The Larc Market

A yearly festival held by the current ruler of Sciadan within the capitals market and docks district. The tradition itself is long lasting, having been around hundreds of years and still held up year by year in order to bring humanity together.


The first ever Larc Market was held in the year 1477, six years after the first fall of Lord Chaffinch and when Sciadan came together as a nation. Back then, and for most of the following years of the Larc Market it was just a get together of Sciadan, inviting those from the further off towns and villages to celebrate as one combined nation.

It was well later, in the year 1534 during Sciadans expansion and formal agreements with its neighbours, Kadhi Peninsula and Osteodor that the Larc Market grew to encompass the two of them along with Karica, since this was around the time Sciadan opened its borders across the seas and started communications with the other nations.

In the modern day, the Larc Market welcomes all who know of Sciadans existence to the yearly festivities as the festival grows with every year.


The market has no direct formula for how it is, it is simply on a set date it begins and through that week the festivities begin, planned by the nobility of Sciadan and the ruler along with the two bard colleges.

The only sense of structure the Larc Market holds is that merchants will arrive days or weeks in advance to set up their stalls and merchandise.


While the festivites vary year after year some remain similar, the current ruler of Sciadan will always be there to make a speech, a toast to the nation and spread food throughout the various banquet halls.

Additionally, the Eastern Bard College will usually provide performances and parades, led by one Athanasia Illfirin and his favored students for the year.


The market is always on the fiteenth day on the sixth month out of the twelve, and the festivites always last a couple of weeks, varying from two to four.
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Aug 20, 2024 04:02 by Deleyna Marr

It is interesting how varied this event is!
