Between Heaven & Earth


Between Heaven & Earth is an ability that allows for a person or persons to teleport anywhere in Yggdrasil. It is split into two abilities, each held within one of the user's eyes;
  • Sudo Agaki-Maki
  • Sudo Tinsi-Maki
  Sudo Agaki-Maki allows one to cast their mind to any location in the cosmos without limit or restrictions, to places they have never even been before. Sudo Tinsi-Maki allows the user to move their body to wherever their projected mind currently is. When used together, the user can easily and quickly teleport anywhere in all or existence. Sudo Agaki-Mak can also be useful for normal astral projection and Sudo Tinsi-Maki can be used if one's mind as been removed from their body forcibly. 

Side/Secondary Effects

  • Between Heaven & Earth cannot be used to teleport anyone other than the user
  • Between Heaven & Earth demands the use of both the user's eyes to work
  • Between Heaven & Earth is not instant as it may take the user some time to find their targeted location


Between Heaven & Earth is the Majestic Astra of Haroli Al-Hashimi, discovered during his adventures with the Starside Outriders in his youth. This Astra remained with Haroli for the remainder of his life until his death, when they were removed from his body and hidden on Mountain by his daughter Kazuko.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS