The Dancing Dove

The Tavern's Tale

The Dancing Dove is owned by Erin Henderson, an unmarried woman and her son, Caleb, both of whom are humans of Flan descent. The inspiration for the tavern's name was the owner's nickname. It is a tavern of modest quality, and its main draw is its rough-and-tumble anything goes atmosphere.

The Bartender

Erin tends the bar because she enjoys doing the job herself. Her disposition is generally described as unusually flirtatious. She is above average looking with coppery skin and blue hair in a tight bun style. Physically, she is acutely stocky.

The Clientele

On a typical night, the clientele at The Dancing Dove can be described as astonishingly raucous. On this occasion, there are over a dozen other people currently in the tavern. Some of the patrons are listening to a singer, others are engaged in a heated debate, and a couple others are playing some kind of guessing game.

The Accommodations

The rooms for rent at The Dancing Dove are pretty small and incredibly spotless. There are currently four rooms available for rent. The cost for a night's stay is 6 sp, 4 cp.
Founding Date
574 CY

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