Hallowed Coldstone Amulet

An amulet of a specifically cut amethyst encased in carved hallowood and runic silver to form a protective talisman against undead, shadows and various other creatures.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The talisman itself, when not attached to anything, is a mere trinket, though when attached to a weapon, piece of armor, or shield, the talisman burns slightly when fighting undead, shadows or werecreatures due to the materials it is made of, providing extra protection or offense against these creatures. Due to the talisman burning during use, overuse of it will result in the talisman crumbling, eventually falling apart or turning to dust.

Manufacturing process

The process to create Hallowed Coldstone is simple and rarely takes over a day if one already has the materials on hand, though for most they go the further route and bless the amulet from a local priest or cleric, the ritual taking an extra day and multiple hands to imbue the talisman with a blessing.


Hallowed Coldstone's history leads back far, back to when Lord Chaffinch first appeared, though it was a rarer object then, as few practiced the art of Talisman crafting.   Hallowed Coldstone as a mass concept was first thought up after the Shadow Incursions of Karica, when the people of what is now Shade Hills were scrambling to collect their bearings, they thought up the idea of creating a Talisman for their gear specifically made up of the effective materials of Silver, Hallowood and Amethyst, which can help deal with Werecreatures, Shadows and Undead respectively.   While it is never as effective as pure tools made out of some its materials, the blessings put on the amulet from a priest or cleric help adventurers on their journey, and the extra layer of defence helps.


Despite Hallowed Coldstone being made obsolete by certain staves, weapons, wands and other talismen, Hallowed Coldstone still holds a cultural signifance to certain sects of Clerics and Paladins, being fashioned more for prayer in modern years as opposed to purely for its purpose. The amethyst within is cut to vaguely resemble a flame while the silver and hallowood outside is almost fashioned like a lantern to remind the Pathmakers of Shadow's Ward of their purpose, and the people they are protecting back home.
Creation Date
Hallowed Coldstone is usually only made in Karica, specifically Shade Hills as it has the largest presence of shadows and undead, though some in Sciadan have taken up the craft due to the southern forests being rather infested. The materials to make Hallowed Coldstone are common enough that many who live in these areas carry around at least one.
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Hallowed Coldstone is always made of silver, hallowood and amethyst due to their intrinsic properties against basic undead such as skeletons and zombies, wercreatures and shadows, whether its a physical shadow or an apparition, hallowood is effective against both. Most also hang the Hallowed Coldstone from a simple chain, yet others decide to hang the amulet from a fourth material, dependant on where they are from and what they think they are gonna be fighting.
The only special tool required for an amulet is a gem cutter to fit the amethyst within the other materials, however apart from that most residents of Shade Hill are able to create such a talisman.


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