Visiting the Ino Empire Report

General Summary

Organizations of interest within Valdi:  
  • The house of Or is the scientific house.
  • The house of Ciel can hopefully give information about the locations the the Order of Heroes was interested in.
  •   Quavix travelled with CieleSomeni.   Zassal and Quavix traveled research for awhile on their own. two heads better than one. Always been together in some way shape of form, known together for years.   Met Nano on an abandoned mining facility with the plasma ghosts. Willing to travel with them. Keeps staying in the cryo chamber. There is an actual addiction to cryo chambers. CieleSomeni found some really interesting and even cutting edge stuff in her info.   What do you think about Josinto Josling. A little too convinced that he was perfectly right and that the OoH was on the right path and not anyone else to figure out the burn.   They responds, zealots are always dangerous.   17 individuals were on the science team that Josinto was on.  
  • Addiction that is going to need to be removed from the situation, cryo-chamber or remove him. Can't wean. Cold-turkey and then also a regiment of healing.
  • Problem is the cryo-chamber is they can keep him indefinitely. How does this affect driftlings? The long term exposure affects their ability on how easily they change shape. Changes their molecular bonding. It's the thaw freeze cycles that are doing the most damage.
  • Therapies involve a lot of energy and shocking. Withdrawl needs something for him to be able to work through them. Have yet to figure this out.
  • Still doesn't know if it is psychological or has become physiological.
  • Contact Valdi and contact specialists. Contact the house of Or.
  • Nano really needs help.
  • CieleSomeni They work closely with the Eagan Overguild. OrGustav.
  • Greeting, OroGustav. reading your work and interested in your understanding of Cryo-addiction. We have a shipmate that might be suffering from it. Looking to see if you might be interested in treating him. Arriving on planet. We can meet and turn him over to you for treatment.
  • As for Josinto, they learned that Zaas was the only surviving member of the team. That CieleSomeni thinks that something happened and that their report was flavored by grief.  
  • They have to contact the Dark Matter Daily.
  • Belief that plasma ghosts are displaced spirits. their death is far worse than the standard death. Very disturbed that so far scientist just hasn't seemed to care.   She tells them: I don't have all the answers. In fact, I don't even have all the questions. But I know you are asking at least some of the right ones. I commend you for caring. Not many do. Zaas Tallamo can be found on PTD19-M3. She can be trusted. I trust you to take care of her and that planet. PTD19-M3 is roughly 8 days from Valdi in the Midbelt.   They respond: Your trust is not misguided and will be earned. We will be on our way to assist her as shortly as possible.   She responds: :) kthxbye   CieleSomeni: asked about Quagix's reliquary. Cave with pretty gems and this one has worked in her favor. Admits it is a reliquary. Tells her it helps. Ancient tomb they were raiding. Cyprit. Stone disc with the order of heros logo on it.   They agree to help AvaLava. I need to get them some money.
    Turtle Trouble
    Report Date
    26 Oct 2021
    Primary Location


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