Session 7 - Dunwater Lair Report Report in Oerth | World Anvil

Session 7 - Dunwater Lair Report

General Summary

Godsday, 18 Reaping
After camping on the edge of the Dunwater River, the Try-hard Misfits rise from their overnight rest. A fine mist drizzles down and dark stormy clouds menace above the Azure Sea. Across the river a large basalt rock rises from the marshy, promontory point. The party fords across the Dunwater and follows the faint trail that leads around the looming edifice. Nar scouts around the bend and discovers that the trail leads directly to a clump of bushes and tall grasses. Inspecting the clump of flora, she locates a wooden door, then meets the party as they advance up the trail.   The Try-hard Misfits approach the simple wooden door and Leeroy leads them into a long darkened hallway that has a branch about twenty to thirty feet forward. The group sneaks forward although their armor clinks and clangs with each step betraying their attempt. As Leeroy peers around the bend, a reptilian face peers back at him.   The lizardman turns and shots a warning in it's guttural language as Kyra brings forth arcane energies to understand as it then barks at them. "You invade our home! Turn back and get out!" Kyra alerts the party and Mina summons a heavy fog bank within the hallway. The party heads back toward the entrance as a gust of wind originates from Mina clearing out the doorway of the dense fog. Kyra and Karia linger at the junction for a moment and overhear the lizardman state "Intruders here. It sounds like they retreat, but cloud make sight bad." They then return outside as well.   Once outside, the Misfits debate their next action and decide to continue to circle around the edifice. As they continue eastward, they reach a cut in the marsh that leads from the Azure Sea and appears to penetrate into the rock. Leeroy doffs his armor and then jumps into the water with Oceanus and Kyra following. They swim into a tunnel that opens up into a large underground cavern pool. Leeroy climbs up from the tunnel dripping water as he surveys the apparently empty pool. Seeing a trail of bubbles to his left, he stalks forward. Suddenly, a lizardman jumps up from a hiding place near stairs against the western wall and races into a passageway. Several other lizardmen rise up from the seaweed bed as battle ensues.   Leeroy uses the flat of his blade to slap the lizardman that he discovered, while Oceanus uses the haft of his trident to bludgeon another. Kyra dives back into the tunnel racing outside to alert the others that a battle is occurring and then races back inward. The lizardmen strike back using spears and bites against Leeory and Oceanus. As the rest of the group starts swarming into the pool, another lizardman breaks off from Leeroy and splashes through a hole in the cavern to the south. Lizardmen trade blows with Leeroy and Oceanus as one of the lizardmen gets knocked unconscious.   As Leeroy breathes a sigh of relief, several more lizardmen run in from the northeast and more splashing is heard from the south. The entire party makes it into the cavern as the battle wages. However, as another lizardman falls unconscious Kyra casts a calming influence over the battle. Oceanus throws down her spear and Mina heals one of the hurt lizardmen on the rocky ledge. The group of lizardfolk pause at this change of tactics as several mermen charge in from the south.   "Cousin," yells a larger Merman, "why are you attacking? What brings you inside the lizardfolk den?"   Oceanus replies, "We have evidence that they are preparing for war and need to investigate."   "Then surrender peacefully and I'm sure you will be brought before their queen," responds the Merfolk salvager.   The air thickens with tension as the Misfits debate their situation. Realizing that speaking with the queen might provide the group with their overall goal, the party slowly relinquishes their weapons.     The lizardfolk surround the party and march them through several corridors within the lair until reaching a large hall with a series of pillars and mounted heads acting as trophies upon the wall. Before them sitting upon a throne on a dais sits a lizardwoman. One of the escort barks and grunts something to the throne and then the queen speaks, "Intruders why do you invade our home?"   "You're preparing for war," responds Leeroy, "We know because we captured the smugglers. We found the weapons and your map."   Intrigued the queen answers, "War yes, but not with town. We battle Sahuagin who took our home."   Oceanus gasps, "Sahuagin? Nearby? Those sea devils are the scourge of all."   "Indeed noble sea elf," continues the queen, "We talk with many tribes to form a force to drive them out. Drive them out to never return. We do not wish to bother town. Many battles with town in past, but not today. Today we leave town alone and hide here. Town too close for us to remain though."   Leeroy intercedes, "Great queen, may we help? The town sent us here to find out why you were receiving weapons and to help if we could."   The queen lowers her head as an elderly lizardman leans in whispering into her ear. Then she straightens and says, "We thought humans not helpful, but you come in from sea and not kill warriors. Perhaps you can help. Prove to those here that you mean good and we will be friends and fight together. I give you one day to talk to groups here. Make them like you and we make nice. I am Othokent, queen of lizardfolk in Dunwater."   Further discussion reveals that the party needs to show good intentions to each of the visiting tribes as well as the factions within the lizardfolk lair. Not all factions will speak common, so the party will need to demonstrate beyond words for those groups. The visiting tribes include Locathah, Merfolk, and Koalinth. The lizardfolk factions within Dunwater include commoners, shamans, the queen's advisor called Sauriv, and the queen herself. The party decides to split up and work with the varying factions in the hopes to quickly convince everyone.   Leeroy and Kyra speak first with the old advisor in a beginning session to learn the language of the lizardfolk. Their draconic lesson goes well and at the end he offers to teach any who wish to learn. Mina heads over to the shamans and attempts to help them as they grind herbs and treat their wounded. Unfortunately, the lizardfolk shaman shun her. They even throw out her efforts and start fresh. Finally, they push Mina out of the room. Karia heads back up to the pools leading out to the Azure Sea to talk things over with the Koalinth only to learn that they've decided that other priorities, i.e. fighting the sea elves, are too important to join the lizardfolk. Oceanus discusses his rescue and time within the Saltmarsh village, but doesn't convince Othokent of the party's goodwill. Nar heads over to one of the nurseries where commoners and hatchlings play and uses her lute to create a jovial environment. The lizardfolk don't understand her words, but they love the music and entertainment she provides.   