Waylan Creek

In the serene enclave of Wolfhaven, where the rustling leaves echo the ancient tales of the woods, there emerges a figure whose presence is as formidable as it is comforting—Waylan Creek. A paragon of gentleness and kindness, Waylan is a jovial man with a heart as expansive as the vast landscapes that surround his settlement. Yet, despite the tenderness that defines his soul, his physical stature is nothing short of awe-inspiring.
  As a renowned healer and medicine man of Wolfhaven, Waylan Creek has earned a reputation that traverses the boundaries of the settlement. His colossal frame, towering over even the loftiest Uratha and spanning a width that seems twice the norm, is an imposing spectacle. It is within this paradox—a gentle spirit housed in an intimidating, powerful physique—that the enigma of Waylan Creek unfolds.
  In the mystical tapestry of Wolfhaven, Waylan is not just a healer; he is one of the Ursara, a Wind-Dancer one of the werebeast mystics. His connection with the natural world runs deep, and his very essence resonates with the harmonious dance between humanity and the primal forces that shape his kind. In the quiet hours when the moonlight bathes the settlement in an ethereal glow, it is said that Waylan Creek moves with the grace of a mystic, attuned to the whispers of the wind and the secrets of the earth.
  His connection to the Shadow is a mystical thread woven through the fabric of his being, intertwining his spirit with the unseen realms. As one of the Wind Dancer mystics, he moves with an innate understanding of the delicate dance between the material world and the Shadow. His gentle soul casts a luminous light even in the darkest corners, bridging the gap between the tangible and the ethereal, and allowing him to navigate the mystical currents that flow between realms with a grace uniquely his own.
  Beyond his role as a Wind-Dancer, Waylan is also a Harvest Guardian of the esteemed Emerald Guild, tending to the verdant life that flourishes under his watchful gaze. His hands, capable of both soothing and cultivating, are a testament to the duality that defines him—a guardian of not only the physical well-being of his kin but also the flourishing beauty of the natural world.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Waylan's conditioning is a testament to a life lived harmoniously between the natural and supernatural realms. Standing at an impressive height and carrying a barrelled shape., his physique is a manifestation of both his human and primal aspects. This massive frame is not just sheer brawn; it's a testament to a life filled with hard work, dedication to the land, and the responsibilities of a Harvest Guardian.
  Despite his imposing size, there's a grace in Waylan's movements—a fluidity that speaks to his connection with the natural world. His physical condition is one of balance, showcasing the synergy between his towering presence and the gentle spirit that defines him. Whether working the land, conducting mystical rituals, or offering a comforting presence to those in need.

Body Features

Waylan possesses a physical presence that commands attention and reflects the harmonious duality of his nature. Standing tall at an imposing 7'3" and weighing 350 lbs., his frame is a testament to a life filled with labor and connection to the earth. His tanned skin, clear and resilient, bears the sun's touch, hinting at the countless hours spent outdoors.
  His physique is a symphony of power and practicality, shaped by the life of a working man. His muscles, well-defined beneath his sun-kissed skin, represent both strength and utility. Despite his impressive size, his movements are deliberate and purposeful, a conscious effort to avoid looming over others and to create a welcoming space.
  Waylan's physical features are not just a reflection of his earthly existence; they embody the delicate balance between strength and gentleness, a living testament to the intricate dance of the Ursara Wind-Dancer that he is.

Facial Features

Waylan Creek's face is a canvas that tells the story of a life harmonized with nature and the mystical forces that shape his existence. At its center, a friendly and kind smile becomes a constant fixture, a reassuring beacon that suggests an innate understanding that everything will be alright. This smile, reflective of his gentle soul, creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.
  Beneath a brow shaped by experiences and the touch of the sun, Waylan's eyes stand out as windows to his compassionate spirit. Warm brown in hue, they exude a kindness that immediately puts those who meet his gaze at ease. These eyes, filled with understanding and connection, reflect the depth of his relationship with both the tangible and the unseen realms.
  Crowning his countenance is a tousled mane of dark brown hair, a testament to a life spent in communion with the natural elements. This untamed aspect adds a touch of wild grace to his appearance, accentuating the balance between the primal and the human within him.
  His short but well-kept beard frames his kind smile with a touch of rugged charm. The dark brown strands, meticulously groomed, add a subtle ruggedness to his countenance, complementing the gentle warmth that defines his overall presence. The beard, a testament to a balance between practicality and a hint of untamed wilderness, completes the portrait of a man whose every feature tells a story of both strength and approachability.

Identifying Characteristics

Stature and Physique: His most striking feature is his impressive size. His physique, reflects the strength and resilience required for a life attuned to the earth and the wild. Despite his imposing frame, Waylan's movements are deliberate and purposeful, avoiding any unintended intimidation.   Facial Expression: A friendly and kind smile graces Waylan's face, becoming a defining feature that radiates warmth and reassurance. His brown eyes, warm and understanding, deepen the connection with those around him. This friendly demeanor creates a stark but harmonious contrast with his powerful physique, embodying the balance of strength and gentleness.   Voice and Laugh: Waylan's voice carries a deep, heavy bass, accentuated by a flat and lazy Southern California drawl. His laughter, full and jovial, echoes through spaces, infusing a room with contagious warmth and a sense of camaraderie.

Physical quirks

Gentle Movements: Despite his massive size, Waylan moves with surprising gentleness. His steps are careful, and there's an almost balletic grace to his motions, a testament to his desire to avoid inadvertently intimidating others.   Frequent Kneeling or Sitting: Recognizing the impact of his size on those around him, Waylan has developed a habit of frequently kneeling, sitting, or finding ways to bring himself down to eye level with others. This physical quirk reflects his considerate nature and the effort to create a more approachable presence.   Leather Wristband: Adorning his wrist is a weathered leather wristband, embellished with symbols and charms that hold deep spiritual significance. It's a personal talisman, a connection to the mysticism of the Ursara Wind-Dancers that accompanies him in both the seen and unseen realms.   Eyes That Twinkle: When Waylan smiles, his warm brown eyes light up with a twinkle. It's a genuine expression of joy that seems to radiate from the depths of his soul, a feature that endears him to those fortunate enough to witness it.

Special abilities

Waylan possesses extraordinary abilities that weave together the primal forces of the Ursara Wind-Dancers and the untamed wilderness that courses through his veins. His connection to the mystical realm grants him a primal form, transforming him into a massive Grizzly Bear of awe-inspiring proportions. In this form, Waylan becomes an embodiment of raw power, with each sinewy muscle and instinct honed to perfection.
  Additionally, when the need arises for a more formidable presence, he can shift into his War-Form—a towering and powerful half-man, half-bear amalgamation. In this state, his already imposing figure becomes a force of nature, a guardian infused with the essence of the wild. The War-Form reflects the harmonious balance between humanity and primal strength, creating a formidable protector capable of navigating the delicate dance between the seen and unseen realms.
  These special abilities, rooted in the ancient traditions of the Ursara Wind-Dancers, make him a guardian not only of the settlement of Wolfhaven but also a bridge between the tangible and mystical forces that shape the world around him. His mastery over these forms represents a fusion of physical prowess and spiritual attunement, a reflection of the intricate dance that defines his existence.

Apparel & Accessories

His choice of attire reflects both his connection to the rugged landscape and the practical demands of his life. Clad in comfortable cottons, flannels, and denim, he opts for clothing that allows for ease of movement, a nod to his active lifestyle as a Wind-Dancer and guardian of the wild. The fabrics, worn and weathered, tell tales of countless journeys through the untamed terrain.
  Leather accents, whether in the form of a well-worn jacket or sturdy accessories, add a touch of durability to his ensemble. These pieces not only withstand the rigors of the elements but also serve as a subtle homage to the untamed spirit that courses through his veins.
  On his feet, Waylan dons heavy boots, a practical choice suited for traversing the diverse landscapes that surround Wolfhaven. The boots, scuffed and bearing the marks of his adventures, are a testament to the miles he's tread in the service of both the settlement and the natural world.
  In terms of accessories, Waylan keeps it simple yet purposeful. A leather wristband, adorned with symbols that resonate with his Ursara heritage, serves as a reminder of the mystical forces that guide him. Additionally, a weathered hat, perhaps a trusty companion on many an outdoor endeavor, completes his ensemble, shielding his eyes from the sun or rain, and adorned with many favored hooks and lures. 
  His apparel and accessories echo the harmony he seeks in his dual existence—practical and durable, yet infused with a rustic charm that mirrors the timeless dance between the Wind-Dancer and the wild.

Specialized Equipment

Herb Pouch: Waylan carries a well-worn leather pouch that contains an assortment of herbs and botanical specimens. This pouch is not only a practical tool for his herbal medicine practices but also a symbolic connection to the healing powers of the earth.   Bear Claw Talisman: Adorning his belt, he wears a bear claw talisman, intricately carved and passed down through generations. It is a spiritual token with protective qualities, symbolizing his connection to the primal forces of the Ursara Wind-Dancers.   Wind-Chime Necklace: A necklace of delicate wind chimes accompanies Waylan, creating a soft, melodic sound with his every movement. It serves both as a personal talisman and a means to harmonize his aura with the rhythmic cadence of the natural world.   Wooden Staff: He carries a sturdy wooden staff, not just as a walking aid but also as a practical tool for navigating uneven terrain. It doubles as a ritual instrument during ceremonies, symbolizing his connection to the land and the spiritual realms.   Woven Satchel: A woven satchel made from natural fibers hangs from his shoulder, carrying essential items for his duties as a Harvest Guardian. Seeds, gardening tools, and small offerings for rituals are neatly organized within, emphasizing his role as a steward of the earth.   Weathered Map of the Shadow: Waylan possesses a weathered map of the Shadow, annotated with symbols and insights gained from his spiritual journeys. This specialized map aids him in navigating the unseen realms during his mystical communions.   Moonstone Amulet: An amulet adorned with a moonstone, a reflective gem associated with the mystical energies of the moon, is worn by Waylan. It enhances his attunement to the cyclical rhythms of nature and amplifies his spiritual senses during nocturnal rituals.   Stormforge Warhammer: Waylan wields a specially crafted warhammer known as the Stormforge. Carved from the heart of a sacred tree and infused with elemental energies, this formidable weapon resonates with the primal forces he channels as an Ursara Wind-Dancer. The head of the hammer is adorned with intricate glyphs symbolizing the dance between the earth and the storm, enhancing its effectiveness in both physical combat and spiritual rituals. The Stormforge serves not only as a potent tool for defense but also as a symbolic extension of Waylan's commitment to protecting both the tangible and mystical realms.   River Whisperer, Favored Fishing Rod: His favored fishing rod is a carefully crafted, hand-carved wooden staff adorned with mystical symbols. Affectionately named "River Whisperer," this specialized equipment is not merely a tool for angling but a conduit for Waylan's connection to the spirits of the water. The rod is adorned with charms crafted from river stones and feathers, each imbued with a specific spiritual significance. These charms serve both a practical and spiritual purpose, enhancing Waylan's ability to attune to the river's energies and commune with the aquatic spirits. The River Whisperer is more than a means to catch fish; it's a symbol of Waylan's harmonious relationship with the natural world, a tangible extension of his role as a guardian and steward of the mystical waters that flow through the heart of Wolfhaven. It is crafted from the sturdy yet flexible wood of the ancient willow trees that line the banks of the Wolfhaven river. The wood is carefully selected for its natural resilience and responsiveness, allowing Waylan to feel the subtlest movements in the water. Feathers from local birds, carefully collected during specific lunar phases, are bound to the staff. These feathers act as conduits, channeling Waylan's intentions and harmonizing his aura with the river's mystical energies. The combination of wood, stones, and feathers creates a fishing rod that is not only a practical tool but a sacred artifact, embodying the unity between Waylan, the river, and the spirits that reside within its depths.   These specialized pieces of equipment are not just tools for Waylan; they are extensions of his connection to the earth, the mystical forces he channels, and the traditions of the Ursara Wind-Dancers. Each item carries both practical and symbolic significance in his journey as a guardian of Wolfhaven's delicate balance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born on Februari 21st, 275, Waylan Creek's journey began in the heart of Wolfhaven, a town cradled by ancient woods and whispered legends. Raised by both of his parents, Culver and Kaylene Creek, he inherited a legacy intertwined with the mystical threads of the Ursara. His father, an Ursara Root-Weaver, and his mother, a beast kin, provided a nurturing environment where the balance between the mundane and the supernatural was delicately maintained.
  At the tender age of 9, Waylan experienced his first transformative change, a pivotal moment that marked his initiation into the ways of the Ursara Wind-Dancers. Under the guidance of his father, he learned the ways of the Ursara; forging a connection with the primal forces that shaped his kind.
  By the time he reached 17, Waylan's path veered towards the Emerald Guild, an institution that sought to harmonize with the natural world. Swiftly rising through the ranks, he ascended to the esteemed position of Harvest Guardian by the age of 20, entrusted with the vital task of tending to the flourishing gardens under the guild's watchful care.
  In the vibrant tapestry of his youth, Waylan shared countless adventures and laughter with his nephew Jackson, a companion born just two years his junior. Serving as a protective figure, Waylan shielded Jackson from the mischievous escapades orchestrated by his older uncles, Waylan's brothers. The youngest of nine children, Waylan hailed from a diverse family that included five brothers and four sisters. Among them, his eldest brother Kiefer and youngest sister Miley continued the legacy as Ursara—a Den-Warder and Heart-Ripper respectively.
  Waylan Creek's affinity with the land and the wild was not confined to the tangible world alone; he cultivated a profound relationship with the Shadow, the realm of spirits that dwelled beyond the veil of the seen. Now, at the age of 24, Waylan stands at the threshold of his future, a young man whose life is woven into the intricate tapestry of family, tradition, and the mystical forces that guide his every step.


His education is rich and diverse intertwing the practical teachings of the Ursara with the hands-on experiences of life in Wolfhaven. Born into a family deeply rooted in in the wilds, Waylan's early education unfolded in the heart of the settlement.   Guided by his father, a seasoned Ursara, Waylan's initiation into the ways of the Ursara began at the age of nine with his first change. Lessons were not confined to formal settings; instead, the rustling leaves, the whispers of the wind, and the primal rhythm of the earth became his classroom. He learned to navigate the delicate nature between the physical and spiritual realms, gaining wisdom from the very fabric of the natural world.   As Waylan matured, his education extended beyond the familial sphere. Soon he joined the Emerald Guild, immersing himself in the practical aspects of cultivating and preserving the land's bounty. The Guild provided a structured environment for learning the essential skills of stewardship, sustainability, and the delicate art of nurturing the earth.   Waylan's education was not just about acquiring knowledge but also about embodying the profound connection between humanity and nature. His understanding of the mystical Shadow, the unseen realm that paralleled the tangible world, deepened as he embraced the teachings of both the Wind-Dancers and the practical wisdom of the Emerald Guild.   In the end, Waylan's education transcended traditional boundaries, creating a unique synthesis of ancient lore, practical skills, and spiritual attunement. Through this holistic approach, he emerged not just as a scholar but as a living testament to the harmonious coexistence between the tangible and the ethereal—a true Wind-Dancer and guardian of Wolfhaven's intricate balance.


As a Harvest Guardian of the esteemed Emerald Guild, Waylan Creek shoulders the vital responsibility of tending to the flourishing gardens that symbolize the delicate coexistence between Wolfhaven and the bounties of the earth. His duties extend far beyond the mere cultivation of crops; they embody a commitment to sustainability, harmony, and the preservation of the natural order.   Cultivation and Stewardship: Waylan is entrusted with the hands-on cultivation of the guild's gardens. His seasoned fingers deftly nurture the soil, coaxing forth vibrant flora that not only sustains the settlement but also forms a living testament to the Guild's dedication to harmony with nature.   Seasonal Rhythms: In tune with the rhythmic pulse of the seasons, Waylan ensures that the gardens adapt to the ever-changing climate. Whether sowing seeds in the fertile soil of spring or safeguarding tender shoots from the frost of winter, he navigates the cyclical dance of nature with a deep understanding of the land's nuances.   Guardian Against Pests and Blights: As a protector of the Guild's bounty, Waylan vigilantly safeguards the gardens against pests and blights. His intuitive connection with the natural world allows him to discern the signs of imbalance, addressing potential threats before they can jeopardize the harvest.   Guidance for Guild Initiates: Beyond the soil and crops, Waylan plays a mentorship role for initiates of the Emerald Guild. He imparts not only practical knowledge about agriculture but also instills a profound respect for the interconnectedness of all living things—a core philosophy that guides the Guild's endeavors.   Rituals and Offerings: Waylan, attuned to the spiritual currents of the Ursara, incorporates rituals and offerings into his duties. These ceremonies are not just about sustenance but are imbued with a deep sense of reverence, acknowledging the symbiotic relationship between the land and its stewards.   In his role as a Harvest Guardian, Waylan Creek becomes a custodian of the land, embodying the principles of balance, sustainability, and respect for the natural world. Through his unwavering commitment, the gardens under his care flourish, providing sustenance and embodying the Emerald Guild's vision of a harmonious coexistence between humanity and the earth.

