The Blessing of the Scales

The Blessing of the Scales is a sacred tradition observed by the Skysworn before embarking on any perilous mission or significant undertaking. The ceremony takes place near one of the Dragon Roosts, where the Scaled Masters gather to bestow their blessings upon the dragon riders and their loyal companions.   As the riders and dragons assemble, a sense of camaraderie and anticipation fills the air. The Scaled Masters, revered for their wisdom and experience, lead the ceremony with solemnity and grace. They invoke ancient prayers and call upon the spirits of the dragons, seeking their guidance and protection.   The Blessing of the Scales is believed to bring good fortune to the riders and their dragons, fostering a bond of trust and unity between them. It bolsters the morale of the entire squadron, instilling a sense of confidence and determination as they face the challenges that lie ahead.   During the ritual, each dragon and rider pair approaches the Scaled Masters, who gently touch their foreheads with a symbolic mark of blessing. The gesture signifies the union of the riders and their dragons, affirming their shared purpose and commitment to safeguarding the realms.   The tradition serves not only as a ritual of protection but also as a time for reflection and meditation. Riders often take a moment to connect with their dragons on a deeper level, strengthening their telepathic bond and understanding each other's emotions and intentions.


The ritual begins with the gathering of dragon riders and their dragons near one of the revered Dragon Roosts. The location holds significance as it is considered a sacred space where the spirits of dragons are believed to be closer.   The Scaled Masters, donning their ceremonial robes adorned with symbols of wisdom and authority, take their positions at the heart of the gathering. The atmosphere is hushed and reverent as the riders and dragons stand in respectful anticipation.   The ceremony starts with an invocation, where the Scaled Masters offer prayers to the ancient dragon spirits, seeking their blessings and protection for the riders and their companions. They call upon the elemental forces and the natural world to grant their favor to the mission at hand.   After the invocation, the riders and dragons approach the Scaled Masters one by one. The riders show deference by bowing their heads in respect, while the dragons stand tall and proud, sensing the significance of the moment. With a gentle touch and spoken words, the Scaled Masters mark each forehead with a symbol representing the union of rider and dragon.   Throughout the ritual, incantations and chants are recited, invoking the virtues of courage, wisdom, and unity. The Scaled Masters might also recount the heroic deeds of past dragon riders, inspiring the present generation to uphold the noble legacy of their predecessors.   The Blessing of the Scales concludes with a final benediction, a collective expression of gratitude to the dragon spirits for their guidance and protection. As the riders and dragons depart, a sense of renewed purpose and determination fills their hearts, knowing that they carry the blessings of the Scaled Masters and the dragon spirits on their journey.

Components and tools

The rituals of the Blessing of the Scales are adorned with various physical items that hold symbolic significance. The most prominent among these is the ceremonial robe worn by the Scaled Masters, distinguished by intricate embroidery and patterns representing the history and wisdom of the guild. The robes are made from fine fabrics, passed down from one generation of Masters to the next, connecting them to their esteemed predecessors.   During the invocation, the Scaled Masters often carry ornate staffs or scepters carved with ancient runes and symbols associated with dragons and elemental forces. These staffs are not just decorative but also believed to channel the energy of the dragon spirits, lending power and authority to the Masters as they invoke blessings.   The symbol used to mark the foreheads of the riders and dragons is an essential physical item in the ritual. It can take the form of a medallion or a temporary tattoo, imprinted with the emblem of the Skysworn or a unique design signifying the bond between rider and dragon. This symbol serves as a tangible representation of the unity and connection between the two.   Candles and incense are often used to set the mood and create an atmosphere of sanctity during the ceremony. The fragrant smoke from the incense is believed to carry prayers and intentions to the heavens, while the flickering light of the candles symbolizes hope and guidance in the face of challenges.   A sacred book or scroll containing ancient scriptures and verses dedicated to the dragon spirits is also present during the ritual. The Scaled Masters may recite passages from these texts, invoking the wisdom and blessings of the dragon spirits as they guide the riders on their journey.   Throughout the ceremony, various offerings of fruits, flowers, or special objects may be presented as gestures of reverence and gratitude to the dragon spirits. These offerings serve as tokens of the riders' respect and desire for a harmonious partnership with their dragon companions.


The ceremonies of the Skysworn, including the Blessing of the Scales, are significant and momentous events that draw a wide range of attendees. Primarily, all members of the Skysworn guild are expected to be present during these sacred rituals. Dragon riders, Scaled Masters, Scaled Elders, and even Groundlain, along with their respective dragons, gather to participate and witness the blessings.   In addition to the guild members, family, and friends of the riders are often invited to attend, adding an element of celebration and support to the ceremonies. The presence of loved ones is a source of pride and encouragement for the riders as they embark on their missions or face significant challenges.   Representatives and dignitaries from the cities the Skysworn protect may also be invited as honored guests. Their attendance demonstrates the strong alliance between the guild and the cities they serve, as well as the importance of the Skysworn's role in maintaining peace and security.   Furthermore, influential patrons or wealthy benefactors who provide financial support to the guild might be present as a show of appreciation for their contributions. These patrons play a crucial role in the continued success of the Skysworn, and their presence highlights the symbiotic relationship between the guild and its supporters.   The ceremonies are often conducted in open spaces or at the dragon roosts, allowing the general public to witness the events from a distance. These spectators, including ordinary citizens and curious onlookers, can catch glimpses of the powerful dragon riders and their majestic companions, inspiring awe and admiration for the Skysworn and their sacred duty.


The Blessing of the Scales, a sacred tradition of the Skysworn, is observed before the members of the guild embark on particularly perilous missions or undertake significant tasks. These rites are conducted at pivotal moments when the riders and their dragons face challenges that require additional protection, guidance, and luck.
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