Emberkeep Peaks

The Emberkeep Peaks are a cluster of volcanoes located in the central south of the Northern Neverndurn continent.


The Emberkeep Peaks are a cluster of four individual volcanoes. Two composite volcanoes doom to the north and east of the cluster and a smaller cindercone is located in the southwest. In the middle of the cluster a shield volcano lies sunken into a large crater, giving the impression of a lake of lava during eruption.  The volcanoes are very active and on average seem to erupt once every two years. It has however been observed before that the volcanoes haven't erupted for several years, or multiple times within a single year.    The largest of the composite volcanoes has been named Thundermount by the locals, as volcanic lightning can be observed at almost every one of it's eruption. The smaller composite volcano has been named Stormspire, as on most occassions the storm centers around both peaks.  Ashfang is the name given to the smaller cinder cone as during eruptions this small volcano is responsible for most of the ash being spewed into the sky. This volcano is the one who is most often visited after eruptions as nomads around the area have found the volcanic ash to be a very valuable fertilizer and soil improver, making the somewhat dangerous venture a popular way for the brave to make some extra money from collecting and selling the ash.   In the middle of these three towering spires lays a crater in which the shield volcano lies buried. Every eruption the crater is filled a little further, making it more and more accessible. During eruption season most of the lava collects here, creating the visual of a lava lake. When the volcanoes are dormant the crater fills with rainwater creating several hot springs. People believe that these hotsprings have healing powers, which attracts many believers to climb the tricky mountainous terrain around it and seek a healing soak in the waters. Due to this apparent quality the volcano has gotten the name Eldara's Embrace, after the goddess of health and growth, Eldara.


Due to the frequent eruptions of this volcano cluster most plants and animals who roam here are only around for a short time. No trees grow here, but fast growing shrubs, annual and biennial plants call this volcano their home. Many of these plants have developed a way to resist the volcanic heat, either by a protective coating around their seeds which allows them to survive eruptions as well as plants rooting deep into the soil where tubers are safe from the extremest of heat and can thrive once the temperatures have settled.    Animals who live near the cluster are nomadic and often finely attuned to the activity of the volcano. Once they feel anything off they don't hesitate to migrate to higher ground for several months. There is one settlement near the cluster, known as Ashwander Haven. This settlement is, much like the other inhabitants of the area, semi nomadic; migrating around once the prey animals flee the area. The fus-edi living here are closely attuned to nature and the cycles of the volcanoes. The main profession in this settlement are what is known as flash farming, at which small plots are sown with quick growing crops to make most use of the short growing season and the fertility of the soil from the volcanic ashes, and merchant activities. During dormant periods Ashwander Haven is a busy crossroads known for the quality and variety of products available, while the place is a ghosttown during months around eruptions.


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