a thoughtful pose, pressing a finger to his lips. This gesture not only showcases his active engagement in the narratives unfolding around him but also hints at his respect for the power of words and the importance of attentive listening.   Know-It-All Smirk: Templeton wears a subtle, know-it-all smirk, especially when sharing tales of his adventures or delving into historical anecdotes. This coy expression adds an enigmatic charm to his interactions, leaving others intrigued by the mysteries that Templeton holds close to his chest.   Frequent Journaling: A habitual chronicler, Templeton can often be found jotting down observations, ideas, and snippets of stories in his journal. Whether recording the details of a newfound fae creature or capturing the essence of a captivating landscape, this quirk reflects his commitment to documenting the extraordinary moments that define his life.   Lip-Touching Before Decisions: When faced with pivotal decisions, Templeton has a tendency to lightly touch his lips, a subtle yet telling indication of the gravity of the choices before him. It serves as a moment of internal reflection, emphasizing the weight of his decisions in the intricate tapestry of his journey.   These tics and quirks, small though they may be, contribute to the rich tapestry of Templeton's character, offering glimpses into his inner world and the nuances of his extraordinary existence.


Templeton maintains a meticulous approach to personal hygiene. His jet-black hair is kept clean and well-styled, a testament to a disciplined grooming routine. The sooty ash tone of his Darkling Mein does not diminish his commitment to cleanliness; instead, it adds an intriguing layer to his overall appearance.   Templeton pays careful attention to his emerald green eyes, keeping them clear and vibrant. Despite the razor-sharp teeth of his Darkling form, his dental hygiene remains a priority for the sake of both his mortal and fae aspects. His attire, while often reflecting the practicality required for his ventures, is consistently neat and well-maintained.   In his daily rituals, Templeton ensures that his physical well-being aligns with his adventures, maintaining a balance that allows him to seamlessly transition between the ordinary and the extraordinary aspects of his life.


Contacts & Relations

(Open for NPCs and PCs)

Family Ties

Templeton's family ties are deeply rooted in the dichotomy of blood relations and chosen bonds. As an only child, he cherishes the memories of his upbringing in Rivershire, where his parents, Henry the kind-hearted cattle rancher and Connie the traveling member of the Bard's Guild, instilled in him a love for exploration and storytelling. Despite the occasional absence of his mother due to her travels, Templeton found solace and encouragement in the close-knit familial unit.   Embracing the ideal that family extends beyond blood ties, Templeton places great value on the concept of the family one chooses. The companionship of his loyal small patchwork dogs, Bingo and Patches, and the camaraderie formed with friends on adventures evoke a profound sense of chosen family. These bonds, forged through shared experiences and mutual support, add richness to Templeton's life, creating a tapestry of relationships that complement the foundation laid by his parents.   In navigating the complexities of his dual life and transformative experiences in the Hedge, Templeton leans on both the family he was born into and the family he chose. These connections serve as pillars of strength, shaping his understanding of loyalty, resilience, and the enduring nature of genuine relationships in the face of both mundane and fantastical challenges.

Religious Views

As one might suspect, he certainly believes in Gods, but is skeptical of their motives and intent. As one who has endured and returned from Arcadia, he finds most such beings to be dark and malevolent, whose goals are utter maddness. Even ones you claim benevolence are heavily scruntized. 

Social Aptitude

Templeton possesses a unique set of social aptitudes that seamlessly blend charm, empathy, and a hint of mystery. His eloquent speech and storytelling prowess make him a captivating conversationalist, effortlessly weaving tales that engage and enchant those around him. Templeton's ability to articulate his thoughts with clarity and depth reflects not only his intellect but also his genuine passion for the narratives that define his life.   In social settings, Templeton's warm and measured tone of voice creates an inviting atmosphere, drawing people into the tapestry of his experiences. His coy "know it all" smirk adds a touch of playfulness, making interactions with him both intriguing and enjoyable. The combination of his contemplative beard-stroking mannerism and the thoughtful finger-to-lips pose during intense listening demonstrates a genuine interest in others, fostering a sense of connection and understanding.   Templeton's chosen family, including his loyal small patchwork dogs, Bingo and Patches, showcases his ability to form deep, meaningful connections beyond blood ties. His philanthropic endeavors and commitment to positive change further emphasize his social aptitudes, portraying him not only as an individual with a rich personal narrative but as someone dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of those around him.


Templeton's mannerisms are a captivating blend of poise, curiosity, and a touch of whimsy, reflecting the many facets of his personality shaped by both the mortal world and the mystical realms. His speech is measured and eloquent, often laced with a subtle lyrical quality that echoes the tales he so passionately weaves. When engaged in conversation, Templeton has a tendency to display a coy "know it all" smirk, adding an enigmatic charm to his expressions.   In moments of deep thought, his fingers gravitate to his well-groomed beard, a contemplative gesture that accompanies the intellectual exploration of the extraordinary and the mundane. When listening intently to others, Templeton adopts a thoughtful pose, pressing a finger to his lips, a subtle acknowledgment of the importance he places on absorbing the stories and perspectives of those around him.   Despite the weight of his transformative experiences, Templeton's mannerisms retain an air of approachability and warmth. Whether in the midst of exploration, engaged in philanthropy, or simply enjoying the company of chosen companions, his gestures and expressions tell a story of resilience, wisdom, and an enduring fascination with the wonders of the world he inhabits.

