Chinic Hevesi Character in Ofermod | World Anvil
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Chinic Hevesi

The Balthazarian Revolt of 2234 illustrates how far a conglomerate is willing to go in order to gain advantage over its competitors. It raged on a global scale, claimed over a million lives, and destabilized world geopolitics for a decade. At the center of it all, stood the figure of Chinic Hevesi.
To this day, historians argue about whether Hevesi believed in his doctrine, or was simply a cynical manipulator working for the Absalom family. Regardless of his motivations, the chaos he sowed is undeniable. Another obvious fact about the Balthazarian Revolt, one that certainly did not escape the attention of commentators at the time, is the near-exclusive concentration of its hot spots in regions controlled by the Deuterians. Hevesi's troubled history with the Deuterian Order is well known. He was taken from the slums of Echoville as a child, and raised in the Order's labo-monastery of Ibarra in the highlands of Mesoamerica. There, he was subjected to the Order's usual regimen of physical enhancements and stringent training. But the path to becoming a god is not for everyone and, at the age of 24, Hevesi was expelled from the Order. It is rare that Deuterian let trainees out of their grip. The usual course is rather to submit to their inhuman program, or die in the process. But, for a reason that may never be entirely clear, it seems that execution was deemed too lenient for Hevesi. His Deuterian masters preferred to strip him of fifteen years' worth of biomechanical implants and prostheses, and abandon him on the side of a jungle trail, a mental and physical wreck.
Most probably, the zealots of Ibarra did not expect Hevesi to survive long. But they certainly regretted their poor prognosis. The region of Ibarra was a Deuterian enclave in the middle of a territory controlled by the Absalom family, and this adversary would certainly not pass on the opportunity to capture a live Deuterian, albeit a much damaged one. So, Hevesi the heretic was rescued, submitted to two years of grueling treatments, no doubt interspersed with equally taxing sessions of interrogation at the hand of Absalom intelligence, and eventually resurfaced as an emblem of anti-Deuterian resistance. In 2233, very few people outside the Corsa circuit knew anything about the Deuterians. Hevesi certainly changed that. He exposed them, and painted them as a global secret society of would-be gods maniacs. Starting in 2232, the disfigured and half-robotic Hevesi carried out a relentless media campaign, blaming the Deuterians for famines on every continent, sharing information about the location of labo-monasteries around the world, painting the Order as a group of manipulators, exploiters, and parasites on humanity. This strategy certainly had an impact. At least four labo-monasteries were overrun by mobs, Deuterian warehouses were looted, a few members of the Order were even dragged to public squares and executed. But that was only the beginning.
The Balthazarian Revolt itself ignited when Hevesi turned his movement into a messianic frenzy. He claimed to be the reincarnation of Balthazar, a founding figure in the lore of the Sirakoth. Of course, most people did not know that name, nor why they should care about this obscure fifth century legend. But that ignorance was Hevesi's fuel. He became a teacher for the masses, and especially for the disenfranchised living in Deuterian-controlled territories. Imagine, learning that a secret society you despise guards one of the most troubling secrets: the key to wealth and power. Hevesi weaved networks of fanatics, intent on taking from the Deuterians whatever clue to the Sirakoth they might have tried to keep to themselves. Of course, he failed to mention that at least two dozen organizations were engaged in the same quest as the Deuterians, including his own discreet Absalom backers.
On January first 2234, the Balthazarians launched a wave of concerted attacks on Deuterian installations around the world. Hevesi had whipped them into such a frenzy, had infected with such dreams of power and liberation that all were willing to sacrifice themselves for their messiah. The fighting lasted throughout the year. Most of the casualties were Balthazarians. But, if nothing else, the chaos did shake the foundations of the Deuterian Order, who receded in clandestinity and abandoned most of its territories and associated resources. The Absalom family was ready to move in, and took over most of the assets left behind by the Deuterians, before turning against the Balthazarians themselves.
It is said that in December 2234, all corridori organizations joined forces in a rare concerted effort to shut Hevesi up. He had already revealed too much, and served his purpose. He disappeared soon after, The following decade was spent scrubbing media platforms, discrediting Hevesi's legacy, and hunting down the last Balthazarians. Of course, the tales of the Sirakoth told by Hevesi to his followers never completely disappeared. But as time passed, they turned into legends of less and less audience.
Date of Birth
2204 2234
Circumstances of Death
Captured by a corridori unit, never seen again.

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