Flanaess Calendar
Most countries of the Flanaess follow a standard calendar known as the Greyhawk Calendar. A year consists of 364 days that are split evenly between twelve spans. Each span contains 28 days split between four weeks with a seven day festival at the end of each set of three spans. All cultures celebrate these festivals, but use a variety of names that reflect their cultural history. These spans and festivals are commonly referenced as the Dozenspan of Luna and the four festivals.
Within a week, days are labeled as Starday, Sunday, Moonday, Godsday, Waterday, Earthday, and Freeday. Generally Godsday is a day of worship and Freeday allows for rest. The remaining days are considered working days.
The four week long festivals are called NeedFest, Growfest, Richfest, and Brewfest.