The Dawn Court

Changelings are survivors. During their durances, they have been the playthings of an inhuman godling, endured that which would destroy most humans -- and survived. They have traversed the Hedge, suffered soul-rending injuries and spiritual transformation -- and survived. They have returned to a world that no longer holds a place for them, found themselves denied the comfort of their former friends and families -- and survived. They have built a society of outcasts and refugees, bonding together with a sole common purpose -- to survive at all costs. And yet...   Survival cannot be the be-all and end-all of a group's long-term goals. There must be something more to keep them going. A degree of selflessness, compassion and generosity (or at least enlightened self-interest) is vital to any group's continued health. A group where each individual is solely motivated by their own personal survival quickly degenerates into utter selfish chaos. In such an environment, resources and information are hoarded. Trust is never extended. Others are valued only as tools and resources, expendable in the face of even the smallest potential risk. Only the utterly ruthless survive, and in the end, they too become vulnerable as the rest of the group is thrown to the proverbial or literal wolves at the first signs of danger. By focusing solely on the immediate battle for survival, the long-term war, both for survival and for any hope of betterment, is sacrificed. At some point, individuals and groups who wish to survive long term must be willing to look beyond the immediate, to grasp the big picture, and to work towards a better future. It can be difficult, especially for those who have survived a horrific past, to believe that the future can ever be better than the present. But some Lost believe that it is possible. They have faith that, with effort and sacrifice, the night will not go on forever and bringing about the dawn is a task that rests firmly in their own hands. While the odds seem stacked against them and the road is certainly not an easy one, the Court of Dawn dedicates itself to the ideal that, with hard work -- and sometimes painful sacrifice -- creating a better future is possible.   Within Lost society, as in any group, members make certain compromises and concessions to keep the group viable and strong. Those who are not willing to make such sacrifices either find themselves alone or suffer the wrath of those who see the benefits of a group's protections and are willing to protect and promote the greater good.   Most times, these sacrifices are either so small or come so naturally that they are hardly thought of as sacrifices at all. Pledges to a freehold are made. Protection and companionship are the reward, but restrictions on one's behavior are the price. An outspoken individual holds their tongue (or accepts some punishment for not having done so) to keep the peace with those who share in the freehold's defense. Grudges are settled in acceptable ways, before they degenerate into out-and-out war. Despite the possible reward, an individual member does not sell out the secrets of the reigning monarch at the Goblin Market, and the safety of the entire freehold is preserved. These minutiae are the sacrifices that foster the status quo, that give the Lost a sense of security and protection, and allow them to believe that they are safe, both individually and as a group. They do not, however, foster hope for improvement. At best, sacrifices made to support the status quo can only hope to allow a group to hold its own temporarily against the coming onslaught, with no real potential for betterment.   There are times, however, when a crossroads is reached and the potential for great change exists. When, with decisive action or great effort, going beyond the (often dismal) status quo and achieving a true step forward is possible. Great change rarely comes easily, however. Someone has to be willing to make the effort, break the calm, take the risk, in order for it to be achieved. Whether that means risking public ridicule and distrust by implementing a new form of freehold government, or standing up to lead a suicidally small force against an incoming army of Border Reavers, sometimes the greater good is served only through great individual sacrifice.   While any changeling is capable of rising to that occasion, the members of the Court of Dawn have made it their business to ensure that when those crossroads happen and potential exists for change to be implemented for the greater good, someone is willing to stand up and make the necessary sacrifices to bring about that change. Their certainty that it is not only possible but assured that things will get better for the Lost -- so long as the necessary prices are paid -- fills their courtiers with great optimism. However, their knowledge that those changes cannot be made without equally great sacrifice often balances that optimism with pragmatism and practicality, sometimes even to the point of cold-hearted ruthlessness; all in the name of the greater good, of course.


The Mantle of a Dawn Courtier represents both the wisdom to see where and when change should be made and the strength and self-determination to act, regardless of the cost. Thus Dawn Mantles are sharp and jangling sensory experiences, carrying with them the feeling of alertness and potential action. This may manifest as the smell of ozone in the air, the crisp crackle of electricity, or the feeling of impending change that is found when one season or time of day is about to give way to another. Dawn Mantles can sound like the sharp crack of breaking glass, eggshells, or bones, or the disturbing yet vibrant echo of a newborn's cries. They always carry with them the aura of impending transition, but not of capricious whim or senseless destruction.   The Mantles of many Courts clash when those of differing Courts are near to one another. A strongly Mantled Winter Courtier's icy breeze may push away at a weaker Spring Courtier's gentle gusts, or drop the temperature around a Summer Courtier's wrathful flames. Dawn's Mantles tend to warp those of other Courts when nearby. A Spring Courtier who is normally accompanied by a Mantle of classical music may find her tune changed to something more modern or upbeat, or a member of the Leaden Mirror find that his brightly-colored oak leaves have changed to maple or ash. These changes are always temporary, only existing when the Dawn Courtier is within five feet of another courtier's Mantle, and they only come into effect when the Dawn Courtier's Mantle is equal to or at a higher level to that of those she is near.   A member of the Dawn Court with Mantle 1+ has begun to realize her potential for creating change in others. She receives the benefit of the Inspiring Merit at no cost. If she already has this merit, she can use its benefits twice in any given day (even on the same individuals). A character with Mantle 3+ is fortified when exerting her will to make significant change in the world around her. Once per day, she can focus her efforts and receive a +3 die bonus to any single instant action in a situation on which her efforts are focused, creating significant change. Whether a situation is applicable or not is left up to the Storyteller's discretion. A character with Mantle 5 benefits directly from her efforts to break others out of their stagnation. At any point she successfully spawns a significant change in another individual, her Glamour pool completely refills. "Significant" change is left to the Storyteller's discretion, but might include things like changing a character's long-time views on a certain issue, recruiting someone into changing Courts, talking someone into (or out of) something they've decided their course of action on, etc.


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