Obad-Hai Character in Oerth | World Anvil

Obad-Hai (oh-bod-high)

Originating from lore of the Flan peoples as the god of summer, Obad-Hai rules over nature, woodlands, hunting, and beasts. An ancient god, he favors those who live and thrive in the wild, such as rangers, druids, hunters, and trappers. Called simply "the Shalm" by peasants, he expects his followers to live in harmony with nature in all it's variety. He teaches that the wilderness can be ugly, dangerous, or even terrible, but each of these is an aspect of nature and should be respected just like the beautiful, peaceful, or wonderful aspects are.   Obad-Hai has an well-known and intense rivarly with Ehlonna--the goddess of woodlands, forests, flora, fauna, and fertility. Her focus on the beauty and wonder of the wilderness offends Obad-Hai who sees all aspects of the untamed lands as important. Conversely, Obad-Hai bitterly hates Karaan, the god of savage lust and wanton destruction, because of his focus purely on the savageness of nature.

Divine Domains


Divine Goals & Aspirations

Obad-Hai believes that all life should exist in equal tranquility.
Divine Classification
Lesser God

Articles under Obad-Hai