Кобра № 19 (Co-Bra)

"19 is my name, you may think it's weird to have a number for a name, but it is all I have ever known, and it is how I identify myself as myself. I don't need a complex name with words, 19 is enough and sums me up nicely."

Created by Crawford, Khali

The White-Haired Witch (a.k.a. 19)

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Кобра № 19's outer shell is made up of many Ores, the primary one being TuffStone, which, as the name implies, is one of the most robust metals known to Man. It is durable enough to withstand the heat upon re-entry to a planet but also flexible enough to bend and contort with ease. Additionally, it is interwoven with Cree Stone wire, which makes her largely immune to most Majiks. This shell lies just beneath her artificial skin, and although the skin is also very durable it can be destroyed or removed with sufficient power, revealing her true silver shell beneath.   Her skeletal frame is made from a bendable alloy which gives her great mobility and flexibility but also allows her to change her height and size marginally on command if needed. Additionally, she has an assortment of smaller firearms and weapons built into her frame to be used if things get hairy.    Кобра № 19 is powered by a Faze III Fusion Engine, the same types that are used to power smaller Starships or Ion Cannons. It is not infinite energy but guarantees a minimum lifespan of 350 years. Her brain is a 7th Core SuperComputer capable of performing complex calculations in seconds and maintaining 7 separate lines of thought.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Baktha Dawn is a criminal super organized who, unlike the Hand, operates in the Shadows completely. They are a guild with the goal of overthrowing the current ruling powers and installing their own in their place. The head of BD was the notorious Dr. K. S. Borisovich, one of the most renowned minds in the Mortal Universe. He was long since thought dead but he survived his war with the Commonwealth and learned that the path to victory was deceit and espionage, not brawn.    To this end, Dr. Borisovice spearheaded the Кобра Program which sought to develop state-of-the-art Androids who specialized in espionage and camouflage, designed to infiltrate Governments like the Commonwealth and the Empire to be planted like double agents and slowly gain power until they can ruin them from the inside. 300 Кобра were commissioned, but only 113 were successfully built. Of the 113, only 37 were deemed "Functional" by Dr. Borisovice and the rest were deconstructed.    The Кобра were inspected by Borisovice and evaluated, and then renumbered from № 01 (Most Useful) to № 37 (Least Useful). They were then dispatched across the Universe to infiltrate, lie, kill, and gather information, all in service to Baktha Dawn. This was all Кобра № 19 knew for nearly 200 Cycles. She was a weapon, a tool to be used as a means to an even greater end, a purpose she never had the luxury of choosing. 


Кобра № 19 was programmed with all the necessary information needed for her to complete any mission she is assgined.


Кобра № 19 was originally assigned to be the wife of a high ranking diplomat for the Commonwealth, but her clover was blown and she was forced to kill the woman and flee the Commonwealth. After this, her number, which was originally Кобра № 07 was moved down to Кобра № 19 and was given a series of lesser missions on Outer Worlds. However, later she would rebel against Baktha Dawn and would join King's Gambit

Accomplishments & Achievements

All of the Кобра Models are built for absolute obedience within their Cognitive Complex, which means the program prioritizes complex and creative thinking over obedience. This is because these models would often be undercover for years at a time and cannot receive orders from BD. So, they will need to think for themselves. So to remedy this problem there are certain Precepts set in place to ensure they do not rebel.   Кобра № 19 is not immune to these Precepts but has a far greater degree of freedom and creativity than her counterparts, she cannot violate the Precepts directly but she can quisi-break them, finding loop-holes in wording and orders.

Mental Trauma

Trust is something Кобра № 19 ever had in her life, it was one job after another, followed by death, destruction, and mayhem. Lovers turned enemies, foes, and Hunters, this is all Кобра № 19 has had in her life. Something so easily given yet is nigh impossible to win back, trust is what Кобра № 19 wants and is what she lacks. Lack of trust in Baktha Dawn, in her missions, and in herself.

Personality Characteristics


Кобра № 19 is driven by her newfound freedom of choice, something she never had for nearly 200 Years, what she wore, who she loved, killed, none of it was her choice. She was a drone, mindlessly following orders from her creators. But King's Gambit was something new, a chance to finally make a choice of her own, to finally start living her own life after nearly 200 years of existence. She made powerful enemies and it may have been a bad call to make, but it was her's to make.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Traitorous Android
  • The Ivory menace 
200 Cycles
Circumstances of Birth
Was Manufactured for War
She/ Her
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Кобра № 19 can fluently speak 700 Million Alien tongues, programed for maximum usage but to also more easily fit in among those she is planted with.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS