Op-Ed Vol 320 - Interview with Fredo Ugyolomatyer

Dark Matter Daily Op-Ed: Democratizing cultural and political discourse by bringing you a unique perspective on the latest issues affecting everyone across the galaxy.

Interview with Fredo Ugyolomatyer

By Telsa

So, I get a lot of correspondence. Nature of my job. Sorry, fans (and critics), but most of what you send me is junk (especially the critics). Out of necessity, I have data miners, filters, and bots set up to get at the good stuff and elevate that to my attention. So imagine my surprise when the following message came through.  
Do you see the current destruction of our galaxy/planets/and even races as a completely bad thing? Or can it potentially provide a way for others to emerge and lend their uniqueness to the universe? For historical context, consider the fall of the Cypritian Empire and the fall of the Omniscients. Both of which allowed the rise of the races we have today. Care to discuss?
Fredo Ugyolomatyer
  So, why did I get this message? "The Burn is a good thing" isn't exactly a new concept, though certainly not a popular one. The only remotely intriguing thing about the message is the reference to the "Cypritian Empire". Very little (and I mean very little) is known about this culture. No one even has put forth the hypothesis that it was an actual "empire". But that's a weak reason for me to care. First, I'm no historian. Second, "Cyprit" isn't one of my search criteria currently...or really ever.   Consider, also, who the heck is this Fredo Ugyolomatyer? Searches over the net don't come up with much. In fact, the name, "Ugyolomatyer" is only ever associated with Fredo, and only on the occasional passenger manifest. So why did my extensive, sophisticated infrastructure elevate his message? I sure couldn't figure it out.   Why did I decide to pursue it? Because I trust my instincts and my programming. And, wow, what an interview.   My readers will know that I never post the actual interview contents for privacy reasons. Readers will also know that I never conduct an interview in person. I'm a private kinda gal. But there are some tidbits I'd like to share.  
  • Fredo is insanely curious. I couldn't tell who was doing the actual interviewing, me or him. He was as much, or even more, interested in who I was, where I came from, how I got interested in journalism as he was about discussing the philosophical ramifications of The Burn. Fredo would make a damn fine journalist!
  • Fredo likes to wander the galaxy. The places he's visited. The stories he told. I was entranced. He even mentioned a planet where a life form evolved to incorporate plasma...perhaps Omniscients on the rise again? He made me think about that for a second.
  • Fredo believes The Burn is not a good thing, but a necessary thing. He believes The Burn is not about death, but about life. Do you believe him? Do I? Dunno. But his argument sure was profound.
  • Fredo, and this is key, readers, knows a lot more than he's saying...about pretty much everything. He's no ordinary Ulran, if he is an Ulran at all.
  •   I know I'm not saying much with this op-ed. But, if you are lucky enough to meet this Fredo in your travels, grab a cup of Starboofs coffee and have a chat. I predict he's got something to say that might actually help us. And if you are reading this, Fredo, I've got a cup brewing for you anytime.
    The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Dark Matter Daily or the Bahari Overguild.


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