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The Star

the brightest luminary in the sky

The Five-Pointed Star is the pantheon that follows the cycle of the universe and whose teachings come from Lord Crielesos himself. In the southern region of Cometa, it is the most widespread theology, with hundreds of churches and thousands of believers. Followers of the Five-Pointed Star believe that Lord Crielesos, Lord of the Timeline, carries knowledge from when the universe was born and when it will end. They adhere to his teachings to bring the natural order of the world together.
  The Star is only as diverse as the five churches that comprise it, each sticking to their fundamental ideas and working in tandem with each other. Although each denomination understands that those outside of the church play their own part in the grand cycle, there is prejudice toward those outside of their belief system. This stigma becomes most apparent in rural church communities, where diversity is lacking. 
  The Five-Pointed Star is one of the primary religious factions across Cometa, becoming prominent in 961 BCE during the Great Culling. Prior to the culling, it was well known as Crielesos's church. The other four points of the star emerged after the Great Culling, when the other denominations pledged themselves to the star, creating the five denominations as they're known today. The idea behind the star comes from Lord Crielesos' prophecy in 988 BCE, which told about a great star that would pass over all of Cometa, basking the land in its light. The prophecy came in the year 0, beginning the common era and christening Crielesos' comet as a symbol of a bright future for Glayleis.
  The five branches of the star are Crielesos's Church, Church of Divine Love, Creed of Balance, Apothetarium, and The Final Temptation. Local church communities tend to only have one of these denominations available, with others opting to worship the Church of the Star itself. With no apparent decline, the Five-Pointed Star continues to grow and spread its beliefs.   


Each of the churches has its own hierarchy of clergy, but they tend towards a similar structure: a representative on the Holy Council that confers with the Divinely Appointed and the Crown; a High Priest or Priestess (in some sects there are two) who serve at the Holy Capital; an Arch Priest or Priestess that travels between regions (there are typically a group of five who travel solo or with their own novitiates any number of local city or town priests and priestesses, including ministers and pastors under their ranks; and the Novitiates and Initiates. 
  Outside of the clergy, a select group of novitiates pledge their lives to the service of their god: Vowtakers. They often rank as Paladins, Clerics, and Warlocks. Having served their time as initiates in the church, the vow process is arduous, taking up to a year before they receive their first holy assignment. Initiates do their service as apostles or secretaries of the church, these roles lasting anywhere from a year until their retirement—many never seeing a promotion. Priests and priestesses take their oaths after serving in the church's ministry. For the vast majority of clergy, this is the highest rank they will receive.   

Holy Events

Holidays, holy events, and rites are an integral part of the community that makes up the Five-Pointed Star. The different sects of the church each have their own list of rituals specific to the god they choose to follow, but share a few among each other. Throughout the calendar, there are multiple celebrations to attend, including the holy pilgramage, the celebration of Crielesos's comet, the grand novitiate induction, the solstices, and the equinoxes.

Holy Pilgrimage

The Holy Pilgramage is the journey to the city of Cronmoor, often called the Holy Capital. Since Cronmoor was the birthplace of the Great Culling, many who worship under the star take the journey to find their spiritual place in the grand cycle. The pilgrimage takes place every two decades, which is how long the great culling lasted. Many who take this journey find spiritual peace with the ones who paved their way before them. Lord Crielesos is also known to appear at the Star Plaza during the holy expedition, enticing many worshippers to go.

Crielesos's Comet

Crielesos's Comet is a new-year celebration for members of the church. This tradition started after year 0, when the Crielsos's prophecy came true, marking the end of the prior year and the beginning of a great and prosperous year to come. The New Year celebration consists of grand communal feasts, orante lights, and well wishes to one another for the upcoming year.

Novitiate Ceremony

The grand novitiate ceremony happens every summer, promoting initiates to become novitiates and earning new titles in the church. A senior member of the clergy will lead the ceremony while the church remains closed to the public. Because of the sacred nature of this ceremony, little is known about its specific rites.

Celestial Occurances

The solstices mark the longest and shortest day of the year—not only significant in the grand cycle, but days where magic crackles in the air. Lord Lumine's epithet shines during the summer solstice, boosting the mana and magic of those attuned to this energy. The winter solstice is analgous for this effect due to Lady Umbren's epithet. Members of the church celebrate with seasonal feasts, social affairs, and music, marking the longest and shortest days of the year. The equinoxes, celebrated similarly but more often in rural communities, mark the season's end and beginning. 

The Star Emblem

Religious, Pantheon
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