Accomplishments & Achievements

His life has been marked by significant accomplishments and achievements, showcasing his dedication to the Ursara, Wind-Dancer traditions and the well-being of the Wolfhaven settlement.    Early Mastery of Ursara Rituals: Waylan displayed an exceptional aptitude for Ursara rituals from a young age, mastering the intricacies of spiritual practices and ceremonies. His early proficiency marked him as a promising figure within the Ursara community.   Harvest Guardian Appointment at Age 20: At the age of 20, Waylan was appointed as a Harvest Guardian of the Emerald Guild. This achievement is a testament to his commitment to environmental stewardship, sustainable practices, and his role as a protector of the land.   Development of Healing Practices: Waylan's proficiency as a healer and medicine man has been recognized within the community. His development of effective healing practices using herbs and botanical knowledge has contributed to the well-being of Wolfhaven residents.   Successful Mentorship and Teaching Role: Serving as a mentor and teacher, Waylan has successfully guided younger members of the Ursara community. His ability to impart cultural lore, spiritual wisdom, and practical skills has played a crucial role in the intellectual and spiritual growth of the next generation.   These accomplishments collectively highlight Waylan Creek's multifaceted contributions to the Ursara community, the preservation of cultural heritage, and his commitment to fostering a harmonious coexistence with both the tangible and mystical aspects of his world.

Failures & Embarrassments

While Waylan Creek has achieved significant milestones and contributions, he, like any individual, has also faced challenges, failures, and moments of embarrassment. These experiences contribute to the depth and complexity of his character.    Occasional Lapses in Environmental Stewardship: Waylan, as a Harvest Guardian, has faced challenges in maintaining a perfect balance in his role as a protector of the land. There have been instances where environmental preservation efforts faced setbacks, leading to moments of frustration and self-disappointment.   Misjudgments in Protective Roles: Despite his protective instincts, Waylan has experienced moments of misjudgment, particularly in shielding his nephew, Jackson. There have been instances where his attempts to safeguard Jackson from harm fell short, causing internal turmoil and self-doubt.   Strained Relationships with Older Brothers: The protective stance Waylan takes against his older brothers has not always resulted in smooth relationships. Misunderstandings and conflicts with his siblings, especially when it comes to safeguarding Jackson, have been a source of familial strain and personal embarrassment.   Challenges in Balancing Responsibilities: Juggling the responsibilities of a Harvest Guardian, healer, and mentor has occasionally overwhelmed Waylan. There have been instances where the delicate balance between these roles faltered, leading to setbacks and moments of self-perceived failure.   Difficulties in Mentorship: While Waylan excels as a mentor, there have been challenges in effectively guiding and teaching younger members of the Ursara community. Failures in communication or misunderstandings during mentorship have been humbling experiences for Waylan.   These failures and embarrassments, while significant, are integral to Waylan's growth and development. They have provided opportunities for learning, resilience, and the continuous evolution of his character as he navigates the intricate balance between his primal and human nature within the context of the Ursara community.

Mental Trauma

Waylan bears the weight of mental trauma, etched into the fabric of his being through a series of challenging experiences that have left enduring scars on his psyche.   Protective Instincts and the Shadow's Toll: Waylan's protective instincts, especially concerning his nephew Jackson, carry both a noble purpose and a shadowy toll. The need to shield Jackson from the potential harm posed by Waylan's own brothers has stirred a deep-seated fear of failing in his protective role. Interacting with the Shadow, while a source of mystical insight, has also exposed him to the darker corners of the unseen realms, leaving echoes of spiritual turmoil.   Cultural Expectations and the Weight of Duty: The expectations placed on Waylan by the Ursara community create a complex interplay of duty and personal well-being. Striving to meet these expectations has instilled a sense of duty, but it also brings a relentless pressure that strains his mental resilience.   In the quiet moments, beneath the towering redwoods and amid the whispers of the wind, Waylan Creek carries the echoes of these traumas. His mental landscape is shaped by the intricate interplay of his past, the responsibilities he bears, and the delicate dance between his primal and human essence. How he navigates this internal terrain, seeking solace or resolution, becomes a crucial aspect of his ongoing journey.

Intellectual Characteristics

Spiritual Wisdom: Waylan is steeped in the spiritual wisdom of the Ursara Wind-Dancers. His understanding of the mystical forces, the Shadow, and the spirits that inhabit the unseen realms is profound. This intellectual prowess extends to the rituals, ceremonies, and spiritual practices integral to his role.   Botanical Knowledge: As a healer and medicine man, Waylan has a deep intellectual understanding of plants and herbs. His knowledge of botanical remedies, their properties, and their applications in traditional medicine showcases a practical and intellectual mastery of the natural world.   Environmental Stewardship: Waylan's role as a Harvest Guardian requires intellectual acumen in environmental stewardship. He understands the delicate balance of ecosystems, the impact of human activities on the land, and the importance of sustainable practices to maintain the vitality of Wolfhaven.   Cultural Lore and Ursara Traditions: Waylan is well-versed in the cultural lore and traditions of the Ursara. His intellectual capabilities encompass the teachings passed down through generations, contributing to his role as a guardian of the Ursara way of life.   Primal Instincts and Supernatural Understanding: Waylan's intellectual prowess extends beyond the tangible world into the realm of primal instincts and supernatural understanding. He possesses insights into the primal forces within himself and the supernatural entities that inhabit the Shadow.   Ceremonial Knowledge: Proficient in the intricate details of Ursara ceremonies and rituals, Waylan's intellectual acuity is evident in his ability to conduct and participate in these spiritual practices. He understands the symbolism, significance, and nuances embedded in each ceremonial act.   Problem-Solving in Communal Matters: Waylan's intellectual capabilities extend to problem-solving within the Ursara community. Whether addressing conflicts, communal decisions, or environmental challenges, he brings a thoughtful and strategic approach to finding solutions that align with Ursara values.   Teaching and Mentorship: Waylan's intellectual generosity is reflected in his role as a teacher and mentor. He imparts wisdom, cultural knowledge, and practical skills to younger members of the community, contributing to the intellectual growth of the next generation.   Waylan Creek's intellectual characteristics are multidimensional, encompassing spiritual insight, practical knowledge of the natural world, and a deep understanding of the cultural and mystical aspects of the Ursara way of life.

