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Magic Types

NOTE: Many of the schools of magic name powers for their respective arts. These are not the ONLY powers that these sorcerers can cast, but are the most prominent and characteristic. The magic system of Ofadin is intensely bound to one's emotions and passions which shape their powers - thus it is entirely possible for one to manifest entirely new spells from sheer passion, whether it had been simmering amidst embers of an old wish or was born in the blaze of the current moment. Sorcerers are unpredictable.   NECROMANCY
  • Necromancy is the art of ripping a creature's soul from the afterlife and either weaving it into a physical anchor with the ability to host a soul, or hastening the eternal decay of all life; rotting an individual on the spot. Qualifying vessels are carcasses, skeletons, and suits of armour. It is worth noting that particularly skilled necromancers have the ability to bind especially vengeful souls to the physical realm without a vessel, creating deadly warriors that phase in and out of battle at a whim. Necromancy isn't inherently evil however. Mucena may manifest necromancy out of desperation to make a change for the better, even if it means defying the march of Father Time. The souls woven into vessels have a form of sentience, though ultimately their wills are bound to the necromancer. They cannot be freed and are destined to crumble once either the necromancer deems their service fulfilled and their soul fit to rest or until the caster is brought down.

  • Sanimancy is the art of transferring life from all over the world in miniscule doses, taking energy from everything reaching from the blades of grass to the undiscovered monolithic beasts that dwell in the dark depths of Ofadin's oceans. The collective shimmer of this accumulated energy, all the tiniest pieces of will, passion, blood and soul, is then transferred onto the wounded and dying in order to patch wounds, combat mental illness or bring about good health. Though it is often seen by the folk of Ofadin as necromancy's kind and good-natured cousin, which it often is, the art of sanimancy is not to be mistaken for a force of pure good. It was in the ancient ages after the first coronation that a twisted healer focused their energy harvesting into a smaller radius encompassing a village, leeching all of their life and leaving behind husks of men, women and children in order to further extend the longevity of some forgotten devilish beast.

