
A species of anthrophage supernatural creatures.

Ghouls are unusual among anthrophage species, in that they are carrion eaters. While they have been known to kill humans for food, they will not eat living flesh, and prefer not to eat fresh corpses. They prefer bodies which have been dead for a few days, and for that reason, most often feed themselves by robbing graves.

One of the most interesting features of Ghouls is their appearance. Experimentation by Hunter Clans has proved that Ghouls have no fixed appearance, and will appear in forms which allow them to pass as average and unremarkable in their current setting.

On death, their body will gradually (over the course of around 48 hours) morph to the form of a colourless humanoid with elongated limbs and few facial features. It is debated as to whether they are shapeshifters, or generate some form of glamour to hide their natural appearance.


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