Sorrows Bite

The parasitic, bite transmitted disease from the sickly pale creatures known as creatures of sorrow.

Transmission & Vectors

Sorrows Bite is exclusively trasmit through the bite of a Creature Of Sorrow, though not all carry it the smaller ones usually do and a bite from them, no matter how severe, should be looked at immediately.


The condition itself begins immediately after a bite, should the creature be carrying it, and takes hold within a person immediately. The disease is luckily enough not able to be transmit through the carrier onto others.


Sorrows Bite manifests almost immediately, if not then within a day as the infected becomes increasingly apathetic, losing all interest in things they once did without a second thought and activites they liked doing, along with a complete lack of emotion. This continues on for a week or two, the soul essentially being husked out of the individual until they barely feel like walking and eating.

After a couple of weeks, usually reported to be one or two, the infected's skin will start to slough, becoming pale, wrinkly and worm-like as it decays while they still live. After enough time has passed in this stage the infected will leave wherever they may be under the shroud of night and find the nearest graveyard to curl up in and die in a fetal or worm-like position. Should a graveyard not be near enough, the infected will simply die in the nearest hole, sewer or canal, simply choosing a horrid place to die that's closer to the ground.


Sorrows Bite is treatable as long as it's within the first stage and noticed immediately, hence why it is recommended that any interaction with a creature of sorrow should be followed up with a visit to a cleric or doctor.

Should the infection progress to the stage where the skin begins to slough, the patient can no longer be cured save for complete divine intervention.


To most peoples luck, no long term effects remain from contracting Sorrows Bite should one be able to be cured. The only effect afterwards would be some lasting apathy, though it has been examined to leave on its own shortly after.

Affected Groups

Most humanoid races can be affected by Sorrows Bite, but it has shown to even take effect in certain animals.


The only prevention is to not be bit, or even come in contact with a creature of sorrow.


Sorrows Bite was first recorded countless years ago on the island that is known today as Goldvale, though back then nobody knew exactly what began infecting the population, people just kept falling.

In modern age Sorrows Bite is more common knowledge due to humanities repeated encounters with Creatures Of Sorrow.
Chronic, Acquired


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