Gnomes Species in Oelia | World Anvil
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Gnomes In Oelia

  Gnomes are a small humanoid race know for tinkering and contraptions. They are found all across Oelia, normally living in small towns or cities with large Gnome populations or artificers Guilds that Gnomes could excel in.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Gnomes can be found all over Oelia, generally around their own kind in clans of sorts. Deep Gnomes are generally very secluded, with their Underdark abodes being nearly 100% made up of other Deep Gnomes.
Gnomes are considered to be "adult" at 40, and can live between 350-400 years total.
Average Height
Gnomes are on average a bit taller than 3 feet.
Average Weight
40-50 Pounds.
Geographic Distribution

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