Penny Akir Dances With Cybears!

  Incredible!   I told you it was coming!   La Ola Roja has once more earned its way into X Marks The Spot! in a spectacular fashion, proving wrong all their haters and vindicating all their dedicated supporters as Captain Akir always does eventually.   This time, La Ola Roja sailed around the Den of Cybears making noise until the cybears within came out to respond. Her crew distracted the guards while Penny slipped inside and found the sacred shrine of the Bear God the cybears protect.   With courage I can only dream of, Penny stepped forward into the light of the Bear God and challenged her to display power worth worshipping. I thought she was done for, but apparently the Bear God had other plans. What happened next is impossible to describe with words, so I attached a drawing.  

Mr. Chip's articles have grown more candid and creative in recent months, leaving some readers confused but others asking for more.