Aldarus, The City of Gold

The hidden away ancient city of Aldarus, thought to be a myth by most.


As of the modern age, the entire city is upheld by the wills of Kheleth and Azri, Azri acting as a speaking force for Aldarus and ensuring everything is fine while Kheleth roams the streets and shores of Aldarus to cut down any who may bring harm to its golden walls.


The defences of Aldarus, and likely why it managed to remain a myth for so long, is the large illusion that is shrouded around it making it seem like part of the ocean. Should one make it past the illusion, summoned golden phantoms on ships will make it their sole duty to sink any vessel approaching Aldarus. Even after that, Aldarus has another line of defense, Kheleth himself, constantly wandering the streets and alerted to any grievance or harm to the streets of Aldarus, Kheleth will strike any individual down that dare break his immutable law.


The streets and walls of Aldarus are all paved in gold and using precious materials. Countless archways and canals litter the city streets while grand churches tower over everything. Surprisingly enough there seems to be no trace of buildings that would serve as restaurants or food stores, nor are there medical buildings. Everywhere seems to be a living space or a place of worship.


Aldarus, in the age of giants, was built as a human refuge, a grand city of gold, magic and worship to ascend humanity to the stature of the giants they lived alongside. Aldarus thrived as a bastion of humanity, deemed an eternal grand city that would last until time ended.

This was until Rylbray put his plans into motion and began the culling of the giants, hunting the giants and dragons to near extinction and proceeding to try and siphon the magic of the world by using the grand golden tree that Aldarus is built around. His plan, of course, failed, as a group of ancient heroes banded together to put a stop to him and the people of Aldarus ascended into the city itself, using their combined power to force Rylbray out. It was after this that Aldarus became a ghost town, quite literally, as the spirits of the ascended citizens can be faintly seen while roaming the streets.

Rylbray, a couple thousand years later, returned to Aldarus with a new apprentice, Cedrick, in order to try and enact his plan once more, killing the guardian of the great tree, Jikad Tharel, and making his way into the tree once more. Luckily, he was stopped by yet another band of heroes, the heroes by the names of Alador, Mel, Wulfsbane, Binx and Arlok.

Points of interest

Most of Aldarus is largely the same, churches and houses litter every street forming a maze of a city. Though one area stands out, the center of Aldarus, the garden of the great tree. A coliseum-like structure built around the base of the great tree with a cathedral built into the trunk of the tree. On the opposite end of the cathedral, also into the tree, a grand staircase is built into its roots, housing a well protected vault of lost magical artifacts and sentient weapons.


Aldarus is built on a lone island that is entirely held up by the great trees roots, the tree and Aldarus becoming the island itself.
Founding Date
Additional Rulers/Owners


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