Morality & Philosophy

The morality of an Ursara, such as Waylan, is deeply rooted in the traditions, values, and spiritual beliefs of the Ursara. Here are key aspects of the moral framework that might influence Waylan's actions and decisions.   Harmony with Nature: Ursara prioritize living in harmony with nature. They view the natural world as a sacred, interconnected web of life. Morality, for Waylan, involves respecting and protecting the delicate balance of ecosystems and the cycles of the earth.   Respect for Spirits: The Ursara believe in the presence of spirits within the natural world. Morality, for Waylan, involves showing respect and reverence for these spirits, acknowledging their role in the unseen realms, and maintaining a balanced relationship between the material and spiritual planes.   Stewardship of the Land: Ursara are often stewards of the land. Morality, for Waylan, encompasses responsible land management, sustainable practices, and a commitment to preserving the vitality of the earth for future generations.   Community and Kinship: Ursara place a strong emphasis on community and kinship. Morality, for Waylan, involves supporting and protecting his kin, whether biological or chosen, and contributing to the well-being of the community.   Wisdom and Tradition: Ursara morality values wisdom gained from both experience and tradition. Waylan's moral compass includes adhering to the teachings of the Ursara Wind-Dancers, respecting ancient wisdom, and passing down knowledge to the next generation.   Balancing Primal and Human Aspects: Ursara are beings of both primal and human nature. Morality, for Waylan, involves navigating the balance between these aspects, understanding the primal forces within himself, and using them in a way that aligns with the greater good.   Protection of the Shadow: Ursara often have a connection to the Shadow, the mystical realm. Morality, for Waylan, includes protecting and respecting the spirits within the Shadow, understanding their guidance, and ensuring a harmonious coexistence between the material and spiritual worlds.   Waylan's morality, shaped by these principles, would guide him in his role as a Wind-Dancer, healer, and guardian of the earth. His actions and decisions would reflect a commitment to the well-being of the natural world, his community, and the spiritual forces that intertwine with his existence.


Disrespecting Nature: Harming the environment or disrespecting the natural world would likely be a significant taboo. The Ursara, being stewards of the land, would consider any action that harms the delicate balance of ecosystems as a serious transgression.   Misusing Spiritual Knowledge: Using spiritual knowledge for personal gain or manipulating mystical forces for harmful purposes could be a taboo. The Ursara likely emphasize the responsible and ethical use of their connection to the Shadow and other spiritual realms.   Exploitation of the Shadow: Taking advantage of the spiritual realm, the Shadow, for personal gain or attempting to control spirits may be taboo. The Ursara likely believe in a symbiotic relationship with the Shadow, and any attempt to exploit it could have severe consequences.

