Magic Circle

The magic circle is a concept common to many forms of trickster, such as Kitsune.

When a trickster engages with someone deliberately, whether it be antagonistic or friendly, they and the trickster enter a 'magic circle', a game in which both parties colaboratively create binding rules.

Tricksters may bend or twist the rules, but will not break it, as this is not in their nature.

If the other party is not a trickster, they may break the rules, but in so doing, they break the magic circle, and in so doing remove any restrictions on the trickster's behaviour.

The magic circle will almost never be explicitly stated or explained, and the other party must figure out what rules the trickster has set. Most tricksters do not require their participants to explicitly state the rules they are imposing, but rather they opperate on a system of sincere belief. If participants believe in a rule, it will be binding on the trickster.


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