Mage State Spell in Old Canon | World Anvil

Mage State

Written by SixPathsSage


Mage State is an amazing powerup that does 3 simple but incredibly powerful things which can bring even the most ill-powered Mages to the next level;
  1. Mage State increases the pool of Magical Energy a Mage has access to, doubling it in total while also fully recovering it.
  2. Mage State dramatically increases the power and potency of your Magical Arts, elevating them to new heights
  3. Mage State grants access to a 9th School of Majik, the Secret Mage Arts, of which there are numerous spells only Mage State users can access. These Spells usually have an enormous Energy cost but can be fatal to any creature, in a similar manner to that of a Rainbow Diamond Blade.

Side/Secondary Effects

  • Mage State can only be used once every 172 Hours because of the strain it puts on the body, additional attempts before the full 172 Hours is completed will result in self-harm
  • Despite it doubling your own Magical Energy, if you have very little Magical Energy from the start, it may not be worth the risk


When you enter Mage State, you will be covered in a Mage's Robes, which is the manifestation of your own Magical Energy on your body. It appears differently for every Mage but it is accompanied by the eyes of a Mage.


Mage State is the application of the Theory of the Magic Pond. In summation, this theory states that there exists this infinite pond (the 5th Dimension) that all Mages take a handful of water from upon birth. Just the right amount, enough to wet your through but not enough to flow over your hands. This is why your amount of Magical Energy never changes until death. However, Mage State is like jumping headfirst into this pond of vast energy, hence all of the gifts it gives a Mage but is also why there is such a long time period between uses of this mode.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Gestures & Ritual
To enter Mage State a Mage needs to be in tune with Universal energies linking them to the 5th Dimension, the Dimension of Majik, only through establishing such a connection can a Mage enter this State of being in tune with the very fabric of Majik itself and reap the benefits of it's rewards.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

Ultimate Weapon Against The Radiance & Darkness

Back during the Great War, when Man was forced into the conflict between Angels & Demons, they found even their greatest of Mages could not kill the Angels or Demons, the Radiance or Darkness would protect them. Mage State was the answer to such a problem, it leveled the playing field and gave Mortals a chance. Beings killed with Mage State were truly Dead and sent to the City of the Dead.

Articles under Mage State