Duergar Species in Oelia | World Anvil
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Duergar, or Gray Dwarves, are a race of Dwarves that live in the Underdark. These people are generally gray-skinned, white-haired, and stout, with white eyes. Considered "Evil" or "Crazy" by other races, the reality is that Duergar have the same chance to be evil or good as anyone else, but most are content to stay within the Underdark and live their lives. The issue comes when people come out of the Underdark, almost always coming on some sort of self-seeded quest to "reconquer" the world above. A problem that does plague the Duergar, however, is the Sickness. The Sickness is a disease that is epidemic to the Duergar and causes severe recklessness, greed, and other more minor things like hair loss, rashes, etc.

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