Personality Characteristics


Waylan's motivations are woven into the very fabric of his being, a tapestry of purpose shaped by the primal forces that course through his veins:   Guardian of the Wild: Motivated by an unwavering love for the untamed beauty of nature, Waylan sees himself as a guardian of the wild. His commitment lies in preserving the delicate balance between the human settlement of Wolfhaven and the wilderness that surrounds it.   Protector of Kin and Kinship: Fueled by a deep sense of responsibility, Waylan is motivated to protect not only the physical well-being of his kin but also the spiritual connections that bind them. His role as a Wind-Dancer extends beyond the tangible, and he strives to nurture the bonds that tie the Ursara together.   Harmony Between Realms: Waylan is motivated by the desire to bridge the gap between the seen and unseen, the material and mystical. His interactions with the Shadow reflect a commitment to maintaining harmony between the tangible world and the ethereal forces that shape his existence.   Caretaker of the Emerald Guild: As a Harvest Guardian of the Emerald Guild, Waylan is motivated to cultivate and protect the lush gardens under his watch. This commitment extends to fostering a sustainable relationship between the settlement and the bounties of the earth.   Guidance for the Next Generation: Motivated by a sense of legacy, Waylan seeks to pass down the wisdom of the Ursara to the next generation. His interactions with his nephew, Jackson, are driven by a desire to instill a deep respect for nature and a harmonious coexistence with the primal forces that surround them.   In every action and decision, Waylan Creek's motivations echo the Wind-Dancer's commitment to the dance between strength and compassion, the tangible and the mystical—a commitment that shapes the path he treads through the wilds of Wolfhaven.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies:   Herbal Medicine: He is exceptionally savvy in the art of herbal medicine. His deep connection to the natural world and the teachings of the Ursara Wind-Dancers have equipped him with an extensive knowledge of plants, allowing him to craft remedies and potions that promote healing.   Land Stewardship: A Harvest Guardian of the Emerald Guild, Waylan is highly proficient in land stewardship. He understands the cycles of nature, knows how to cultivate crops sustainably, and can harmonize human activities with the needs of the earth.   Spiritual Communion: Waylan excels in spiritual communion with the Shadow and the mystical forces that inhabit the unseen realms. His intuitive understanding of the spiritual realm allows him to navigate and interact with the spirits in ways that few others can.   Cooking from the Earth: Waylan is adept at cooking wholesome and nourishing meals using ingredients sourced directly from the earth. His culinary skills extend to creating flavorful dishes that reflect his appreciation for the bounties of nature.   River's Bounty: Waylan's fishing savvy lies in his innate ability to read the river's whispers. With a keen understanding of the water's currents and the moods of aquatic spirits, he navigates the river with both practical skill and mystical intuition. His patient approach and attunement to the river's energies make every fishing expedition not just a pursuit of sustenance but a sacred communion with the flowing spirits of nature.   Ineptitudes:   Formal Diplomacy: In formal or diplomatic settings that require a nuanced approach to negotiation, Waylan's straightforward and honest demeanor may be seen as a limitation. He values transparency, and the nuances of diplomacy can sometimes elude him.   Navigating Urban Environments: Waylan is less comfortable in bustling urban environments. The concrete jungle feels alien compared to the familiar embrace of Wolfhaven's wilderness. Maneuvering through the complexities of a cityscape is not his forte.   Bookish Knowledge: While well-versed in the practical wisdom of the Ursara traditions, Waylan may struggle with more theoretical or academic aspects of knowledge. Bookish learning, divorced from hands-on experience, is not where his strengths lie.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes:   Tending to the Gardens: As a Harvest Guardian of the Emerald Guild, Waylan takes immense pleasure in cultivating and nurturing the land. The act of coaxing life from the soil and witnessing the fruits of his labor brings him a profound sense of fulfillment.   Guiding the Next Generation: Waylan delights in sharing his wisdom with the younger members of the Ursara community. Guiding and mentoring the next generation, including his nephew Jackson, brings him a sense of purpose and pride.   Communion with Spirits: Waylan embraces the mysticism of the Ursara Wind-Dancers and finds comfort in communing with the spirits of the Shadow. These interactions, whether through rituals or quiet contemplation, are a spiritual anchor for him.   Simple Gatherings: Whether around a campfire or in the heart of Wolfhaven, Waylan enjoys the simple pleasures of community gatherings. Laughter, stories, and shared moments create a tapestry of connection that resonates with his nurturing spirit.   Appreciation for Homely Meals: He possesses a genuine love for hearty, homely meals. Whether it's a stew simmered over an open flame or freshly harvested vegetables prepared with care, he relishes the simple pleasures of nourishing, earthy dishes that connect him to the essence of the land. A warm, communal meal is not just sustenance for Waylan but a celebration of the bounties the earth provides, reinforcing his connection to both the tangible and mystical aspects of his world.   Melodies of Nature: Waylan finds profound joy in music that mirrors the melodies of nature. Whether it's the soft strumming of a folk guitar or the gentle notes of a flute, music that resonates with the rustling leaves and flowing waters brings him a sense of connection to the natural world he holds dear.   Angle Affinity: Waylan's love for fishing goes beyond the catch; it's a tranquil dance with the river, a timeless connection to the ebb and flow of nature. In the quiet moments by the water, he finds both solace and joy, a testament to the simplicity and profound beauty of this age-old art.   Dislikes:   Disrespect for Nature: Waylan has little tolerance for those who disrespect the natural world. Actions that harm the land or its creatures, without regard for the delicate balance of ecosystems, evoke a deep sense of concern and disappointment.   Unnecessary Conflict: Waylan dislikes unnecessary conflict and strives to maintain harmony within the community. While he understands the inevitability of disagreements, he prefers resolutions that prioritize understanding and mutual respect.   Neglect of the Land: Seeing the land neglected or exploited without consideration for sustainability deeply troubles Waylan. He advocates for responsible stewardship and a mindful approach to utilizing the earth's resources.   Lack of Empathy: Waylan has little patience for those who lack empathy and compassion. He believes in the importance of understanding and supporting one another, and a lack of these qualities goes against the principles he holds dear.   Overly Processed Foods: Waylan harbors a strong dislike for overly processed and artificial foods. He prefers the authenticity and purity of ingredients sourced directly from the earth, finding solace in the simplicity and natural flavors that align with his deep connection to the land.   Dissonant Tunes: Waylan Creek has a distaste for dissonant and chaotic musical compositions. The discordant notes and lack of harmony disrupt the natural rhythms he cherishes, creating a sensory discord that goes against his appreciation for the serene symphony of nature.

Virtues & Personality perks

Waylan embodies a set of virtues that define his character and guide his actions, creating a harmonious balance between strength and compassion in the intricate dance of his existence:   Generosity: His generosity knows no bounds. As a Harvest Guardian of the Emerald Guild, he shares the bounty of the land with the settlement, ensuring that all may benefit from the earth's gifts. His generosity extends beyond material wealth, encompassing wisdom, protection, and a willingness to guide others on their journeys.   Compassion: Waylan's heart is a wellspring of compassion. Whether attending to the needs of his kin, nurturing the land under his care, or extending kindness to those around him, his actions are guided by a deep and genuine empathy.   Wisdom: Rooted in the teachings of the Ursara Wind-Dancers and nurtured by a life spent in communion with nature, Waylan possesses a deep well of wisdom. He imparts this knowledge not with authority, but with a humble understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.   Resilience: Like the resilient trees of the ancient woods that surround Wolfhaven, Waylan embodies a quiet but unyielding resilience. Whether weathering the storms of the physical world or navigating the challenges presented by the mystical forces, his spirit remains steadfast.   These virtues collectively shape Waylan into a person whose existence is not just between worlds but a testament to the enduring power of compassion, harmony, courage, generosity, wisdom, resilience, and responsibility in the intricate fabric of the Ursara tradition.

Vices & Personality flaws

While he is a figure of strength and virtue, he, like any individual, is not without his vices. These imperfections, though subtle, add complexity to his character and contribute to the rich tapestry of his existence:   Stubborn Independence: Waylan, at times, can be overly independent, finding it challenging to seek help or delegate responsibilities. This stems from a deep sense of personal responsibility, but it occasionally results in shouldering burdens that might be better shared.   Tendency to Overextend: Fueled by his generous spirit, Waylan often finds it difficult to say no to requests for assistance. This can lead to overextending himself, jeopardizing his own well-being as he strives to meet the needs of others.   Occasional Impulsivity: Despite his usual thoughtful nature, Waylan, when moved by emotion or urgency, can act impulsively. This impulsivity, though rare, may lead to decisions that require subsequent reflection and consideration.   Difficulty Letting Go: Waylan's deep connection to the land and its traditions sometimes results in a reluctance to embrace change. This difficulty letting go of the past or certain aspects of tradition can hinder adaptability in the face of evolving circumstances.   These vices, while nuanced, serve to make him a more relatable person. They contribute to the internal conflicts and growth opportunities that shape his journey as a Wind-Dancer and guardian of the wild in Wolfhaven.

Personality Quirks

In the midst of his formidable presence and serene demeanor, there are subtle tics and quirks that add a touch of human charm to the giant Wind-Dancer:   Earthen Thumb-Rubbing: In moments of contemplation or deep thought, Waylan has a tendency to absentmindedly rub the tips of his fingers together. It's a rhythmic motion, almost like feeling the texture of the earth, reflecting his connection to the land and the grounding energy he draws from it.   Bear-Inspired Grumbles: When amused or in a playful mood, Waylan emits low, bear-like grumbles. It's a sound that often precedes his hearty laughter, adding a touch of whimsy to his interactions and showcasing his ability to find joy in the simplest of moments.   Weather-Worn Token: Attached to his belt, Waylan carries a small, weather-worn token—a carved bear claw or a piece of stone. He frequently reaches down to touch or rub it, a subtle ritual that seems to bring him a sense of comfort and connection to his Ursara heritage.   Nature-Inspired Whistling: Whether strolling through the settlement or tending to the gardens, Waylan often finds himself whistling tunes that mirror the rustling leaves or the melodies of the wind. It's a subconscious expression of his harmonious relationship with the natural world.   Gentle Head Tilt: In moments of active listening or deep empathy, Waylan has a habit of tilting his head ever so slightly. It's a gesture that conveys his genuine interest and understanding, a non-verbal cue that he is fully present in the moment.   Recalling Ancient Sayings: Waylan has a penchant for recalling ancient Ursara sayings or proverbs in conversation. It's not just a display of wisdom but a genuine belief in the power of these age-old teachings to impart guidance and insight.   These tics and quirks, subtle as they may be, contribute to his endearing nature. They reveal a man deeply connected to the rhythms of nature, steeped in tradition, and embodying the delicate dance between the primal and the compassionate. Each gesture and habit paints a more intricate portrait of the Wind-Dancer within the gentle giant of Wolfhaven.


He maintains a practical and earthy approach to hygiene. His grooming is simple but effective, ensuring cleanliness without sacrificing his connection to the natural elements. His weathered hands bear witness to a life spent working the land, and a faint scent of earth and herbs often accompanies him—a testament to his intimate relationship with the wild. Despite the rustic charm, there's a deliberate effort to present himself with a certain level of cleanliness, reflecting a respect for both the tangible and mystical aspects of his existence.


Contacts & Relations

(Open for NPCs and PCs)

Family Ties

Father - Culver Creek (Ursara, Root-Weaver) Mother - Kaylene Creek (Ursara Beastkin)   Nephew - Jackson Creek   Brothers: Kiefer Creek (Oldest - Ursara, Den-Warder) Nolan Creek (2nd) Wyatt Creek (4th) Declan Creek (7th)   Sisters: Tessa Creek (3rd) Elara Creek (5th) Seraphina Creek (6th) Miley Creek (8th - Ursara, Heart-Ripper)

Religious Views

His connection to the spirit known as Mother Bear is profound and deeply rooted in the ancient mysticism of the Ursara. Mother Bear, a revered and protective force in the spiritual realm, is seen as a guiding presence and a symbol of nurturing strength.   In the sacred moments when Waylan communes with the Shadow, it is Mother Bear's essence that often envelops him, a gentle yet formidable presence. The spirit's energy, akin to the comforting warmth of a mother's embrace, instills in Waylan a sense of purpose and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of his kin and the natural world.   The bond between Waylan and Mother Bear is not just a spiritual connection; it's a collaborative dance where their energies intertwine. In times of need or challenge, Mother Bear's spirit lends its strength to Waylan, empowering him with the resilience and tenacity of the mighty bear. This symbiotic relationship enhances Waylan's abilities as a Wind-Dancer, allowing him to channel the primal forces with greater precision and grace.   As a Wind-Dancer who embodies the harmonious dance between the human and the primal, Waylan looks to Mother Bear for guidance and wisdom. The spirit serves as a beacon in the unseen realms, offering insights that shape Waylan's decisions and actions in the tangible world.

Social Aptitude

Waylan possesses a remarkable social aptitude, balancing his massive and potentially intimidating physical presence with a warm and approachable demeanor.   Empathy and Understanding: Waylan has a deep capacity for empathy, understanding the feelings and needs of those around him. This emotional intelligence allows him to connect with individuals on a personal level, fostering a sense of trust and camaraderie.   Approachability: Despite his towering size, Waylan is intentionally approachable. He uses body language, gestures, and a friendly smile to create an inviting presence, putting others at ease in his company.   Active Listening: Waylan is an attentive and active listener. He values the perspectives and stories of others, engaging in conversations with genuine interest. This active listening contributes to his reputation as a wise and understanding figure within the community.   Humility: Waylan's humility is evident in both his words and actions. He avoids asserting dominance or superiority, instead approaching interactions with a sense of equality and respect for the diverse experiences of those around him.   Adaptability: Recognizing the diversity within the Ursara community and beyond, Waylan demonstrates adaptability in different social settings. Whether participating in communal gatherings or engaging in one-on-one conversations, he adjusts his approach to meet the needs of the moment.   Conflict Resolution: Waylan prefers resolving conflicts through dialogue and understanding. His calm demeanor and ability to see multiple perspectives make him an effective mediator within the community, fostering harmony and unity.   Mentorship and Guidance: As a natural mentor, Waylan provides guidance and support to younger members of the Ursara community. His patient and nurturing approach helps individuals grow and navigate the challenges of both their human and primal aspects.   Respectful Communication: Waylan communicates respectfully, choosing words that reflect his reverence for nature and the sacred traditions of the Ursara. This respectful communication contributes to a harmonious and cooperative community atmosphere.   Waylan's social aptitude is a blend of strength, humility, and compassion, making him a respected figure and valuable member of the Wolfhaven settlement. His ability to bridge the gap between his imposing physical presence and his gentle personality contributes to the cohesion of the community he serves.


Warm Smiles and Eye Contact: Waylan's friendly and kind smile is almost a constant feature. He has a knack for making eye contact that sets people at ease, and his warm brown eyes convey a sense of understanding and acceptance.   Earthbound Touch: He has a habit of touching the earth or nearby plants when in contemplation or deep thought. It's as if he draws strength and wisdom from the natural world, and this tactile connection is a part of his grounding ritual.   Weathered Symbolic Gestures: During rituals or moments of spiritual significance, Waylan often makes symbolic gestures using his hands. These motions, laden with meaning, are a form of communication with the unseen forces he reveres.

Hobbies & Pets

Waylan's hobbies reflect his deep connection to nature, spirituality, and the traditions of the Ursara.   Herb Foraging and Medicine Crafting: Waylan enjoys spending time in the wild, foraging for herbs and plants used in traditional medicine. He takes pleasure in crafting remedies and potions that promote healing for both physical and spiritual well-being.   Gardening and Cultivating: As a Harvest Guardian of the Emerald Guild, Waylan finds joy in tending to the settlement's gardens. Cultivating crops, ensuring their health, and contributing to the bounty of the land are activities that bring him a deep sense of fulfillment.   Spiritual Communion: Waylan dedicates time to spiritual practices, including communing with the spirits of the Shadow. Whether through rituals, meditation, or quiet contemplation, he seeks to maintain a strong connection to the unseen realms.   Teaching and Mentorship: Waylan takes pleasure in sharing his knowledge and wisdom with younger members of the Ursara community. Teaching the traditions of the Wind-Dancers and mentoring those who seek guidance is not just a duty but a fulfilling hobby for him.   Cooking from the Earth: Waylan enjoys the culinary arts, particularly crafting meals using ingredients sourced directly from the earth. Cooking becomes a meditative and creative outlet, and he often shares his creations with the community during gatherings.   Storytelling and Lore Sharing: Waylan has a passion for storytelling, especially tales that are rich in Ursara lore and tradition. Sharing these stories not only preserves the cultural heritage of the Wind-Dancers but also fosters a sense of unity within the community.   Nature Walks and Exploration: Waylan appreciates the beauty of the natural world and often takes leisurely walks through the woods or along the settlement's outskirts. These explorations allow him to connect with the land and find inspiration in its diverse ecosystems.   Crafting Ritual Instruments: Waylan enjoys the craftsmanship of creating ritual instruments. Whether it's carving wooden staffs, crafting wind chimes, or decorating ceremonial items, he takes pride in the process of infusing these objects with spiritual significance.   Avid Angler: He is a fisherman at heart. His love for fishing is a quiet passion that brings him solace. With a patient demeanor and a weathered fishing rod in hand, Waylan finds joy in the simplicity of casting his line into the flowing waters, connecting with the rhythms of nature. The act of fishing allows him to commune with the river spirits and offers a peaceful respite from the weighty responsibilities he carries.   These hobbies not only contribute to Waylan's personal fulfillment but also play a vital role in maintaining the balance between his primal and human aspects.   Mister Reginald: A friendly hedgehog is Waylan's companion in the gardens. This little creature happily accompanies him as he tends to the plants, ensuring a natural balance by keeping pests in check. The hedgehog becomes a cherished presence in the settlement's green spaces.   Shanks: A small, ferret with a coat that shimmers in iridescent hues is Waylan's constant companion during spiritual rituals. This ferret, provides insights and guidance in the aspects of Waylan's practices.


Waylan Creek's speech is characterized by a flat and lazy Southern California accent. His voice carries a deep, heavy bass, resonating with a calm and reassuring quality. When he speaks, there's a deliberate and unhurried pace, mirroring the patient rhythms of the natural world he holds dear. Waylan's words are often laced with wisdom, reflecting the teachings of the Ursara Wind-Dancers, and he has a knack for using simple yet profound language to convey his thoughts. His voice, like his demeanor, is a blend of approachability and strength, creating an atmosphere of comfort and trust in those who listen.

Wealth & Financial state

Waylan Creek possesses a modest wealth reflective of his simple lifestyle. His resources primarily include the essentials for sustenance, a small but well-tended plot of land, and a humble dwelling in Wolfhaven. While not affluent, his wealth is measured in the richness of the earth he cultivates and the spiritual connections he maintains rather than material extravagance.

Hailing from the settlement of Wolfhaven, he is a known healer, Harvest Guardian of the Emerald Guild, and one of the Ursara Wind-Dancers. His massive stature, contrasts with his warm eyes and a perpetually kind smile.

Character Location
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Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Harvest Guardian of the Emerald Guild

24 years old
Date of Birth
21st of Februari, 275 AF
Current Residence
Warm Brown
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Moderately Tanned with a clear and pale complexion
425 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the embrace of the wild, I find my strength. In the dance with the winds, my spirit soars. For in every heartbeat, echoes the untamed rhythm of nature—the song that guides my steps, the melody that shapes my soul." -Waylan
Mother Bear
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English and The First Tongue.


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