The Lost Beacon of Unknown Light

In the time before time, when Exandria was naught but darkness in the chaos before even the Founding, a luminous being called the Luxon sought answers about their existence. They lit the first fires within Exandria with their unquenchable light, and then began to wait. Gods came. They created beings that spread across the planet. Those creatures died and procreated and died in an endless cycle, of which the Luxon grew curious. Surely, by watching these short-lived beings, they could learn the answers they sought.
So the Luxon divided their own light into beacons, dodecahedral crystals of eternal radiance. They cast them across the world and fell into a deep slumber, during which they hoped people would find the beacons and bond with them, allowing the mortals’ souls to be reborn again and again so they could learn everything there is to learn about existence.
  Many such beacons have been found across the world, mostly by a people who have learned of the ways of the Luxon in far-off land. However, many of the beacons remain unaccounted for. One such beacon was unearthed about twenty-five years ago by Olcari settlers in the Cliffkeep Mountains, far from any civilization. The people of this settlement, Reaching Bluff, call it the Beacon of Unknown Light, and treat it as a mystical oracle that will guide their young settlement to prosperity.   Despite the settlers’ best efforts, word of their discovery has escaped Reaching Bluff. As adventurers and treasure-seekers begin to trickle in, the settlers protect their newfound oracle with cultish devotion-despite the fact it has never once spoken to them, as they have beseech it countless times to.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Light
Divine Classification


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