  • Sangumancy is the art of mixing blood with microscopic doses of Mucena from the caster's own body in order to do one of three things.
  • 1. Foretell the bloodline's fortunes - amount of children, how long Sister Destiny has predicted it would last and the ability to change these fortunes for better or worse.
    2. Assume temporary puppet-like control over the blood giver for as long as the giving recipient has determined in a blood contract.
    3. Discover long lost memories of the blood-giver's ancestors.
      The sorcerer's gifted with this particular power are often village sages or travelling good men, seeking to better the fortunes of these settlements for coin. On the flipside of this are the cultist leaders, charming men and women who may offer someone great successes through the puppet control, only to take the blood-giver to a sacrificial altar and commit their soul to some dark god, all while the puppet watches through eyes that are no longer theirs. The Mucena they must use however is not unlimited, and usually these sorcerers have to bear worse and worse effects upon their body - often appearing as shrivelled, covered in scars and scabs, with symptoms of necrosis.
  • Arenaemancy is a niche art of sorcery only held by particularly enthusiastic knowledge seekers and historians, though they are highly sought and respected by law enforcement forces of all kingdoms due to their abilities. These are a very recent sort of sorcerer, having started to prop up in the last fifty years.
  • This kind of magic allows the user to rake their fingers through the sands of time and summon them forth to retell the history of a place reaching back anywhere from seconds prior all the way through the centuries. Once a caster uses their ability upon a room or small area statues of fine, glittering sand will arise and retell the history like a film of some kind, with the speed of time passed controlled by the caster.
  • Elementiancy is the art of using one's will to empower the Mucena within them to shake the earth or bend the trees, to lift the sands or part the waves. The practitioners of this magic are often found within particularly passionate and willing individuals, the type to hold onto a goal of justice or revenge despite the hardships of life or the beatings they endure.
  • This strand of magic allows the user to focus in onto a part of the terrain around them, and depending on the strength of their physique, focus and most of all will, they can manipulate it in various ways. From earth they can raise walls or throw up a cascade of stones and sand. From the water they form lashing waves to cut their foes into quarters or cast tides to give life to barren fields. They are highly prominent in human populations due to the fanaticism to protect what they love and what is theirs and theirs alone.   ASTROMANCY
  • Astromancy is an ancient and unknowable art when it comes to the numerous sorcerers of the world. It is a rare occurence, found among those who find an odd comfort in the eternal terrors of the cosmos. The individuals who's happy place lies with them in dew-laden grass, below a night sky with not a light in sight but the powerful beacons of the stars, escorted by the kindly moons of Ofadin. Their powers are bound to the shifting constellations of the cosmos, with the moons wielded as anchors for these spells. Upon binding with mucena, and having gone down the path of the astromancer, the aspirant will acquire a new set of bone and cartilage in their index finger upon the left hand, hardened by the mucena flowing within their marrow. It is this pseudo-wand that they must use to draw out constellations in the sky, beckoning forth the sign's power. These are beyond count, however one must have the skill to spot them all - more so to draw them correctly. The most common ones, visible on nigh every night in Ofadin's tortured wilderness, constitute of the following:
  • -The Wyrm- The oldest of the stars, this cluster blesses it's summoner with the wisdom of an ancient wyrm whose soul had passed on into the afterlife. It will make acquaintance with the caster, after which it will lend cryptic aid for situations that may be unknown even to the vastest libraries of many a petty kingdom.
    -The Archer- Also known as "the light of hope", this constellation represents the undying will of warriors that had given their lives for a greater cause. The experience of these heroes will be lent to the sorcerer, giving him a short look into the next death to happen within his circle of loved ones and party members before it happens, allowing the sorcerer to act to prevent it.
    -The Collapse- The faint, dying stars of The Collapse can be seen flickering by only the astute eye of an astromancer, and their creeping melody is lent to the sorcerer in the form of a cognitohazard the summoner can wield and cast upon their enemy, opening their eyes to the innumerable horrors that dwell in such distant and alien worlds - a sight of flashing images and torterous noise enough to drive a monster insane or - dealt in small doses - drive the meek into a nightmare-fuelled streak of paranoia and terror.
  • Bestiamancy is a recently emerged art, focused on making use of the innate and divine connection which binds all living beings, regardless of their morals or sentience. After the catastrophe of the First Downpour many creatures had elected to emerge from their pits and holes, if they were not outright summoned by the tearing between dimensions caused by the sheer amount of death and chaos wrought by the period. Along with this menagerie of monsters came a desire from the most empathetic among our number to understand and comprehend them. For some this passion was powerful enough to mold a brand new art of magic.

  • The powers of this school of magic are highly fluid, changing from individual to individual, but the most common include communication with the animals via telepathic communication, a degree of control over their instinctual behaviour and a taming spell which sends the casters soul into a battle of wills with the animal. If successful the caster takes on a degree of the beast's personality and instinctive personality, as well as a minimal amount of physical features. Many a bestimancer had been consumed by their wants for revenge or conservation, having turned into mindless monsters which wander the woodlands of Ofadin with their menageries of monsterous companions. These cases are the majority, however those that have mastered Bestiamancy have been able to move entire herds of sea-beasts to sink fleets, cause forests to consume patrols of enemy soldiers or keep themselves warm and fed even in the harshest of enviorments.   LIBERIAMANCY
  • Liberiamancy is a resurgent school of sorcery, having been lost during the bloody period of the Twilight Wars and rising back into relevance and rising numbers of casters with the newly dawned Era of Withering Bloom. These sorcerers hold alchemy in high regard, with a love for creation of their own hands and manipulation of the sciences to their benefit.

  • These sorcerers have often become the life-blood of the world wherever they go, as their powers can change the fate of a dying village for the better - or doom it to a quicker demise. With Mucena guiding their hand these individuals are able to combine esoteric materials and secretive techniques to breathe life into their creations, ranging from copying the ancient design of legged carts and carriages to homunculi stitched out of whatever chemicals and ingredients best serve their intended purpose; be it a warrior made from bear hide, wyrm claws and metal or a worker one, composed of wooden wheels, the hollowed shell of a giant tortoise and many arms. These casters are also adept brewers of potions, the essential makeup of a warrior’s kit. The downside of these casters is that all of these skills and recipes are never the same between two sorcerers, so experimentation (and the dangers that come with it) is outright required.


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