Mama Bear-bot

Mama Bear-bot

Rarest enhancement

Item (Active) - The Mama Bear-bot becomes a full-health Hephaeston Cybear under your control for a number of rounds equal to this item's level, with a number of attacks equal to this item's level. When the Hephaeston Cybear dies or its duration expires, it reverts to its Mama Bear-bot form.
Cybeast Collective - Whenever a Cybeast within 100 feet of you dies, you must roll 3 death saving throws.
Mama Bear-bot - While the Mama Bear-bot is not a Hephaeston Cybear, it is a large object that shares your hit points and AC and may move on your initiative with a walking speed of 20 feet. The Mama Bear-bot becomes restrained if it moves more than 30 feet from this item.

The Mama Bear-bot is the finest invention of Garl's top Glitterbrights, inspired by Shiny's remarkable track record as a bodyguard.