Xog'dranog's Rot

Xog'dranog's Rot is the name given to the state adventurers returned in after coming into contact with it on other continents. While the disease is rare on Kearcy itself, other continents are slowly taken over by it, their inhabitants losing their minds and lives to Xog'dranog's influence.   The rot is a cause of fear and panic within the tribe on Kearcy. People are fearful to contract it and avoid infected individuals with the plague. Even talking about it is considered a grave mistake as it is believed to invite Xog'dranog's influence into your soul

Transmission & Vectors

This mindrot is of divine origin and seems to have two variants with similar symptoms but different outcomes. Believers of Xog'dranog are 'infected' through their believe and often seem convinced that they aren't sick, but blessed by their god. The rot takes over the mind, but is usually survived. It is unknown if the deterioration of the body is kept at bay by Xog'dranog himself, or if the disease is something entirely different from the kind spread among 'non-believers', the opportunity has not yet presented to study the disease in a follower of Xog'dranog.   The second variety is spread through toxins carried by the plants that have taken over the areas Xog'dranogs influence has taken hold in. These plants vary in shape and size and may seem harmless at first glace. Upon closer study it has been found that these plants have microscopic needles along the edge of the leaves that contain a minescule amount of the toxin found to be responsible for the disease in adventurers. Adventurers who were still of relatively sound mind upon return consistently tell of stinging sensations when walking past the plants when the leaves brushed past them. It is expected that when the leave brushes past a creature multiple of these needles end up embedded in the skin, causing a acumulation of many of these minescule drops of toxin and in turn the infection taking hold.


When Xog'dranog's influence grew through the growth of his cult following, new species of plants could be observed taking over various ecosystems. The cult following have been observed to cultivate these plants around their communities as well, and seem immune to the effects.


Much like the cult following of Xog'dranog that have been bestowed the rot as a divine favor, adventurers slowly lose their sense of self, grow more aggressive and lose their recognition of allies. These volatile individuals also show an increase in physical performance, with increased strength being the most common of these changes.    Unlike cult members, however, the physical state of individuals infected through toxins seems to rapidly decline once the physical performance increases. Researchers have confirmed the correlation between those two symptoms. They also show a decrease in logic thinking and, where cult followers can be seen banding in groups, usually end up as lone individuals set on the destruction of everything around them.


There are no currently known cures for the disease, but bathing in Eldara's Embrace or Ephion's Spring seems to slow the decline somewhat. Herbalists are trying their best to come up with a cure for affected individuals.   All individuals who make it back to Kearcy are kept in isolated cages for their own protection and cared for by researchers. Individuals who do not agree with this kind of treatment are to leave the island. Due to Ephion's remaining influence in Kearcy the plants associated with the rot have not yet spread to the island.


Contracting the rot is an almost certain death sentence.

Hosts & Carriers

Oh..... Oh goddess...      The corpses, they have sprouted. How could this have happened?
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species


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