Shadehill Bound

The Shadefolk jettisoned out of the Shadow Plane and the people affected by the living conditions of Shade Hills. Called Shadehill Bound due to most peoples desire to stay within Shade Hills even with the living conditions.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Most residents of Shade Hill end up abandoning their family names due to the Shadefolk's view on them, simply going by one name or amassing names based on who they grow up with.

Despite this there are still some who keep their family name simply due to not everyone adhering to the lifestyle of the Shadow Plane.


Major language groups and dialects

Shadehill Bound share the language of the surrounding area, speaking Elven and Common mainly though with the added Shadetongue, the language of the Shadow Plane, to their repertoire. With the Shadefolk in the area having been far from the Shadow Plane for a lengthened time, their version of Shadowtongue has almost mixed with the surrounding languages, forming its own dialect different to the Shadetongue of those more pure shadows.

Common Etiquette rules

Many of the Shadehill Bound are nice, albeit showcase some strange customs. Plenty are incredibly outwardly trusting due to the volatile nature of their surrounding area, offering to lead adventurers through their lands for no pay or even thanks.

Most even carry undead warding talismen as extras in order to give as parting gifts whenever they part ways with somebody they had met, even if it was short lived, as most Shadehill Bound want adventurers to be able to pass safely through their lands.

Major organizations

The largest group of Shadehill Bound are those known as the Shadow's Ward, a group of Shadefolk, Humans and Catfolk that have banded together to turn their homes, or what used to be of their homes and land, and make it liveable once more. It's largely due to Shadow's Ward that these people are referred to as Shadehill Bound due to their indomitable nature to not leave their land behind.
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