Session 4: The Council Reacts Report Report in Oerth | World Anvil

Session 4: The Council Reacts Report

General Summary

Moonday 10 Reaping - Evening   You all gather in the common room of the Snapping Line to discuss the past few days as you await your council summons. Karia relates that she did some shopping in the weekly market. The next day, she went over the Sea Grove north of town and talked with the druid there and then this morning she went to the Dwarven Anvil to look at armor heading to Sharkfin bridge where she questioned the inhabitants regarding it, but got no one had any information.   Nar goes next relating that she was tracking down how she got here, finding that she boarded a ship in Furyondy from the harbormaster. While there, she overheard some sailors blaming the disappearing vessels on sea devils, which apparently is some monstrous hybrid that's half-man and half-shark. And that it's a taboo topic among the locals, but she did find a fishing captain that helped her learn.   Leeroy spent the three days by finding the Sea Grove as well. The first day there, he heard people discussing lizardfolk and how dangerous they were, but the next few days he was isolated.   Mina's tale begins with visiting the local temple to Procan. The priest requested that she travel along the coast looking for a lost fishing vessel. The next day, she made it out past the mine where she discovered a lone body washed ashore. With the dwarves helping, she brought the body back so that Wellgar could resurrect him. The sailor related a tale that the ship was likely searching for the Emperor when it was dragged under by a monster with huge tentacles and that he's the only that made it off the ship.   Kyra spent these past few days in her room studying the recovered spellbooks.   You head over to council hall. As you enter the council room, Councilor Oweland argues, "Crabber's cove has long been abandoned. We can raze it to the ground, then build it back up. A new set of docks could go there. Plus there's room for a shipyard and processing plants. Alternatively, we could build next to your house, Eliander.."   "We don't have those resources right now, Eda. Plus we need to ensure there aren't any squatters," responds Capt Fireborn, "Crabber's Cove isn't going anywhere, so we can circle back in a few months. Right now, we need to increase defenses against the lizardfolk or have you forgotten the last time that they raided this village before I was here?"   Manistrad Copperlocks speaks up, "You know if you devoted more resources to my mine, then we'd be bringing in riches and we wouldn't have these fights of spreading out meager resources."   "The adventures have returned," intones Gellan Primewater, "Perhaps we should hear what they have to say?"   "Ah yes! Indeed good councilor. I've heard some information, but would one of you like to report to the entire council?"   Leeroy quickly relays the events within the haunted mansion and concludes that the whole operation was a cover for smugglers. Councilor Oweland empathizes, "Ah smugglers. It seems anywhere there is commerce there are those that circumvent it. Well, at least we've shut it down. And we will reward you with 120gp for both completing the job and the silks."   "Smuggling, it's almost a tradition," concurs Primewater. "However, it's best to ensure the crown collects all it is due."   "Those casks of brandy were ordered for my mine. I can free up about 80gp from royal funds as compensation as well. However, that wasn't the complete order. There should be more," states Copperlocks.   "Why are we assuming this is the end of it," inquires Anders Solmor. "Clearly, there's another half to this operation. Those goods had to be shipped there so there's at least one ship out there somewhere and I'm betting it's flying Sea Prince colors."   "Smuggling is a serious crime and not someone's tradition," declares Fireborn. "It will not be tolerated while I'm here. However, we can't divert the guard from their patrols to seize this potential smuggler. Eda, typically smugglers would offload on moonless nights, correct?" Seeing her assent he continues, "Well if we had some volunteers to capture the ship, then we could close off this operation completely."   The party asks for a moment to discuss. During that discussion Eda interrupts, "What was that? It sounded like you mentioned the Emperor. Why mention that ship?" Mina relates the tale that she heard and Eda snorts in response, "Honestly, it's a tragic tale that happened before my first term. “Emperor of the Waves” was the pride of the fleet that Aubreck Drallion once commanded. He had hundreds of ships under his banner dodging storms, pirate raids, and escaping monsters of the sea. He seemed unstoppable in business." Eda pauses for a moment, then continues, "Then came the day where he started talking about becoming THE source for rare spices from a jungle along the southern shores of the Azure Sea. He took “The Emperor” to establish a base in the jungle. A monstrous storm hit on that voyage, sinking every ship except one: Aubreck survived. The Emperor did NOT. Drallion was forced to sell off most of his ships and local property, including that large mansion of yours, eh Primewater?"   "Tragedy happens all the time, it's only good business to take advantage of those situations as they occur. Much like how you profit by helping with displaced fishermen," Primewater retorts.   "So do you have a consensus? Will you investigate this ship? Luna's New Moon is tomorrow night. Will you be ready?" inquires Fireborn.   "We're willing to do this, but what compensation is there?" asks Leeroy.   Fireborn retorts, "We understand mercenaries need to be paid. There will be compensation, but it depends on what you find. Is there additional smuggled goods? If so, then you'll get additional funds for the return of those goods. If there's no ship and no goods, then we'll pay you something, but it certainly won't be equivalent. Are we in agreement on this task?"   