Magnarena Vortex Physical / Metaphysical Law in Ohm | World Anvil
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Magnarena Vortex

The Storm's Inception

Mt. Khraesauran was a supervolcano nestled in Plessium's volcanic badlands. It was named after Khraesauran, the God of Chaos. One day, the volcano erupted, marking the inception of one of the most catastrophic storms in Plessian history: Magnarena Vortex.   Smoke and ash billowed from the volcano's massive fissures, encasing the badlands in suffocating darkness. Vast streams of lava poured down the mountain and trod dangerously close to the borders of the nearest mining towns.  
by Meta AI
While the dragons and dragonkin were used to lava and ash, the townspeople struggled to breathe in the thick clouds of smoke. They protected themselves as best they could with the cloth masks the miners used in the sooty caves, but it soon became unsafe to stay outdoors for long periods, and townspeople stayed indoors while the storm raged outside.   But they hadn't seen anything yet.    

Tempest from the Shores

The erupting Mt. Khraesauran, which sits on the eastern coast of Lower Ohm, spilled heavy amounts of lava into the ocean below. The water began to heat up and evaporate.   Hot air rose from the molten ground on the badlands' surface. The smoke blocked the Sun's rays, rapidly cooling the air above. The change in wind pressure caused the air to spin as the warm water rose from the coast, forming a cyclone.   Thunderous clouds bellowed with torrential rains as the tempest reached the volcano, siphoning the magma into a cataclysmic twister of fire, wind, lightning, and ash.  
by Meta AI

Absolute Chaos

The inferno ravaged the mining towns first, demolishing everything in its immediate path. It swept through populations swiftly, leaving the townspeople little time to prepare.   As the miners saw the vortex approaching, they quickly gathered their families, pets, and whatever essentials they could grab and took refuge in the underground mines. While many still died from burns, injuries, starvation, or suffocation, several still survived.  
by Meta AI
  The dragonkin in the badlands or the Plessia in the desert were not so lucky. They were fully exposed to the elements with no such asylum to take shelter in. Even worse, the inhabitants of the Napura desert faced severe sandstorms from the vortex winds, making navigation (let alone breathing) nearly impossible.  
by Meta AI
by Meta AI


The few remaining survivors found themselves stranded amongst crumbling buildings and incinerated villages. There were many wounded and even more unhoused. But the fighting spirit of the Plessia never faltered.  
by Meta AI
  Plessium has always remained a beacon of power and courage through wind and rain, fire and sand. No matter what comes their way, the Plessia never give up, and Magnarena Vortex serves as a reminder of that strength.  
"When we remember the storm, we do not think of what we have lost. We think of how we rebuilt, persevered, and prospered. That is the pride of a Plessian."
Art Disclaimer: I am aware of the controversy surrounding AI artwork, and I do not, nor intend to, profit from AI-generated work. These images are intended to convey ideas and concepts and will serve as placeholders until I obtain original and/or commissioned work to use in their place.

Cover image: by Meta AI


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