Flanaess Calendar

Most countries of the Flanaess follow a standard calendar known as the Greyhawk Calendar. A year consists of 364 days that are split evenly between twelve spans. Each span contains 28 days split between four weeks with a seven day festival at the end of each set of three spans. All cultures celebrate these festivals, but use a variety of names that reflect their cultural history. These spans and festivals are commonly referenced as the Dozenspan of Luna and the four festivals.   Within a week, days are labeled as Starday, Sunday, Moonday, Godsday, Waterday, Earthday, and Freeday. Generally Godsday is a day of worship and Freeday allows for rest. The remaining days are considered working days.   The four week long festivals are called NeedFest, Growfest, Richfest, and Brewfest.
Seasonal Calendar by Russell Akred