After gathering to discuss their efforts in the first three hours, the group splits up again. This time Leeroy and Oceanus go fishing with the Merfolk. Using a rod to fish amuses the merfolk while Leeroy gathers up his armor. The merfolk question it's use since to them it just means he sinks faster. After explaining how it protects on land, the merfolk appraise him approvingly. Karia and Kyra stay with the queen and Kyra uses her new found knowledge of Draconic to formally greet the queen while Karia delivers the "iron goods" to her. This pleases the queen greatly and she welcomes the entire group to visit as they are able. Mina heads to the pools this time and speaks with the Locathah folk. They are a resilient race that has been persecuted by every other race at one time or another. Mina talks to them how the great goddess Istus guides us all and that perhaps the troubles that the locathah went through are why they are such a wonderful race now. The locathah find this intriguing and ask many questions regarding Istus and her followers. Nar feeling flush from the previous performance tracks down the lizardfolk warriors. She greets Ihrtos, the subchief, in their training room. She then provides another rousing performance stunning the warriors that were training. Ihrtos applauds Narsherekir and welcomes her to train with the warriors.   Soon the party once again gathers in the trophy room with the queen. She congratulates the Try-hard misfits on their earnest desire of goodwill. Othokent now believes that the humans could be significantly helpful in the coming war. She requests that two delegates travel with the group back to Saltmarsh to formalize an agreement between Saltmarsh and Dunwater. Two scaleshield warriors step forward flanking the queen and are introduced as Garurt and Vyth, which translates to Axe and Steel.   Waterday, 19 Reaping   The group departs the Dunwater Lair and traverses back through the swamp with their delegates, Garurt and Vyth. The delegates help ensure a safe and efficient path back to Saltmarsh so after leaving in the morning, the group reaches the western wall by nightfall. The city guards allow the group, including the lizardfolk to pass, but also send runners to alert Capt Fireborn and the rest of the council. As the group amiably walks through the town, villagers begin to gather to witness this strange procession. As the party crosses over the Sharkfin bridge, the road is lined with people gawking as the famed "adventurers" converse lightly with the lizardfolk delegation. Finally, the group reaches the First Well square as a crowd gathers at it's edges.   Soon you hear Capt Fireborn approaching as he shouts orders for the city watch to disperse onlookers. "Only those with council business can remain!" As the crowd slowly begins to disperse, Capt Fireborn addresses the group, "C'mon we won't have them dispersed for long. Go on into the council hall so that we avoid any more distractions." Leading everyone into the council room, he sits behind a desk and says, "Well, I can see your mission didn't go exactly as planned." Leeroy starts to speak, but Fireborn interrupts, "However, let's wait for the other members before you relate your tale."   Within the half-hour all council members and their retinue sit within the council room. The group relates the events of the past few days. As you reveal that the Lizardfolk plan to take back their other lair from a Sahaugin tribe, both Oweland and Primewater curse under their breath.   "By Procan's beard," begins Oweland, "Sahuagin are ruthless aggressive bastards. It's no wonder that the lizardfolk were seeking better weapons. They've earned their nickname of Sea Devils." Seeing the questioning faces of Fireborn and Copperlocks, she continues, "Sahuagin are truly devils of the deep. They are a predatory, piscine race that evolved from sharks. Usually these tribes are ruled by a mutant that grows a second set of arms and are fearsome foes in battle. These barons, as they call themselves, require obedience of all those around them. If a Sahuagin Baron controls the tribe that evicted our lizardfolk tribe, then this is a dangerous situation."   "Are they truly as bad as that?" asks Solmor, "I thought they were just a myth."   Primewater nods, "Aye! They are as bad as that and worse. I suggest we accept the lizardfolk treaty and prepare for war."   "We'll get a note off to Duke Felton on the morrow," says Fireborn, "but I doubt he'll believe that the threat is serious enough to divert from the Sea Princes."   Skerrin Wavechaser whispers into Solmor's ears and Anders states, "Yes. Skerrin believes that even if we can't convince the Duke to commit warships, that perhaps financial aid will be provided."   Nar interrupts the council, "Excuse me. Now that we see their intentions, when will the lizardfolk in the holding cell be released?"   Fireborn looks at Nar with a smile and says, "Immediately. You are right to bring this up as we were only holding them as a precaution. Furthermore, your group deserves another reward. You achieved more than we could have hoped and we believe that your involvement with the war will be essential. Eda, what funds are we able to release?"   Oweland frowns momentarily, but then remarks, "It's true. To be partnering with these lizardfolk against sea devils. Never in my life would I have dreamed of such. You've done another massive service for our village. You've earned this 700gp from the town's coffers."   The spontaneous council meeting continues deep into the night. By the end of it, lodgings are arranged for the lizardfolk delegates in a house near Capt Fireborn's house. The council also arranges for weekly trade ships to visit the Dunwater lair.   As you cross the courtyard with only a small sliver from each moon, Luna and Celene, providing light, you see Capt Fireborn exit the council hall, flip up the hood on his dark cloak, and disappear into the shadows. Tired after several long days, you shrug and head inside the now silent Snapping Line to your rooms.

Rewards Granted

267 XP/person (1600 total)
700 Gp

Missions/Quests Completed

Breached the Lizardfolk lair
Met Othokent the Lizard Queen
Bridged distrust with goodwill for all factions except Shamans

Character(s) interacted with

Queen Othokent

Created Content

Secrets of the Saltmarsh
Report Date
23 Jan 2022