After assenting, you're being escorted out of the room as Solmor questions, "Eliander, I've heard rumors that you've been disappearing when you're supposed to be on duty. Where are you going? Why are you disappearing at all hours of the day?"   "Oh what is this, Fireborn? I agree with young Anders," Primewater adds, "Do tell us where you've been off?"   Oweland questions Solmor, "Exactly what do you mean that he's been disappearing? Have you seen him leave his house? Do you have proof he did something wrong?"   "I didn't say he snuck out of his house," Solmor defends, "But he is up to something shifty and I demand to know what it is!"   Oweland starts to speak up again, but Fireborn cuts her off, "The security of Saltmarsh is my business and I will conduct it the way I see fit."   "Oh? Why not share what you're doing then," counters Oweland.   "Because my investigation isn't complete and it likely involves people in this very room. Until I know who, I'm not sharing," Capt Fireborn states as the door closes behind you.   Gathering around a table in the Snapping Line, you discuss how to capture the smuggling vessel if it's there. Knowing their signaling codes helps as does having a jolly boat that will be manned by two volunteer guards. However, none of you have skill at seamanship so the question lingers how will you bring ship to Saltmarsh once you are in control. Nar reminds, "The captain that told me about the sea devils was very nice. I wonder if he would do it?" So you all head down to the docks near the Oweland house where Nar points out the particular ship and it's got a light visible in the bridge. Leeroy starts walking up the gangplank, but Nar stops him, "We need to be invited before we can board his ship." She then yells out, "Ho! Captain! It's your friend Nar. I've got claw wine to share!"   The door slides open and you hear him yell out, "Well don't be just standing there, come aboard and we can talk in here."   You all crowd into the bridge amid introductions from Nar. Captain O'Donahue asks, "Was that one of you on the gangplank?"   Leeroy apologizes, "I'm a country boy and assumed that I should come knock on your door."   "Nay young lad, the door as it were is that gangplank. You cannae be on the ship without askin'. However, no harm be done, so let's hand over one of those skins of claw wine and let me be hearing you."   The group relates that they've been helping the council, which of course he already knew, and what occurred within the mansion and that they've now been tasked to commandeer the smuggler's ship, but they need a pilot. The captain sips at his claw wine while listening and nods as you conclude your proposal. "Well I'll not be doin' this for nothin'. I've got me ship to repair and gold doesn't grow on trees. So what's my stake in this venture?"   Leeroy clarifies, "We'll be rewarded by the council. They wouldn't give exact figures, but you'll get a share."   "Ha! Ye might be working for them, but I be working for you," responds O'Donahue. "And I'll not be having a maybe reward. There be a minimum rate here of 30gp for the night plus up to the share value. Be ye up for it?"   "Just to be clear, if the share goes over 30 gp, then we only owe you the share?" Leeroy confirms.   "Aye that be the nature of it. Now, you state that you need my services for bringing the ship to dock, what you be doing with her after?"   Mina speaks up, "Well the council will pay us for it's return and the cargo."   "Aye lass, we know that, but after that what you be doing with the ship? Will ye be selling her? If so, I be wanting a piece of that too," the captain argues.   You quickly discuss and agree to his terms and then head to the mansion. Around 10 bells, Karia struggles to keep her eyes open, when the signal comes. A tiny white light flashing the signal to see if it's safe. She uses the lantern to confirm it's safe and then heads down to the cavern where the jolly boat is being pushed out to sea. The volunteers row with the captain directing them eastward so that you can circle to the seaward side of the ship. Darkness surrounds you with both Luna and Celene going through their new moons phases. However, you just keep track of the ship based on the torches they're burning on the main deck. As your boat finally approaches the ship, you can see "Sea Ghost" painted in white letters against the prow. Kyra trails her hand along the Sea Ghost's waterline feeling the slimy edge. The jolly boat coasts to rest midway back on the starboard side of the Sea Ghost. Leeroy twirls the grappling hook and tosses it up where it catches against the banister rail.   Karia, Nar, and Leeroy climb the rope to the deck. In the dim light cast by torches near the fore and aft decks, you can see the details of the main deck. On the centerline forward of the mast, sits a jolly boat lashed upside-down to the deck with ropes. A hatch, aft of the mast, leads to below decks and a rope ladder leading to the crow's nest hangs above it. Two human figures lean against the port railing staring toward the coast. Between them at deck level is a roll of canvas or rope. Mina follows-up the rope and Kyra, after slipping twice, ties the rope around her waist as Leeroy pulls her upward.   Nar silently takes cover behind the jolly boat as Karia sneaks forward until the jingling of her armor attracts one of the bandits attention. Mina and Leeroy close to melee combat while Nar and Karia pick off from a distance. Leeroy strikes a critical blow against one bandit and the other soon follows. Still sensing combat, Leeroy moves up onto the poop deck seeing the tiller dominating this area with an horizontal arm sticking out of it. Seeing the area empty he rushes back to the main deck.   