Bed Wetters

A job given out by Fey and Hags to those truly desperate to get a favor from them, Bed Wetters are truly some of the lowest people in this world.



Bed Wetters are specific, low down people selected by Hags or other deal making Fey in exchange for a favor, when one has nothing left to give up.

Career Progression

Bed Wetters, more than likely once their contract as Bed Wetter for a Hag is up, will have their soul forcefully ripped from their body and given to the Hag, as they've put themselves in a horrid position of no return.

Payment & Reimbursement

Should a Bed Wetter remain loyal and seek further work from a Hag, a Hag will likely grant them some Fey powers, albeit minor ones, so they can perform their duty ever so slightly better.

Other Benefits

The benefits are... lackluster, to say the least. The loyal Bed Wetters may be promoted from a Bed Wetter and even sometimes become a Fey, but most end up with their soul reaped and permanently stuck within a Hags lair.



Bed Wetters serve no use in human society, but to the Fey they can be a crucial, sometimes even necessary workforce, as Bed Wetters essentially do a cheaper, though worse job than a Boogeyman or Hag can ever provide, though allows these Fey to spread their influence further and faster.

Social Status

Bed Wetters, in the eyes of humanity, are seen as some of the lowest scum, taking on such a horrendous job just for some minor Fey favors. In most nations, if a Bed Wetter is found out, they are to be given the death sentence as their soul is forfeit anyways, many seeing it as a better outcome than eternal soul torment from a hag.


Most who end up beocming Bed Wetters are those poor, impoverished, no where to go in life people. Though even then, it's a small percentage of the impoverished that stoop this low.


Provided Services

Bed Wetters are, as the name implies, people that wet beds. Funnily enough this is not exactly what they do, though some of the more depraved will stoop to doing this. Bed Wetters are specific people employed by Fey to prey on a specific child, or just any child, sneak into the childs house and slowly but surely strain the relationship between the child and their parents. Many do this by dirtying their room, hiding tooth brushes, and some, the most depraved individuals, will wet the bed of the child for them.

Dangers & Hazards

Many, as if they're found during the night the parents will, more than likely, kill the fully grown stranger in their child's bedroom at night. Along with the death penalty and soul reaping when the job is done, Bed Wetters really have nowhere else to go.
Alternative Names
Fey Scum, Sold Humans
Nobody demands it
It is not legal.
Famous in the Field


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