Northern Osteodor Thicket

A large, dense forest-like area to the North of Osteodor near the mountains of Giants Rest. The thicket constantly expands outwards.


The thicket itself is a large mess of large old-growth trees, roots, vines and other kinds of flora constantly growing outwards. Though slow, people have observed the thicket grow from the size of a small open grove to a lush and dense forest over a couple hundred years.


The ecosystem within the thicket is diverse, many prey animals seeing it as a safe haven from predators due to the incredibly twisting landscape of the trees and roots, though predator animals aren't uncommon even due to this.

Localized Phenomena

Many living plants and arboreals reside within the thicket, along with druids due to the huge concentration of natural magic within the thicket, an ancient druid grove being built at the center of the expanding thicket.


The thicket itself is no different to Osteodor, sharing a mild temperature throughout the year, getting cold when the seasons change but, like Osteodor, rarely ever snowing.

Fauna & Flora

Compared to the other forests of Osteodor, the thicket houses far more prey animals and more docile predators like black bears. In addition to the animals, the thicket houses a ton of living plants and arboreals, only being rivaled by the ancient land of Ilthazad.

Natural Resources

The thickets wood is not special, simply being magically infused to constantly grow but when cut it loses its properties, a special fruit does grow within the open groves of the thicket however, a fruit known as an Eternal Plum, seemingly no different than the plums that grow elsewhere in Osteodor, the ones that are harvested within these groves radiate a light aura of natural magic and do not rot, having a seemingly infinite shelf life. Nothing special is gained or lost from eating one.


The thickets history is scarcely written, simply existing as a dense, ever-growing segment of Osteodors forests that has existed for as long as it has been observed, the druids within the grove do not provide much to the history either, simply living out their lives and tending to nature.


Tourism to the thicket is scarce, not many really seeing the fun in going to a dense forest just to look around, but some adventurers from around Sciadan and Osteodor, especially those who wish to experience everything the world has to offer, will traverse the thicket just to talk to some druids and try an Eternal Plum.
Alternative Name(s)
The ever-growing tangle
Location under
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