Hobbies & Pets

Bingo, a small patchwork dog, is a delightful embodiment of loyalty and joy in Templeton's life. With a lively spirit that matches his quirky appearance, Bingo boasts a mix of patches and buttons in various shades, creating a charming mosaic of colors. His size may be modest, but his heart is immense, as he accompanies Templeton with unwavering loyalty on every adventure. A brave and happy-go-lucky companion, Bingo's infectious enthusiasm and boundless energy make him not only a beloved pet but also one of Templeton's dearest friends, a furry confidant whose presence adds warmth and laughter to their shared journey.

Patches, the second of Templeton's small patchwork dogs, is a study in gentle grace and quiet companionship. Her patches, an intricate tapestry of subdued hues, mirrors the depth of her reserved and thoughtful nature. With button eyes that hold a reflective intelligence, Patches embodies a serene and compassionate spirit, always attuned to the emotions that ripple through their shared adventures. In contrast to Bingo's exuberance, Patches is a calming presence, a cherished confidante whose quiet demeanor and thoughtful gaze make her not just a loyal companion, but an empathetic soul who enriches Templeton's journey with her gentle and caring spirit.
  His hobbies include the following:   Exploration and Adventure: Templeton has a deep love for exploring the unknown, stemming from childhood escapades in Rivershire. Whether traversing the mundane or the mystical, the thrill of discovery remains a constant in his life.   History Enthusiast: Templeton's passion for history endures, and he continues to delve into the annals of the past. His keen interest encompasses studying historical places, people, conflicts, and battles, adding depth to his understanding of the world around him.   Storytelling and Writing: Inspired by his own adventures, Templeton engages in storytelling and writing. The popular children's book series, "The Continued Adventures of Newt Newton," reflects his creative prowess, as he chronicles fantastical tales and imparts life lessons.   Puzzles and Riddles: Templeton harbors a deep love for unraveling puzzles and solving riddles, finding joy in the intricate dance of intellect and creativity. Whether delving into ancient enigmas or crafting his own whimsical conundrums, this hobby serves as both a mental exercise and a source of amusement, allowing him to sharpen his wit and indulge in the delight of unraveling the mysterious threads of the mind.   Games of Chance: He indulges in the thrill of games of chance, finding delight in the unpredictable dance of luck and strategy. Whether engaged in a friendly game of cards in the settlement tavern or navigating the whims of a fae-inspired board game, his love for games of chance serves as a lighthearted diversion and a reminder that, in both the mortal and mystical realms, sometimes the outcome is as unpredictable as the turn of a card or the roll of the dice.


Templeton's speech pattern is characterized by a harmonious blend of eloquence and approachability. His words flow with a certain lyrical quality, influenced by his mother's affiliation with the Bard's Guild and his own penchant for storytelling. Templeton often chooses his expressions thoughtfully, crafting narratives that captivate and convey the richness of his experiences.   His tone of voice exudes a calm and measured demeanor, reflecting his introspective nature. Whether conveying tales of his explorations or engaging in intellectual discourse, Templeton's voice carries a warmth that draws others into the narratives he weaves. In moments of intensity or deep thought, there's a hint of the emerald glow in his eyes mirrored in the earnestness of his speech, adding an extra layer of enchantment to his storytelling. Overall, Templeton's speech pattern and tone of voice are an inviting tapestry, inviting others to share in the tales of his extraordinary journey.

Wealth & Financial state

Templeton's moderate wealth, primarily derived from the success of "The Continued Adventures of Newt Newton," affords him a comfortable and stable lifestyle. The royalties and popularity of his children's book series have provided him with financial security, allowing for a modest yet fulfilling existence. His Rivershire upbringing and love for simplicity reflect in his choices, even with the means to afford more opulence.   While not excessive, Templeton's wealth is evident in the quality of his attire, the well-worn yet durable equipment he carries, and the small luxuries that enhance his daily life. This financial stability grants him the freedom to pursue philanthropic endeavors and invest in his explorations, balancing the responsibilities of wealth with a genuine passion for making a positive impact on the world.   Templeton's wealth, earned through the enchanting tales of Newt Newton, acts as a conduit for both his personal comfort and his broader aspirations, allowing him to continue crafting stories that resonate with audiences while maintaining a humble connection to the roots of his storytelling journey.

Explorer, Adventurer, Storyteller, Historian. Author of the children's tales, "The Continued Adventures of Newt Newton"; he hails from Rivershire, having disappeared mysteriously just as his books became essential.

Character Location
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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Tale Weaver of The Bard's Guild
22 years old
Date of Birth
6th of Novembre , 277 AE
Current Residence
Emerald Green
Jet Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale with a fair complexation
160 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In every page of life, there lies a tale of ordinary courage and extraordinary resilience." - Templeton
Aligned Organization
Known Languages


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