Mina then moves up to the forecastle. Looking over the ship's capstan she sees the chain run out from it and down a vent on the port side. She turns around and shrugs at the group as Karia looks up to see a third bandit scaling down from the crow's nest. Once spotted, the bandit quickly joins his comrades. Once you confirm there are no other combatants, Mina and Kyra hide the bodies beneath the jolly boat.     Reviewing the main deck you can see four doors leading under the poop deck and three under the forecastle. Choosing the port side poop deck door, Nar cracks open the door to one of the ship's master cabins. Just seeing a table, a lighted lantern dangling from the ceiling and the edge of bed, she creeps slowly forward until seeing the edges of a person in robes sitting at the table. Just as the figure sees her, she yells, "It's too late. We've already taken the ship!" Incredibly, Punketah's face sinks in despair as she submits to her captors. You quickly bind and gag her, then search the room. Finding a chest, Nar attempts to remove a trap, but instead sets it off exposing herself and Karia to noxious fumes. However, they both wave the gas away and open the chest finding clothing, a scroll, a leather purse, and Punketah's spell book.   While Nar's reviewing the contents, Kyra catches movement out of her eye and sees the far starboard door slowly open. Capturing the attention of Mina and Leeroy, they position themselves guarding the door. Nar quietly joins them and slowly peeks into this room that is another of the stately master cabin that has a table, couch with a rolled up rug in front of it, and a writing desk set against the stern wall. Searching the room, you find a trap door in front of the couch so whoever opened the door likely slipped through there. Leeroy and Karia move the couch so that it rests on top of the trap door preventing entry. You then rustle through the trays on the writing desk finding mostly bills and receipts. In another tray you find three letters from three women of three different ports that are quite clearly intimate in nature and each believes that she is the Mrs. Sigurd. Finally, in the last tray you find a crudely written letter requesting more ironware and signed with a lizard. The wooden chest next to the desk reveals only clothes. The metal box beneath the couch springs open revealing ten bars of electrum.   Leeroy fearing that the captain might be setting up an ambush urges you onward, you head to the starboard side door under the forecastle. Opening the door, a distinct odor that reminds you of swamp washes over you. You can see there is a wooden table bolted to the floor in the center of the room. Along the edges of this room are three hammocks that have scaly humanoid figures resting in them. As the lizardmen react, Leeroy rushes in and bludgeons one. Karia quickly joins and the rest of you follow suit. Within a minute, two lizardmen are unconscious and the third has surrendered. All three are quickly tied up. Leeroy urges speed and pushes forward to discover a storeroom and then back over to the port side door that leads into the ship's galley with a crude metal stove and pots and pans hanging from hooks in the ceiling. The next door forward leads into food stores, so you head back to the deck and take the remaining door in the centerline that leads to a steep ladder going downward.   Descending to the next deck, you enter the crew's quarters. There are eight hammocks lining the perimeter of the wall each with a brass-bound wooden sea chest beneath. You open the door in the southern bulkhead revealing a cargo hold with stacked bolts of cloth on the aft bulkhead and a large number of small casks on the port and starboard bulkheads. There are also five crewmen, the captain, first mate, and the bosun who engage as they see you. Outnumbered and without room to maneuver this becomes the most difficult battle of your life. Mina closes on the captain engaging him in the center of the hold while Leeroy steps to the center of the door. Nar leans around Leeroy's armored butt and shoots an arrow through the eye of a bandit dropping him onto the casks where he was kneeling. Bloody B'jorn, the bosun, hits Mina with his hook and thunder reverberates from her damaging him. Karia pushes Leeroy out of the doorway firing her crossbow watching the bolt lodge into the captains shoulder. Leeroy, then climbs past the first mate, Foul Firthoff, onto the casks and smashes the bosun breaking ribs. Kyra tries to summon the eldritch powers, but loses concentration and fails to damage. Nar fires her bow hitting the captain as Mina cudgels him with her mace. The bandits fire arrows hitting Leeroy, but he powers forward with the hilt of his polearm and takes out the bosun. He then focuses on attacking the captain, when the first mate critically hits him in the back knocking him to the ground with blood pooling. Mina screams and starts to channel her divine power of Istus, when another round of arrows take her and Kyra down. The captain sensing victory closes on Karia, but misses as the first mate moves in behind him without noticing Nar hidden beneath a hammock. Nar takes down the captain with a sneak attack, but Karia falls before the advance of the first mate. A flurry of blows exchange between Nar and Firthoff with the crewman eyeing the door with the unseen attacker. As Nar gets the killing blow on the first mate, she screams out in desperation, "Your Captain and First Mate are dead! Surrender now or face the fury of Nar!!" Shocked at the brutality that just occurred the crewman throw down their weapons and surrender.   Nar attends to Karia and then Kyra. They then move into the cargo hold to tie up the sailors and assist Mina and Leeroy. All of you sigh in relief knowing that death had held you within his gaze.

Rewards Granted

Leather purse containing 50gp
Spell Scroll (rm 8)
Punketah's Spellbook
Crude letter
Ten electrum ingots (100ep ea)


290 xp earned per character

Monsters defeated:
Punketah -Deck Wizard
Foul Firthoff - First Mate
Bloody B'jorn - Bosun
Captain Sigurd "Snake Eyes" - Pirate Captain

Secrets of the Saltmarsh
Report Date
10 Oct 2021