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Khraesauran: God of Chaos

Khraesauran is not a highly worshipped entity in Eiriel (or Ohm, for that matter), as he is believed to be a malevolent being. Plagues, famines, fires, storms, and any other significant upheaval are all believed to be works of Khraesauran.   However, it is common practice to hold annual festivals, rituals, and offerings for Khraesauran in the hopes that he will leave Ohm in peace for another year. Wedding ceremonies, births, and other major life events also tend to include pleads to Khraesauran so that he might not curse their fates.   Followers of Khraesauran hold an innate belief that chaos and destruction are for society's greater good. For some, this serves as a positive reminder that "everything happens for a reason" and presents challenges as opportunities for personal growth. For others, however, these ideals are held in such high regard that they intentionally cause destruction and disaster in the hopes of "enlightening" their victims. After all, you've got to kill a few dragonkin to make a stew, right? ...Right?   The Cult of Khraesauran erected a tower in his honor in a remote corner of Eiriel. The tower serves as a base for many of his followers.   There is also a supervolcano named after him, Mt. Khraesauran, in the Plessium volcanic badlands. Mt. Khraesauran was responsible for the most catastrophic storm in Plessian history, the Magnarena Vortex.


The Festival of Chaos

  Once a year, after the last autumn leaf falls, the people of Ohm hold a festival to appease Khraesauran for a mild winter and unblighted spring. Plessium holds the biggest festival at the base of Mt. Khraesauran, but most villages have their own independent festivities, too. Traditions may vary from region to region, but the principle is the same: go absolutely feral.   Some don't participate in the festivities, viewing the practice as "barbaric" and "abhorrent". While most don't disagree, they see it as a necessary evil to prevent further destruction down the line.  


Laws and ideals are cast aside as townspeople pillage, prank, and vandalize. Streaking, dancing, singing, and boisterous music flood the streets. Games and shows may include:
  • Cottalapses: A game in which players take turns removing stones from a cottage until it, well, collapses. The poor sods who lived in the house may then pelt the players with the stones until only one remains conscious. Other villagers may join in the pelting if they wish. The last one standing is the winner.
  • Bucking Bull Fights: A creative twist on bullfighting that involves one rider, one fighter, and one meaty bull. The bull is held in a cage while the rider mounts him, and the fighter taunts him until he becomes very angry. The bull is then released to charge the fighter while the rider attempts to stay mounted. If the players are killed by the bull, the bull wins and gets to eat a lavish dish cooked with their corpses. If the bull is defeated, the players get to enjoy a decadent roast and a trophy of their conquered prey.
  • Thorilian Bomb-Offs: Warfare artificers in Thoril work year-round to create magitech weaponry. Most of these works are kept in secret, but some are created just for the Festival of Chaos. During the festival, elemental bombs are launched into the ocean, and whichever causes the biggest explosion wins. Luckily for the citizens of Ohm, none of these explosions would be big enough to level a city if an "accident" were to happen, but a cluster of them could certainly pose a problem, and this event reminds citizens of the dangers and responsibilities of technological advancement.


  Chefs roast "experimental" concoctions over huge bonfires. Ever heard of "volcano stew" boiled in ox blood, cactus juice, Sarami liqueur, pura peppers, and fried wild-dragon skins? It's surprisingly tasty and one of many dishes discovered from tossing random things into a pot during the yearly festival. Of course, there are just as many meals that are not nearly as tasty...  

Annual Offering

  Typically, one healthy adult from each town is chosen as an offering to Khraesauran. This is seen as a great honor, the ultimate sacrifice for one's people, and the chosen sacrifice is remembered as a hero. Those who cower from their fates may try to run, hide, or even take their own lives so they may die a quick and painless death rather than anticipate whatever savagery might be awaiting them. These people are remembered unfavorably by their people, and if they manage to escape, a family member will typically be sacrificed in their place.   The sacrificial methods vary, from the usage of traditional blades to suffocation under piles of animal feces. Many of the methods are brutal, aiming to please Khraesauran with their creative and sadistic methods. The most popular by far is the offering at Mt. Khraesauran during the grand Plessium festival, in which a pilgrimage is made to the top of the volcano, and the chosen one is tossed inside, "feeding" the god's hunger for blood.
Divine Classification

Cover image: by Adobe Stock


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