World's End

Created By K. Crawford


After The Great War

Once the 7 Sacred Seals were set, Merlyn retreated to this superstructure sitting in the center of Creation and dubbed it World's End. This is where he made his final Laboratory and where he hid the Power of Everything as World's End was hidden to prying eyes and inaccessible by all, even the Father Almighty. 
Merlyn conceived of the Enders, a race of artificial beings who he made to both tend to World's End and to protect it should the power of this place ever be revealed as surely all of Creation would descend upon it to take this power. In his final years, Merlyn perfected his cart and his Majik, even eons past his death Merlyn was deemed the most powerful Wizard to ever rule and defined the term. Any old fool could breathe fire or use what he called "Base Majik" but it took a deep understanding of reality and yourself to bend all of existence to your will, to become a Master of Majik. After Merlyn met his end in life, he left his work to his daughter, Ganieda Emrys who became the Master of World's End in her father's wake. 

The End War, Yibbithal

When Yibbithal was upon Creation, World's End was in the care of Wyllt Emrys, son of Ganieda. The truth of World's End was leaked by an Ender who was manipulated and killed by Lucifer, the Deceiver. The last Seal was broken and soon the battle began. The Hordes of Yomi and the Legions of Nirvana descended upon the base, but the Army of Man also joined the fight. It was an epic battle that saw massive losses on all sides. 
Wyllt was prepared to die to protect the Power but was saved by Balthazar Skyburner Jr., an Iron Knight who had come to seek the Power in an attempt to end this pointless struggle once and for all. Balthazar battled the 12 Enders of Emrys and obtained the power, using it to destroy itself, ending the war.
The destruction of Omnipotence fractured all of reality and existence, creating shatter points rippling out from World's End as its epicenter. After the was, Wyllt remains in the superstructure with the Enders.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Alternative Name(s)
Nexus of Creation
1 or Trillions
Inhabitant Demonym

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS