Winter Revel

The Winter Revel is Rivershire's answer to enduring the long cold months. Starting on Decembre 19th the people get together for a three day community gather. The first day is casual and dedicated to fun. There are games, songs, food, and bonfires to stay warm. There is a large community bonfire but there are smaller groups as well. The second day is more solemn. People spend the day gathering gifts, cooking and baking, and spending time with friends and family. When the sun sets everyone comes together with candles. Dinner is eaten in a sea of gentle candle light. People recount the good times throughout the year and discuss what plans they would like to make going forward. It's tends to be a quiet night. Candles are left in special holders on the porches and windows of homes throughout the night. Some stay up until the sun rises following an older tradition. This group tends to spend the early morning hours in companionable silence around a bonfire. They take turns going to check the candles around Rivershire to make sure they stay lit. At sunrise the gather around the bonfire to greet the sun. The winter is just beginning but the light is coming back. In strong contrast to the day before the last day of the Winter Revel is a loud, messy jubilation. Gifts are exchanged, dancing and music can be found everywhere. People come together and meet throughout the day. It tends to end early for people to recoup since work starts again the next day.


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